
Chapter 176 Ligrav & Rasnian

Everyone looked at Dilan as if he was the weirdest existence they had encountered in their entire life.

This confused him a little bit but he couldn’t mind it too much as he noticed that his nose was bleeding.

However, that was the only aftermath Dilan had to face, nothing else.

‘He is merely bleeding a little bit but seems perfectly fine in every possible way…is that owed to his race that is so powerful, or because he is a rare and strong individual of his race?’

The noble-clothed Lioness, who was standing in front of the others, couldn’t help but feel a little bit worried.

It didn’t matter that Dilan was weaker than her, or the guards behind her were even stronger than her. Even then, she didn’t feel safe right now as the fear of having entered a too dangerous planet crept up her spine.

Meanwhile, Dilan had noticed that he had spoken rudely to the noble individuals of the foreign race, which was why he felt the need to change his attitude.

He straightened his back, smiled gently, and introduced himself formally.

“Greetings your Excellency, my name is Dilan Cier, I belong to the human race, and I’m not here to hurt anyone.”

After his introduction, Dilan waited for a second, hoping for the others to say something in return. Unfortunately, they kept looking at him with seemingly soulless eyes, which was why he felt the need to break the awkward silence once again.

“May I know your name and what race you hail from? I’m very interested in the Sun God Valgard as well. I have never heard about divinity, the existence of Gods, and so on.-.

In fact, your Excellency belongs to the first foreign race I’ve encountered in my entire life. That being said, I would like to apologize if my behavior comes across as rude. I am not familiar with the customs and traditions of your race.”

It was obvious that Dilan was intrigued by the two foreign races. Not only was this because he had to figure out their views about the human race but also because they seemed to have the support of a God.

This sounded terrifying enough for Dilan to act as politely as possible, which was certainly not his biggest strength.

Yet, the more Dilan spoke, the more frightened the others became of him. They looked at him as if he was a devil, who had crawled out of the pits of hell to tear them apart.

‘His pronunciation is perfect…even someone who learns a new language instantaneously cannot achieve this…just what kind of monster did our hunters pick up?!’

Instead of answering any of Dilan’s questions, the noble-clothed Lioness asked him a peculiar question.

“Is everyone….like you, or are you the strongest of your race?”

The answer to this question was the only thing the Lioness wanted to know, right in this instant. She couldn’t just answer Dilan’s questions without knowing the answer to that first.

“Strongest of my race?… I’m not sure. I guess I’m not the strongest? But I’m certainly strong!”

There was no arrogance in his voice. He was quite nonchalant as he revealed his honest thoughts.

He could tell that he was not the strongest amongst humans right now. This was quite easy to deduce because Pyro from the Death Beatles gang had reached Tier-1 before him.

As long as someone similar to Pyro existed on Milarn, he or she should have reached a much higher combat prowess than Dilan.

Dilan did not only face the disadvantage arising from his occupational passive ability [Warror’s Unparalleled Physique] that deprived him of half of the Essences he absorbed but there was also the Blessed Curse!

The Blessed Curse [Will of the Primordial] crippled his quick advancement, which was why Dilan was certain that there should be stronger Ascenders out there on Milarn he had yet to come across.

This was despite the fact that Dilan had a Divine occupation and that he was likely to be the reason for the System to send everyone the notification about the ‘Divine Inheritance’!

When Dilan connected the dots, it was impossible for him to be certain about anything related to someone being the ‘strongest’ of an entire race.

Dilan’s answer may not be perfect but it was more than enough for the noble Lioness to sigh in relief.

As long as Dilan was not an average or below-average human, everything was somewhat fine.

He had been quite nonchalant while answering as well, giving the Lioness more confidence about her opinion that Dilan was simply a monstrous talent!

Feeling reassured after hearing Dilan’s comment, the Lioness could finally answer his questions.

“There is no need to refer to me as ‘Excellency’. I’m merely a Priestess and a loyal subject to the Sun God Valgard! I’m managing this small but beautiful temple in the name of the Sun God.”

The Lioness made some gestures with her hands when speaking about the Sun God before continuing,

“My name is Brashta, and our race was named Ligrav by none other than our magnificent God, Sun God Valgard!”

After Brashta said this, she turned to one of the Hawk-men guards before pointing at them in a subtle motion.

“The Eternal Guards that were born to protect the Ligrav race and to ensure that we will be able to follow our Sacred mission are called Rasnian. As long as Rasnians would reach enough achievement to be promoted to guards, their words hold as much value as mine!”

Brashta explained a few more things he had to pay attention to, which Dilan absorbed like a sponge.

He was very intrigued by every single piece of information she told him.

That was also why he didn’t even notice that the tension on top of the Sun temple had slowly receded.

The Eternal Guards had calmed down as well, while the hunters were now looking at him with a slight trace of interest.

‘No wonder we thought that he was strong. He truly is!’

Strength held the most value for most races in the vast space. The Ligrav was no different, even less the Rasnian, who were always training hard to attain the rights to enter the lowest ranks of Eternal Guards.

They had witnessed Dilan’s strength first-hand, which was why they had allowed him to pray to the Sun God Valgard to begin with.

It was the highest form of gratitude Warriors of the Ligrav and Rasnian races could offer other races, who hadn’t been lucky enough to obtain the right to be under the Sun God’s protection.

However, seeing that their savior was powerful enough to talk with their Priestess on the same level made them somewhat proud.

‘We brought him to the temple, that was the correct decision, right?’

Brashta didn’t notice the proud expression of the hunters and even if she did, she wouldn’t have bothered about that.

Her intention in treating Dilan as if he was someone on the same level as her was simple.

First of all, he had protected her people, second, he had sacrificed his prey to the Sun God, and third, he was the only human they had come across until now.

The information she could obtain from him was vast.

Little did she know that Dilan had obtained far more information from Brashta’s seemingly endless babble, rather than vice versa!

‘Just what is their plan?’

Despite having received many pieces of information, it was quite difficult for him to figure out the Sun God Valgard’s plan.

Maybe it was normal for Gods to branch out their temples in newly awakened planets in order to gain more influence.

This would make sense, considering that the sacrifices made to the Fragment of Sun God Valgard’s Divinity should be of great importance.

The sacrifices might even strengthen the divinity but that was not something Dilan could know right now.

By the time Brastha finished speaking, Dilan was already deep in thought. He was thinking about the ways to utilize the information he had just procured.

He had already gained a lot from his short trip. That was why Dilan believed that it might be a little bit too much to be overly confident and invite unnecessary trouble.

However, he had the urge to try something.

“Priestess Brashta, is the Sun Temple willing to make a deal with me and my group?”

“….a deal?”

Priestess Brashta was not sure how Dilan reached this conclusion because she was pretty certain that her chatter had nothing to do with anything that could be used to make a deal.

Nonetheless, her interest was piqued because Dilan mentioned his group.

‘So he leads more people? If we can figure out more about the human race by making a deal with him…why not…as long as we don’t make a loss, that is!’

“What kind of deal did you think of?”

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