
Chapter 664 664 Android Workers

The pod stopped in front of a tall office tower, designed to look like a tree made of white marble, and seemingly all one piece, where an android was waiting in a smart skirt suit to escort them inside.

There were dozens more workers inside the building, mostly waiting at desks or processing message requests and day-to-day data that would be pure drudgery for a human to do. They had actually hired people to do those jobs, so Max checked his crew information quickly and saw that all of the data entry technicians had been promoted by one grade and were now junior managers of the Data Entry departments, with five androids working under each of them.

None of the humans were in this building, as the entire sector was dedicated to political meetings, and the active operations centers were on the lower floor, but there was at least someone here to greet them and escort them to an immaculately clean office, with what looked like natural sunlight streaming in the windows from the artificial sky outside.

The Dryad looked around the office building, impressed by the tree-themed architecture, even though it was made of the same nearly indestructible material as the ship\'s hull.

"I like it. They kept the theme alive, even though it is made of the strongest available materials for the security of the Envoys and Emissaries present. If you add some carpets and chandeliers, as well as curtains, I think it would be very luxurious looking instead of bare as it is now." She suggested.

"It seems that I have a lot of work left to do to get the ship ready." Max sighed but added the idea to his notes and forwarded them to the android working at the front desk for processing by the logistics staff.

They would likely only take a day or two to get around to doing the upgrades, and for now, it wouldn\'t matter, as Max knew that the office they were headed to was fully furnished.

"You should create a water floor. I know you want to keep the first human world ship a human world ship, but I\'ll be honest with you. At this point, there is no way that you\'re getting rid of the Innu. They will flock to you from all over the galaxy simply because you\'re the species that is most attuned to their desire to develop new things simply to see what happens when they exist." The Innu Envoy suggested.

"The way she phrases that disturbs me, like they\'re innately treating society as a video game and throwing random items into it to see what the inhabitants do with it. But she has a point. Even in the Central Government meeting halls, the Innu are a very strong voice for humans.

Strangely, so is the Myceloid Ambassador, which is unexpected, given your propensity for violence and its peaceful nature. Perhaps it is simply because you are so open to new things, where most species have an innate bias toward them due to the fact that they reproduce by spores."

Max and the Innu Envoy both chuckled at that, and the Valkia looked a bit confused.

"He has a huge crush on the headmistress of Terminus Academy, and his clone heir is a student there," Max explained.

"How could I have forgotten that? Of course, he is on your side. You made it possible for his heir to get closer to the perpetual object of his affection. He\'s been at it for generations. The crush started with her mother, who engineered a daughter to look exactly like she did. The Myceloid are considered nearly immortal, but that\'s because they clone themselves with a core of their own memories. This heir is the fourth body that has been after her tentacles."

"Hey, I don\'t judge. Okay, I judge a little. But it\'s a harmless infatuation, and it hasn\'t crossed the line into stalking." Max shrugged.

"Your meeting room is here, Commander and Envoys. Please enjoy your meeting." The Receptionist informed them as she opened one of the doors near the end of the hallway.

The androids in the building were all identical. 170cm tall, female in form and face, with matching skirt suits and sensible wide-heeled shoes. It was obvious that Nico designed the android staff here because the uniforms were exactly the same as her mother\'s secretary wore to work every day. The androids even looked a little like her and were the same size.

It was as if Nico had decided what the exact correct appearance for every job position should be and simply assigned it to all of the Androids that she created for the position. The ones in the Hangar were the same, but they had all been modified to match the boss, so it was possible that the original idea to make them all the same instead of randomized was his, but the uniform was certainly done by Nico.

When they stepped inside, there was a single Android in a butler\'s outfit waiting with a tray of coffee and snacks, with beverages placed around the round table already and nameplates in the same order as how they were seated in the coffee shop.

The Butler bowed and remained silent, standing by the wall, until the Innu Envoy turned toward the snacks.

"If you would like to take a seat, Envoy, your preferred beverage has been prepared, and I will deliver the appetizers."

The android had a very familiar voice, and Max did his best not to smirk at him. She had used Dave\'s imitation of what a posh butler should sound like, instead of her own family\'s actual Butler, as the voice of the android.

Max would be in this room whenever it was in use, so it was clearly for his amusement, but it helped him relax and feel more at home in the unfamiliar room.

"For the assistants, there are refreshments in the side room, as well as a number of bunks, should you require rest." The Butler informed them with a kind smile that made the Dryad shudder.

"My species is very in tune with emotional states, so the smiling without any emotion behind it is just creepy." She explained.

"Noted. I will add it to my reference material that a smile does not set the Dryads at ease." The Butler replied, returning to professional neutrality.

"They might be newly created, but I must say human technology has created a marvellous base program for the Androids." The Giant Envoy added.

"Thank you, Envoy. It was compiled from seventeen different artificial intelligence and digital assistant models to create a well-rounded personality program. Please do let me know if you need anything else."

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