
Chapter 80 Blood, Sweat & Guts

The stream of monsters that came from the left corridor seemed to increase further.

In fact, one could clearly see that monsters were literally pouring out of the front and right corridor!

This showed just how many monsters had emerged from the permanent Gate’s second wave, forcing them to make a detour to enter the hall on the second floor.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins, followed by mana with which he accelerated the circulation of his blood.

Through this, Dilan allowed his body to enter a state where he was fully prepared to fight, with his life on the line if necessary.

When the others had formed a small formation around the new Ascenders, Dilan didn’t even feel the need to say anything anymore.

He catapulted himself ahead with his huge Agility, before switching the weapon boost from the Captain’s weapon to the Clawed Gloves.

Rather than focusing on having an even vaster gap to everyone else in terms of speed, it was more important for Dilan to have the necessary Strength to kill all of his opponents with one, or two hits, at most!

Scanning the room once again, Dilan perceived a total of 15 high-leveled monsters.

A third of them were Bronze monsters. Dilan focused on them simply because they were the most disastrous of the lot.

That was why he appeared right in front of the first War Krendel just a second later.-.

Without activating even a single technique he jumped ahead while thrusting his sword forward.

The longsword pierced through the head of the tall War Krendel, killing it at once.

The first Bronze monster succumbed to its fate, just like that!

However, Dilan was far from done.

Dilan didn’ give the War Krendel even one more second of his attention.

He blasted himself ahead to reach the next monster that had already been waiting for him.

It was some sort of a huge, mutated horned rat. It was walking on two legs, had short arms, and squealed at him in anger.

Just a moment later its eyes began to glow faintly.

Because Dilan had looked straight in its eyes, he struggled for a moment as dizziness overcame him.

He felt as if his entire head was being bombarded with mental attacks.

This forced him to avert his eyes from the mutated rat and look elsewhere before he finally reached it.

Dilan almost stumbled over the dozens of horned rats and Krendels which he trampled as if they were not worthy of his attention.

And that was exactly the case because Dilan’s entire focus was on the now 14 powerful monsters that were in his proximity.

It took him a mere moment to adjust to the sensation of stomping over the living bodies of moving and writhing beings, but that was only something momentary.

Once he got the hang of it, Dilan had already appeared in front of the rat that was his designated target.

While slashing his longsword at his target, he clearly noticed that the mutated horned rat was trying to move.

This showed that its speed was higher than the War Krendel’s.

But it was still not enough to be on par with Dilan, whose speed rivaled some existences that had already advanced to Tier-1!

Fortunately, it didn’t seem as if an existence like this was present right now.

This was the only advantage right here, which was something Dilan could make use of.

Beheading the mutated Rat as if he was merely opening a bottle with a thumb, he turned away merely a moment later.

His gaze turned towards the group around Kathrine.

There were a total of 10 Ascenders that were trying to hold their formation, to keep fighting.

However, it was quite easy to perceive that the number of horned rats and Krendels was way too high.

Pierre and Sarah had merely reached level 3 by now, while Ailee, Oliver, and Kathrine were not exactly at an extremely high level as well.

This made things quite complicated for them. After all, their current position was not exactly easy to defend as well.

“Just keep fighting. When it becomes too much for you, retreat slowly while continuing to fight!!” Dilan suddenly shouted an instruction in a voice that was loud enough to reach everyone.

He didn’t even wait to see their reaction or if they had understood him clearly and simply turned his head back.

Thanks to the Pyros Rayo Zombie’s Essence that boosted his mana by a lot, he still had more than three units of mana left.

This was more than enough for everything he wanted to do.

With all his might, Dilan threw the Captain’s Sword towards the War Krendel that approached Kathrine and the others with fast strides.

Flying through the entire hall in a beautiful arch, the razor-sharp blade of the Captain’s Sword pierced through the chest of the War Krendel.

It was not yet dead, but Dilan didn’t fret over it.

The War Krendel would die eventually! This was the only important thing.

Dilan spread his hands wide open and inserted enough mana into the Clawed Gloves so that they would receive an enhancement in their sharpness and endurance for 15 seconds.

At the same time, three units of mana were utilised to activate the [Thunder Step] ability for 15 seconds!

Catapulting himself ahead with a thunderous noise that reverberated through the entire hall that made faint cracks spread like cobwebs on the glass of the windows, Dilan appeared in front of the next Bronze monster.

Instead of using some glorified and beautiful tactics, Dilan decided to fight dirty.

Both of his hands lunged out for the one-meter tall rat that stood in the middle of numerous smaller beasts and closed his fingers against its thick neck.

In a second, he smashed its head against the wall.

This caused its death in less than a second; a boring and inglorious one.

Dilan simply wiped his hand to the back of his jeans and moved forward as had more than enough monsters to defeat, and no time to joke around.

Thus he catapulted himself several meters ahead with a single push.

He landed in a spot with a total of five high-leveled Krendels.

They looked like lesser versions of the War Krendel, which was why Dilan deemed them as Krendel Warriors.

The five Krendel Warriors prepared themselves for his attack.

However, even then, they didn’t expect his Agility to be close to 15 times stronger than the average human before the Primordial Ascension.

As such, owing to their own Agility that was barely nearing 3.5, they were incapable of keeping up with Dilan!

He went on a rampage as he slashed open their throats, and kept inflicting several lethal and several centimeters deep gnashes on their chest, or simply tearing out their hearts, making fountains of blood spurt through the surrounding, painting the walls and the floor red as their organs spilled out of their now mutilated bodies.

And everything was done in a matter of three seconds, and only a single droplet of sweat trickled down his temples.

Without giving himself the time to take a deep breath, he turned into a purple flash that desired the blood and death of his opponents!

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