
Chapter 594 594 Excitable Envoy

"Good morning Commander. Or is it evening now? That flight was amazing. You wouldn\'t believe how well-tuned they have made the new ship. They even managed to make the hull sing for us as we went to warp fifteen.

And then the disruptor to eliminate that Klem Pod wave, that was incredible. But that\'s not what I came here to talk to you about. Do you suppose that I could maybe, pretty please, keep this suit?

I have more than a few EVA suits, but this one is the best I\'ve ever worn. The augmentics are extremely smooth, not like the cheap government ones made by the lowest bidder, and the helmet, oh my, the helmet. It is simply divine.

How we never thought of doing something like this ourselves astounds me. Or maybe we did, and it just wasn\'t a major company, so it never caught on, but the individual tentacle wrapping is like a temperature controlled hug for the head.

Oh, everyone is here. Hi guys, you\'ll never guess what we were up to." The envoy rambled at high speed as she came into the room, followed by a group of laughing Technicians and Nico.

The look that the Valkia gave Max seemed to say, "Look what we have to put up with," even more clearly than his thoughts did, but Max decided to break down her commentary into manageable chunks so he could analyze the information he was given.

"What\'s this about the hull singing? Is it some sort of structural overload?" He asked.

"On the contrary, it only occurs when there is very little stress on the hull. The energy of the warp field resonates with the hull and creates a low musical melody when the two are perfectly in tune with each other. It means that you have reached near-perfect efficiency.

But about the suit?"

"There was a Klem Pod wave? Where was it headed?" Max continued.

"Some lifeless M Class planet. I\'ll pull it up on the screen so you can see which one I mean. The Sub Commander said that it was a mistaken wave since there was nothing there for them to eat. But we wiped them out anyhow so that we could test the defensive weapons on the new shuttle. It went very smoothly. One shot on maximum dispersion was enough. There weren\'t any power fluctuations either, despite the extended use of the Disruptor.

Now, about the suit? Do you think that I could keep it?"

Max relented with a smile now that he had gotten his answers. "I don\'t see why not. Call it a gift of goodwill. You can keep the accessories that go with it as well since I\'m assuming that there is an emergency kit in the flat space, as is the standard deployment."

"Oh, yes, I saw that there was stuff in there when I put my clothes away. What is it? Is it as good as the suit?" She asked.

"It\'s just some rations, a water maker, a fire starter and other survival gear that would be essential to a user trapped in a disabled ship or uninhabited planet after a crash landing," Max explained.

"Oh, you really did think of everything. Nice fire starter too." She replied with a giggle.

The so-called fire starter was actually a Plasma Pistol, but it could be set to a spark setting for igniting campfires and stove elements.

"I think you might actually be better at dealing with her when she goes full tech nerd than we are. Normally she just bowls us over with enthusiasm." The Giant Envoy informed Max with a dry, unamused tone.

"Dealing with excited Innu is nothing. You should see what it\'s like trying to deal with human soldiers when they get excited. At least an excited Innu isn\'t looking to kill anything." Max informed him, making the Envoy blink slowly as he tried to process the information.

"I think we will have to refer to the Hunters to fully understand that answer. Thank you for your input."

It was clearly a prepared response, indicating that he had no idea what to say, but felt the need to say something in response, and the Valkia shook his head.

"I have never seen my crew like this. For one, a speechless Giant is a rarity. They come prepared for almost anything, but apparently not for casual references to bloodthirsty soldiers, and a certain someone, who is in a lot of trouble right now, is acting a few hundred years younger than her real age."

The Innu envoy looked up at him as she adjusted the helmet that she had just put back on, shaking her tentacles so that they would individually wrap inside the covering.

"You just forgot what it was like to be excited. Do you remember when we showed up to that tax dispute and found that the reason for non-payment was civil unrest? I swear I\'ve never seen you so happy to get to plan a riot control action before." She reminded her winged counterpart.

"That was different. I spent most of my life in law enforcement. You were never a ship engineer, and you haven\'t been on a spacewalk in years, but you\'re all giddy about a new helmet."

"No need to fight. We all get excited about something. Accepting each other with all their idiosyncracies is part of what makes a friendship work." The Illithid reminded them.

"Our apologies. I might have gotten too excited after finding out that I could still use my abilities properly with the helmet on. The suit is not just for spacewalks. It is fully armoured, with a functional forcefield that exceeds the minimum standards for envoy safety, so I can wear it to potentially hostile meetings as well. They even put my name on it and the markings of an Envoy. It\'s very classy."

The professional voice was back in full force, but the phrasing still let slip just how excited she was to get a new outfit.

[Nico, prepare more of those suits for the other Envoys before they go. We can do something so that the Valkia can still use his wings, right?] Max silently questioned her.

Nico replied with a thumbs up and then sent one of the technicians running out of the room, presumably to fill the order.

[You\'re still in trouble.] He added with a smirk.

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