
Chapter 945 945 knowledge

Chapter 945 945 knowledge

The final decision was to create two versions of the next probe wave. One that was hidden using Hunter Technology and sent out just off of the last launch coordinates, and then a second group that would be modified to move through the other layer while in stealth.

The hope was that one of the two would not be detected and that they could collect all sorts of data on the fleet that had the area surrounded and determine both their motivations and capabilities.

The plan was a simple one: They would send the waves at the same time from the same launch shuttle so that sensors might mistake the version in the other layer as an echo of the ones in regular space.

There was no guarantee the enemy could even detect the other layer or that their sensors couldn't tell the difference between two probes in equivalent spots, but it was worth a shot.

The launch went off without a hitch, and the probes were away, headed toward the edge of the system and their inevitable annihilation.

The strategy group fell silent as the probes headed out, and the Hunters outside all watched their sensors to see what the reaction would be to the next wave of probes. There was a chance that whoever was out there would be angered or challenged by the second attempt, but they had to know who they were facing.

This time, the probes weren't destroyed the instant they got to that point along the line. They simply kept flying outward toward their targets, unmolested.

Khan looked at Nico with a confused smile. "Don't tell me that they don't have the sensor technology to detect a stealth probe. Seriously, there is no way that they can use the tech themselves and not detect it."

Nico smiled back with a manic glint in her red mechanical eyes.

"The Myceloids can detect it but can't use it. These can use it but not detect it, but it seems that we can detect them. As the probes passed close to where the energy blasts originated, they detected fluctuations."

The two of them investigated the finding for a few seconds, then gave each other a high five.

"We know what it is and why it didn't respond to messages when the Hunters first arrived. It is an unmanned autonomous satellite array. It is programmed to destroy anything trying to come out and possibly anything trying to get in as well.

But it lacks the sensors to detect the stealth technology that the Hunters use, so we should be able to analyze their location pattern and then start sending ships through the gaps." Nico explained.

"Should we stop the probes in the other layer so that they can do an in-depth analysis of the satellite constellation? Perhaps we can find out where they were sent from and a bit more about the species that made them." Max suggested.

Nico nodded. "Already on it. We will gather all the information that we can about the blockade and where it is sending signals to, if anywhere. But the probes that passed the line have some interesting data as well.

It seems that as soon as we get out of this region, the interference fades away in an instant, and everything returns to normal. In fact, I know where we are."

That was news to everyone, including Max, who had seen the thought in her mind the instant that she spoke it.

Nico brought up the information on the room's large holographic projector and spun the star map around so that it made more sense from their current perspective.

"If you look here, this is the Numarian Radiation Belt, towards the far edge of the sensor range from Koleska space. Looking at it from the other side, it looks like this, so we can place ourselves approximately here."

There was no data from the Koleska about the stars on the other side of the radiation belt, as their sensors couldn't penetrate it, and it was toward the edge of the territories which were known to them.

It was quite distant from their current perspective as well, but the shape made it impossible to misidentify, like a million light-year-long tear through space.

"That is incredible. The question is, what will we have to do to pass from here to there? Are there more regions like this with broken laws of nature or hostile alien species? For all we know, the Arisen might have already passed through here and wiped out everything." Khan muttered.

"That would actually make it easier, wouldn't it? Nothing to get in our way and the region would be secured by default.

We have intercepted signals from the satellites, so we know where they are sending them to, or at least what direction they are sending them in. Should we send a team to go explore?" Nico offered.

"I think we will have to pick a team from among the reserves. The others will lose their minds if we try to go on an adventure while they're bored out of their minds waiting for something to happen here." Khan reminded her.

Everyone in the room sighed in unison, then began to laugh as they realized how ridiculous their hopes of ending their boredom had been.

"Fine, pick a team with reconnaissance skills and data analysis backgrounds. We will be sending them on a tour through the surrounding star systems.

Strangely, there are no signals being emitted from them, so either they're blocking them, or they might be uninhabited. It looks like one of them is the target of the satellite constellation though, so a jamming method seems probable." Nico agreed.

"Oh, look through this as well. It's a collection of ways that humans have found to make an inhabited system go dark to outside sensors. Most of them were used by mercenaries to hide their camps, but it might be something that the Hunters haven't seen in a while." Max added, then gathered the data that had just come to mind.

"Crude, low tech, and completely effective at keeping signals from leaving their star system. I like it. We will be sure to forward this to the team."

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