
Chapter 668: She will...

Chapter 668: She will...

"No need to waste a single second here. Let\'s continue. Training is more important," Zale let out, agreeing to leave. He didn\'t even glance back.

"Good decision." Lucifer started rising in the air with Zale and left.

"Sigh, what an intriguing guy. I wonder if we\'ll ever meet again." Jestor watched Lucifer leave, partly glad that he left finally.

"Still, it was intriguing for him to see how he manipulated the people around him to do his deed happily and still make them feel that they received something from it."


After the one cruise stop, Lucifer didn\'t stop anywhere with humans, mostly because there were enough islands on the way. He only stopped after reaching the continent of Triton, which was his destination.

After getting to the continent, he landed on the port town, tired after such a long flight.

"Is this the place?" Zale asked.

"Not yet. We are still far from our destination. But we should be there tomorrow. For now, we need to look for a hotel to rest for a little."

"Do you have the currency of this continent to pay for the hotel?" Zale asked, smiling wryly.

"Currency of this continent?" Lucifer asked in return. "I doubt we\'ll be needing it."

"You mean we\'ll force our way in?" Zale asked.

"Nope. I meant we would borrow a room for a little and pay them back later," Lucifer replied. "Now, come with me."

He walked to the closest person to ask him the path to the hotel.

"Help!" A loud scream echoed in the surrounding, attracting the attention of quite a lot of people.

Hearing the call for help, Zale didn\'t even think twice before running to help.

"Sigh, I\'m the son, and I need to act like the babysitter here." Lucifer watched Zale leave, sighing.

He also started chasing after Zale. "It seems at his core; he\'s still the same person who can never refuse a call for help. At least, he won\'t fall for a vixen again... Hopefully."

He saw Zale enter an alley, disappearing from his sight.

What followed was a painful grunt before Lucifer reached there. He saw a man lying in the distance. His mouth was bleeding while some of his teeth were lying on the ground.

A knife was also lying near him.

The man glared at Zale like he was going to eat his seven generations for hurting him. He picked up the knife and started walking to Zale, who had his back turned to the guy.

Zale was still talking to the lady, asking if she was alright.


An even louder scream filled the alley, but the scream belonged to a man this time.

The scar-faced man was screaming in pain. His right hand was lying on the ground, sliced from the wrist. It was the same hand which was holding the knife.

His arm was bleeding heavily as his face turned pale. He felt like he was dying.

\'Sometimes, I really wonder if he\'s actually my father. How can he make such a rookie mistake of showing his back to a criminal who he hurt? Could it be that I was wrong?"

" No. He did say his name was Zale Azarel, and he was from Elisium. It\'s just so hard to believe that he was so naive in his early days. I\'ve always known him as the best of the best. But here he is... He is like a hero wannabe."

Zale was looking at the criminal, who was groaning in pain. "We need to take him to a hospital!"

Lucifer\'s face twitched unwillingly.

"He certainly needs a good doctor. Let me send him to the best doctor in this world." He waved his hand, sending a wind blade to slice the neck of the man, silencing him forever.

"W-what did you do?" Zale asked.

"I sent him to the best doctor in the world," Lucifer said, pointing his finger to the sky. "You know how doctors say that only God can save the patient when they have no hope? I sent him to him. He should be fine there."

Seeing a murder happen right before her eyes, the woman started shivering. Finding an opportunity, she ran away without stopping.

"Killing for trying to steal a purse of a woman? Isn\'t that overboard?" Zale asked.

"Nope. Who says I killed him for that purse? I couldn\'t care any less about that purse or any such thing," Lucifer lazily said as he turned around. "Now, let\'s get rid of the body before the woman calls the cops on us."

He stopped before the body of the man and started using his decay.

"What? We helped her. There is no way she would do such a thing."

"Want to bet?" Lucifer asked, smiling. "It\'s only a matter of time. She should already be trying to find cops to tell them that a murder took place here."

"Fine. I am ready to bet. If she didn\'t tell cops about this murder, I\'d run. And after that, you won\'t kill anyone. Deal?" Zale asked.

"In that case, if I will, you\'ll also do one thing I ask from you, no matter what."

"What would that one thing be?"

"That\'s a secret. But since you\'re so sure, why worry? Make a bet." Lucifer flashed a smile as he finished taking care of the body and stood up.

"Fine. It\'s a bet!" Zale agreed.

"Sure. Let\'s wait then." Lucifer said, standing by the support of the wall, waiting.

"Sure. You can wait here all day. She won\'t be coming here with the cops." Zale also waited right beside Zale.

Time slowly kept trickling away, and soon, ten minutes had passed, but no one showed up.

"See? I told you it wasn\'t going to happen. You were wrong."

"What\'s the hurry? It\'s only been ten minutes," Lucifer replied.

Just as he finished speaking, the sound of screeching of tires was heard. A cop car stopped before the alley, and two cops stepped out of the car.

"These two match the description! You there, if you don\'t want to be shot, raise your hands and surrender! We have a witness saying you murdered someone!" They commanded, pointing their guns to Lucifer and Zale.

"You were saying something?" Lucifer asked Zale, smirking. "You are too naive about how this world works."

He glanced at the cops. "May we ask what we actually did? Is hanging out in the alley a crime?"

"Didn\'t you hear us for the first time? We have a witness saying that you killed a person here a few minutes ago!"

"We killed a person here a few minutes ago? That\'s funny. Where is the body then? Don\'t tell me I ate the body?" Lucifer asked, amused.

"If you\'re so eager to believe anyone, let me tell you. Two ladies killed fifty people in the alley right beside. Go and arrest them."

"You see, it\'s really easy to make accusations. We\'re innocent travelers and nothing more. Why would we kill anyone?"

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