
Chapter 437 - 437: Arrogance

Chapter 437 - 437: Arrogance

While the people who claimed to be from the Warlock Council were going through a battle in the land of the Nobles, the real Warlock Council Envoys had landed in Elisium.

The Warlock Council plane landed in the Capital City of Elisium. It wasn’t alone though. Many military planes landed nearby that had escorted the plane safely here.

The doors of the private plane opened as two ladies stepped out. One of the ladies happened to be Jenilia, who was an intern at the Warlock Council.

On the other hand, the other person was Jia, who was a Warlock Council Elder.

Stepping out of the plane, the ladies noticed a well-suited man waiting for them. The handsome-looking man was dressed in a black suit and black pants as if he was a businessman.

He approached the two ladies of the Warlock Council calmly..

"Greetings to the Warlock Council Envoys. I am Dallas, the Uprising Envoy who was sent here to welcome you." The well-dressed man informed Jia and Jenilia.

"Hmm? You were sent here? I thought your leader would come here personally?" Jia asked, amused.

Was the Uprising trying to lower their prestige by sending a low-level member to welcome them?

"I apologize, but he doesn’t have time for such minor things. He has many more important things to attend to," Dallas replied, following Lucifer’s commands.

He was following the order of treating the Warlock Council like an organization that was at best on the same level as theirs.

"Are you implying that the Warlock Council isn’t worth his attention? We’re not as important as the things he does?" Jia asked, feeling slighted.

"You have a very big tongue, young man. Even when APF and Hunter Union existed in the land, they didn’t dare to talk to us like that," she added, frowning.

"It’s not only my tongue which is big. You should find some time; I’d love to show you other big things," Dallas answered, smiling.

"You!" Jia understood what he was implying, making her face turn red. It was unclear if her face turned red from anger or something else.

"Anyway, please don’t compare us to APF and Hunter Union. If they were really that special, they would still exist today. Unfortunately, they weren’t on our level," Dallas continued, changing the topic.

"So we can certainly dare more than they did. As for how much more, I hope you won’t need to see that," he added, smiling. "Please follow me. I’ll take you to the higher ups."

He gestured for Jia to follow him as he walked towards a nearby helicopter.

"Well, they’re certainly more courageous now, it seems. Uprising existed even before, but they weren’t as vicious and courageous then. It looks like new leadership gave them even more courage than we expected," Jia let out, following Dallas.

Jenilia also walked behind her.

"With their arrogance, they are certainly ones who could have killed my brother without being concerned. I feel it inside my heart. They were certainly involved," Jenilia commented, unaware that the man she was following was certainly the one who had killed her brother.

She was trying to find the killers of her brother, not knowing that he was right in front of her eyes.

She and Jia entered the black helicopter behind Dallas, which started rising in the air.

After a short trip, the helicopter landed on top of the new Uprising headquarters.

Jia and Jenilia were escorted inside the building to Kellian’s office.

Knock! Knock!

Dallas knocked on the door.

"Come in," A man’s voice came from inside the room.

Opening the door, Dallas stepped inside with Jia and Jenilia.

The two ladies were expecting to meet the leader of the Uprising at least now, but even now, they found someone else, which made them disappointed.

"You’re not the new Uprising leader, are you?" Jia asked.

"I’m the Vice-Captain of Uprising and the acting head, Kellian. Please take a seat," Kellian said calmly, not even standing up to welcome them.

"Hmm, the Uprising has really grown arrogant. Your leader didn’t come to welcome us at the airport. And even now, he doesn’t meet us. I wonder how you got so courageous so suddenly," Jia asked, sitting before Kellian. Jenilia also took a seat.

Only Dallas remained standing, folding his arms.

"Hmm? Why should our leader welcome you? You’re not our bosses, are you? And if it’s about respect, you aren’t a leader in the Warlock Council. If your leader was coming, it might have been proper courtesy to welcome him but not you. I don’t think you can blame us for that," Kellian calmly answered.

"Anyway, the leader is busy. If you need anything, you can talk to me. And if you don’t want to talk to me, then you can leave. That’s all I can do," he added.

"Alright. I’ll talk with you then. Why did you attack our plane? You know, that’s a valid reason for us to attack Elisium, right? You can be arrogant now, but before the army of the Warlock Council, you’re nothing. Do you understand?" Jia asked, observing the expressions of Kellian.

As she offered a threat to him, she expected him to at least worry a little, but no such expressions appeared on his face.

It was as if he wasn’t worried about something like that at all, which was very odd.

"You can certainly tell a great joke, young lady. But how could we attack your plane? Didn’t you land safely here? You wouldn’t be alive if we had attacked you," Kellian answered.

"Don’t act smart. I’m talking about our other plane, which was to come before this one. But it was blown up mid-way. A Council Elder died in the blast. As I said, that’s enough of a reason for us to attack you."

"Hmm? I don’t remember getting any information about any other Warlock Council plane coming here. In fact, even the information about your plane’s arrival was given to be by the Warlock Council an hour before landing," Kellian replied, acting ignorantly.

" Without any information, how could we attack your plane? In any case, I don’t remember the news about any plane explosion in Elisium. Are you sure it happened here?" he asked.

"It happened in another Nation," Jia replied.

"Let me get this straight then. A plane of the Warlock Council is blown up in a random nation, and we have no information about the arrival of that place, and you want to blame Elisium for that?" Kellian asked, rolling his eyes.

"Is the Warlock Council really that stupid? Or do they think that we at Elisium are stupid?" he further inquired.

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