
Chapter 1251 1251 Darkness Metro

Chapter 1251 1251 Darkness Metro

"Welcome, everyone, to the main shopping street of the Shining District, named by the crew after they arrived." Sylvie announced as they stepped off the train and into a bustling street full of pedestrian traffic, brightly lit storefronts and the sounds of music and laughter.

"It\'s like being back in a Hive City, a place that never sleeps." One of the Commanders noted, as a young woman in a very short dress slid by them in the crowd, with a bit of an extra wiggle in her step once she noticed the attraction she was getting.

Sylvie nodded. "It is a suitable spot for the people to gather and develop a sense of shared culture. Outside this area, the residential areas are designed with multiple common areas to help develop a sense of community.

Both aspects were deemed essential to the proper functioning of the World Ship."

A shop full of colourful clothing caught their attention, and a number of the Commanders split off, while the others continued on, taking in the sights of the city.

"For such a short adaptation time, I must say that you\'ve done extremely well. Most vessels would have looked like a refugee camp for at least a year after taking in this many people, but it looks like yours is adapting smoothly." One of the Commanders noted as he saw residents of a planet whose rescue mission he had participated in among the crowd.

"The trick is not to let anyone slack and wallow in self-pity. Everyone on board has recently lost loved ones, so we push them all to get back to work and start a fresh life instead of focusing on the past. It is not one hundred percent effective, but they all had a month or more to grieve before we arrived, and the number who will need intensive professional care to cope is under a thousand." Sylvie agreed with a proud smile for her work.

"And the number who will need occasional or less intensive treatment?" One of the others asked.

"I am operating under the assumption that all of them do to some degree. It is in my original programming for soldiers who had been in front-line combat. Ongoing mental health care, coupled with stern rules and regulations to give their lives structure, is the core of my programming in that area."

The Commander sighed. "It must be nice to have an AI to organize things. I took in a large number of people as well, and it has been chaos. They\'re only finally starting to settle in now, and it has been months."

"We all do what we can. What about this boot shop? I can see that you\'re wearing old favourites, but these custom-made units are quite popular among the Reavers." Sylvie suggested, diverting the conversation away from the shortcomings of the other Commander\'s adaptation plan.

Mostly, she didn\'t interfere as they searched through the district for shops that they liked, and it was only ninety minutes later when she noticed the first of them beginning to get bored that she sent a group message to gather at a restaurant where she had booked a private room for them.

"Right on time. Now, what do we have on the menu today?" The Commander seated closest to Sylvie asked.

"I thought that a family style meal, multiple large dishes to share, would be the best answer here so that everyone could try out the various delicacies that the Terminus Trading Company has added to the standard Replicator programs.

These aren\'t replicated directly, though, they\'re cooked in house by Reaver chefs that have been training since their arrival. I am told that they are superb."

Because Sylvie had prepared them for the arrival of the group, the first round of dishes were quickly brought out, and the Reaver Commanders got to try the unique foods that had been brought to the Terminus Trading Company by the various cultures and species that they had taken on board their vessels.

As they were reaching the dessert course, the music outside began to pick up volume, and the sound of people was becoming loud enough to even be heard through the windows of the restaurant, making many of the guests curious and annoying the staff.

"Is there some sort of event going on?" One of the Commanders asked their server.

"It\'s the weekly celebration. The people of Creeping Darkness celebrate their arrival every week. By the ship\'s calendar, this is the rest day, so most of the factories are closed, and everything but the relief supplies and Station segment production has been reduced to a minimal level." She explained.

"So, they\'re celebrating the fact that it is Saturday?" The man asked incredulously.

The server shrugged. "You get used to it. Unlike Absolution, with its resorts and beaches, Creeping Darkness is more urban, so we do block parties, concerts and other lively celebrations instead of long vacations on the beach."

"Do you regret getting placed on Creeping Darkness?" The Commander asked.

"Not at all. You see, I like the big-city life, and until now, I had never considered life aboard a space vessel. But this isn\'t bad at all, and they have open portal days on major holidays, so we can move between Absolution and Creeping Darkness at no charge, as long as both ships are out of combat and stationary."

The Commanders all turned to Max and Nico for verification, but this was an idea that Sylvie and Felicity had come up with on their own when they realized that the ships would have different cultures. If you lived at the beach, then fancy shopping and a bumping nightlife would be a nice change. If you lived a fast-paced urban lifestyle, then a beach resort would be the key to relaxation.

So, they had arranged to allow their crews to mingle and drive up tourism rates. She might have forgotten to mention it to the Commanders, but Sylvie was very proud of this plan when she made the shipwide announcement.

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