
Chapter 171 Sun Temple

As long as he could gauge the threat posed by the Sun temple’s dangers, a big burden would be lifted off his chest.

In fact, not only Dilan would be able to calm down the moment more information about the Sun temple was found out but everyone else would feel a bit relieved as well.

Dilan felt more comfortable when thinking about the Sun temple as well, which was why he chose it over the mountainside.

Running at a moderate speed without draining too much of his Stamina, Dilan arrived on the Shikan plains not long after he left the hospital.

Many hordes of mutated animals were calmly grazing without feeling bothered by the appearance of Dilan.

This astonished him a little bit as it had been quite a while since he had encountered peaceful animals.

“So not every existence strives to become stronger?”

Dilan only knew that it was necessary to kill other living beings to get his hands on their Essence crystals, which he would then have to absorb to become stronger.

There was no other way to increase one’s raw combat prowess than by using Essence crystals.

That was the biggest reason for him to be astonished about the grazing mutated cows, Bisons, antelopes and so on.

None of them was eager to fight him and even they could sense that he was not out to fight them as well.-.

The moment they would sense killing intent or bloodlust the hordes of beasts would either flee or fight with their life on the line.

Dilan didn’t plan on creating a commotion while researching the Sun temple.

He avoided the hordes of mutated animals, made a big detour around them and slowly made his way toward the Sun Temple.

It was much further away from Rian than he had assumed.

An entire hour passed before Dilan appeared in the proximity of the ginormous construction that was the Sun temple.

“It’s much bigger than expected. 300 meters? Well, no idea, it might be more or less.”

Dilan shrugged his shoulders while taking a last glance to his back.

There were quite a few predators in the Shikan plains and Dilan could tell that many of the said predators were quite strong.

Their predatory instincts had been strengthened after the Primordial Ascension and they had hunted many other mutated animals and monsters to become stronger.

Dilan had to be the most careful while facing the mutated animals as even monsters were less dangerous.

He was not sure why but most monsters he encountered on the Shikan plains seemed less dangerous than the Blue Tiger and other mutated animals he was forced to have a stand-off on the Shikan plains.

Nonetheless, they only glared at him, at most, and Dilan didn’t have to fight anyone since he entered the Shikan plains, which was quite advantageous.

His combat prowess was still at its peak and he was ready to go all out if necessary.

Dilan was able to keep his cool in front of the ginormous Sun temple. The brightly glowing ball of fire that hovered above the temple attracted some of his attention but Dilan was more focused on the things that occurred on the ground.

He spent several hours walking around the Sun temple and the small town that had been built around the temple to have a first-hand impression of everything.

“Only the temple is impressive and looks a bit modern, other than that, it feels like we returned to the middle ages. Maybe even that is too much…”

If he were to say that he was fully satisfied with what he saw, Dilan would be lying.

In fact, he was quite disappointed by the state of the town. The entire town was crudely built out of wood, making it seem as if some wooden trunks had been thrown on top of each other.

This was already a culture shock for Dilan, but even more so was the fact that the two foreign races were actually trying to plant some seeds in the farmland they had cultivated within the last few days.

‘If you guys want your seeds to germinate…how about you wait until winter is over?? The ground is literally frozen…’

Dilan was wondering if the human-like Lions and the human-like Hawks were stupid but he quickly realized something different.

‘They’re also shivering while seeking the warmth of the Sun temple…have they never faced cold, snow, or winter?’

On Milarn, some countries never had winter or snow. As such, it was not unlikely for the two foreign races to have never experienced cold as well.

It was not that unlikely, considering how weirdly they acted while walking through the faint layer of snow that had accumulated on the ground.

Only a few brave and resilient individuals of the foreign races dared to leave the enclosure of the town that had been warmed up due to the Sun temple’s miniature Sun!

Dilan paid most attention to these brave and resilient individuals because they went out wielding weapons. Their expressions were fierce as well, and Dilan could clearly sense that they were powerful.

‘On par with the Blue Tiger?’

If his perception was not wrong, each of the half-human half-lion and Hawk-headed beings was strong enough to fight Dilan head-on.

But that was actually what interested him a lot, simply because he had expected the two foreign races to be stronger.

‘Those are not their strongest forces, right?’ Dilan kept squinting his eyes as he followed the group of six individuals slowly.

As long as he figured out how fast they were, Dilan would be able to tell whether he could run away from them or not.

It was not as if he planned to run away but the idea that formed in his mind was too reckless. Thus, he needed to be able to run for his life if everything failed.

He kept watch over the six foreign existences and followed them while maintaining sufficient distance from them.

They didn’t seem to notice him, or they simply didn’t care about him but that was not something he was concerned about right now.

Dilan saw that they approached a batch of Bisons that had moved a bit farther while grazing the pastures from the rest of their horde.

There were a total of 10 mutated Bisons and their size was similar to that of the Giganon Long-tusk Boars he had hunted recently.

But contrary to the Giganon Long-tusk Boars, it looked like the Bisons were stronger and had attained a higher level of intelligence.

If Dilan perceived this from a distance of more than 300 meters, while pressing his body to the ground to hide behind the cover of the long grass blades, the foreign beings could tell this as well.

However, they were not even trying to hide their intentions as they kept approaching the Bisons. Not long after, the mutated Bisons noticed the approach of the six individuals followed by their intentions to kill them.

This enraged the Bisons but they didn’t attack recklessly. At first, they retreated a few steps as they didn’t know whether their opponents were stronger or not.

Yet, just when the mutated Bisons began to retreat they halted in their tracks as they saw that two of the approaching individuals slipped on the ground.

They struggled to remain on their feet but ended up falling even after the effort they put in to remain standing.

The Bisons took this as their opportunity when they saw what happened. After they issued a thunderous roar, they charged forward, reaching a breathtaking speed in an instant.

However, instead of panicking, the four Lion-headed beings changed their stance as if nothing was wrong.

At that moment, a glint of slyness emerged in the eyes of the two Hawk-headed beings, who had ‘fallen’ to the ground.

‘What an act!!’ Dilan could only think before his focus returned to watch the fight of the six existences of the foreign races against the 10 powerful mutated Bison!


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