
Chapter 189: Governing Policy

Homo Evolutis could be generally separated into two types, Survivors and skilled Homo Evolutis, like Perceptors, Thinkers, and Deceivers.

According to the incomplete record compiled from the junkyard civilization, after a race ventured into space with the intention to migrate to a new home planet, a small populace of that race would evolve to become cosmic adapters.

The simplest adapters would have a better sense of the 3D space. They could instinctually feel out an area’s lattice space. This helped tremendously in space combat. Their reaction time became better than usual, and there was a tiny bit of improvement in sensing danger, which allowed them to notice hidden malice. Lastly, their DNA mapping was in some ways restructured, rendering them to receive better results from the genetic mesomeric effect.

More complex adapters had access to everything listed above and a specialized skill. These skills, depending on their type, could be expended to benefit the whole civilization. For example, the Diviner could sense danger approaching his or her group. In the wide cosmos, an early warning could mean life or death for a civilization.

Other examples included the Anima, who could bypass the limitation put forth by the creator’s particle. The Seeker could be used as a surveillance replacement when said devices were predisposed. Oftentimes the Seeker could see things that these devices would miss. Whisperers were invaluable assets to a civilization’s survival and prosperity, as they could greatly increase the scientific output of a civilization. They were something of a gem to the civilization.

Among the Homo Evolutis, the most unique were the All-Rounders and Deceivers...

The records of the junkyard civilization stopped with regards to how unique they were. The Academy guessed this was because the civilization didn’t have these two Homo Evolutis types, or the records were ruined in combat. Either way, that marked the end of the record. This information was all siphoned into the Homo Evolutis Faction.

Now that Yao Yuan was a Level 2 All-Rounder, he could feel some minute changes, the most conspicuous being the natural and mysterious attraction he exuded for surrounding Homo Evolutis. This was the feeling of being summoned described by the Homo Evolutis who volunteered to join the troopers.

To be honest, Yao Yuan hated this development from the bottom of his heart because the willingness of these people wasn’t truly voluntary, they were swayed by some spiritual instinct to be near him. Even though Yao Yuan didn’t quite like it, realistically speaking, with the addition of these 30 news troopers, the numbers of the Black Star Troopers would rise back again to 152 people, even a little larger than its initial numbers. After adequate training, the Black Star Troopers would be the Hope’s most powerful military regime.

Therefore, despite his personal reluctance, Yao Yuan had to enroll the volunteers into the Black Star Troopers training program. Among the new trainees were 8 female Survivors, which gave Yao Yuan quite a headache. Finally, Yao Yuan decided to accept them as the Black Star Troopers’ medical unit.

However, a bigger headache awaited him after that...

"Ol’ Yao, I still feel it’s not a good idea to compartmentalize the Black Star Troopers. We’ve seen from the war with the mother nest, a large scale group combat was the trooper’s strength," Guang Zhen said as he followed behind Yao Yuan as the two of them walked towards the captain’s room. He didn’t stop advising Yao Yuan until they reached their destination.

Yao Yuan closed the door with much frustration. He then exchanged a look with Barbie, who was also following them, and she obediently stayed outside of the room. As the door slammed shut, Yao Yuan lectured Guang Zhen. "Ol’ Wong, it’s not that I want to lecture you, but you’re at least the Defense Unit’s general. Why were you yammering like an old woman as we walked here?"

Guang Zhen smiled wickedly and said, "Isn’t this all your fault? Speaking of the Defense Unit, not only did you not replace the men that I’ve lost, you’ve decided to minimize it, leaving me with only 5 battalions, 2,500 soldiers in total. What’s up with that? Furthermore, the Black Star Troopers now have 152 members. That is equivalent to 152 human-shaped tanks. It can totally be a specialized armored division, but suddenly you tell me you want to separate it into 10 smaller troops each with 15 members, and they are not under the Defense Unit’s jurisdiction. Now how can I help myself to not hammer some sense into you?"

Yao Yuan didn’t reply. Instead he steeped a pot of tea and poured out 2 cups. He passed one to Guang Zhen and held another for himself. Then he finally said, "Ol’ Wong, I understand what you’re trying to say. You’re worried about the recent discussions about the constitution and future human government’s governing policy, aren’t you? Therefore, you want to bring in the military to have some leverage in the future?"

Guang Zhen almost did a spit take of the tea. He put down the tea cup and looked at Yao Yuan with a complex expression. He sighed and replied, "Ol’ Yao, you yourself know how ugly politics can become. If possible, I just want to be a simple soldier... Even though the human government will be under your lead, so it probably won’t be so corrupted, the political scene is as fickle as the weather. I’m just looking out for you here. If anything changes in the future, this way at least you’ll have the full Black Star Troopers as your support. The politicians would be deterred to have their schemes set on you...

"But if you break up the troopers, this is giving the politicians the opening they need to undermine you. What if there is an insurgency, or impeachment? Therefore..."

Yao Yuan laughed heartily. He stood up to slap Guang Zhen on his shoulder, adding, "Ol’ Wong, your thoughts are still stuck on Earth it seems, and not only that, it’s still focused on those days you were embroiled in the Heaven Party’s politics... You’re right, politics is an always changing the scene, your friend from yesterday could be your enemy today, but there is one detail that you’ve missed. Ol’ Wong, do you know why I asked Barbie to wait outside? This is because everything I’m going to say next is only allowed within the Black Star Unit. This conversation never happened after we step out of this room, understood?"

Guang Zhen nodded wonderingly. Yao Yuan continued, "First, the new government will be widely different from the ones found on Earth. The biggest difference is, in this case, we’re the rule makers, not the rules followers. Do you understand what this means? Realistically speaking, if I’m willing to, I could wrest total control from the existing government. Of course, this might lead to armed resistance, so I won’t be doing it, but I could rest easy knowing that the option is always available.

Your worry is not unfounded, because humans are never good at remembering favors. There is a reason why we have Thanksgivings annually, to remind us to be thankful. Humans have a natural tendency to fixate on how they’ve been wronged but never on how they’ve been saved. It is impossible to ask the politicians to not undermine our power simply because we’ve saved humanity. That’s your concern, right?"

Guang Zhen nodded immediately, saying, "That is right. Based on how things are going, it is a sure thing that we will have a future government. You’ll probably be its first president, or the equivalent, and I’ll give it one whole generation to prosper, but what about two or three generations later? With the medical technology, we can live up to 150 to 200 years old, that is 3 or 4 generations already. What if you don’t get re-elected? Then, how do we handle the executive and legislative branches that are taken away from our hands? You need to understand that politicians are the most heartless creatures there is. You need to have the Black Star Troopers as a safety measure; that’s why I’m very adamant against breaking up the troopers."

Yao Yuan shook his head and said, with a smile, "If we were still on Earth, this thing may happen, and it would have a high possibility of happening, but you forget that we’re no longer on Earth, and this is no longer the 3rd revolution. We’re in the 4th industrial revolution!

"The increase in productivity is going to introduce life into the political scene as well. As the rule maker of the new government, do you really think I would give power to the politicians that you mentioned? The 4th revolution is going to improve the overall lifestyle of the general public, so the only way those politicians can stir up resentment towards the government is through an attack on our autocratic nature, and that is why I’ve decided the new governing policy will be something like this...

"I will set myself up as the chief of state so that I’ll have a say until my death. I’ve secretly taken down the names of those people who have been instigating uproar in the public by releasing statements like ’we will not let the public out of the Hope.’ They will not be getting any power. They must think that with the new government, I will need to expand the House of Representatives, but they will be wrong. The new governmental structure will not be the traditional pyramid shape but a circular shape with us at the center. We will have the majority of ruling rights, and the rest will be shared among the general citizens. Other than ourselves, everyone else will be given equal say in the matters of politics.

"It is my hope that with the arrival of the 4th and 5th revolutions, the public’s mind will be following the footsteps as well and evolve into responsible citizens that can think and choose logically for themselves. The public will replace those politicians that you worry about. Of course, this structure still needs a lot of tweaking, but I believe that in the future, with this structure in place, a true democratic society will arise!"

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