
Chapter 338 Anomaly

Two huge skyscrapers were collapsing on the main street, precisely falling in the direction of the huge Blood-Ice wall.

Dilan didn’t hesitate a single second to look up. He accepted his fate and the fact that the entire building would smash upon him, taking him down with the debris. Not bothered about this brutal fact, Dilan slashed Balzaki in front of him to release the [Mana Slash] he had generated before.

A rumbling reverberated through the entire city as the skyscrapers collided on the Blood-Ice wall, where they crumbled.

Rubble and debris were flung through the surroundings as the skyscrapers collapsed, wreaking havoc with the weak Vampires, who had already been burning to their death.

They were already in a weakened and exhausted state but the bricks and beams that smashed upon them finally thwarted them. Some lost consciousness, some were unlucky and their heads were smashed by rubble, and others were unfortunate enough to encounter iron pipes that pierced through their bodies.

The Ascenders fled early enough to escape the biggest threats of the collapsing skyscraper but they were still hit by the debris and rubble that was whirled up and flung around.

Some Ascenders were hit in the head, and they faced severe injuries, while everyone else survived without a problem.

Not a single human died in the collapsing skyscrapers, which was the most important fact, and the only endangered human life was Dilan’s.

When the skyscraper had begun to collapse above them, he had utilized every ounce of strength within his body. His speed had accelerated and he rushed forward in the direction of the closest and the most dangerous Vampire.

The Bryte family’s patriarch was the closest but he had halted in his tracks when he realized that something was odd. The collapsing skyscraper gave his men the necessary time to catch up to him.

The nobles of the Agilt family had brushed past the Bryte’s patriarch but they didn’t even think of attacking Dilan. Rather, they wanted to save their own skin, which was why they were fleeing the spot to get back into the more secure side alleys.

Ignoring Dilan was the biggest mistake they could have made because it allowed him to initiate an attack. He pushed his body to the right side, where three noble Vampires of the Agilt family were located.

They might be fast but Dilan was faster nonetheless. With an accurate and extremely fast slash, Balzaki cut through the closest Vampire the moment Dilan appeared next to the young-looking woman. A red line appeared on her body and she was split in half in an instant.

Meanwhile, Dilan had disappeared once again. The Bryte family’s patriarch was more dangerous than some slightly faster noble Vampires. [Monstrous Shapeshifting] was a much bigger threat than anything Dilan had faced until now.

Thus, he needed to kill the Vampire as fast as possible. It didn’t matter whether he had to do something suicidal because the death of the Bryte’s patriarch was a necessity.

Dilan was fine sacrificing his safety for a sure-kill attack, which was why he ignored the body of the woman he had just cut in half as he emerged in front of the Bryte family’s patriarch. The middle-aged Vampire looked down at him, one of his hands turned into a huge shield of flesh, bones, and skin, while the other arm had transformed into a huge greatsword.

“Bigger is not always better, you fucking idiot,” Dilan cursed out as he leaned forward, narrowly missing the ground before he shot to the side as the greatsword arm of the patriarch slashed past him.

It missed him by a hair’s breadth, causing Dilan’s heart to skip a beat.

“But it helps a lot!” The patriarch replied with a devilish smile on his face.

“Oh yeah…that’s true!” Dilan agreed, laughing out loud as the skyscraper finally smashed onto everyone including himself.

Dilan was the only one, who ignored the heavy weight of the skyscraper that created a tremendous shockwave upon meeting the ground.

Everyone was flung aside and a horrifyingly strong force weighed on everyone, preventing Dilan and the others from doing anything.

All the powerful Vampires and Dilan were buried under the skyscraper that took away their breaths. They felt like they were suffocating and their bones were being crushed but they were immobilized temporarily.

Not even Dilan could move for several seconds until his body jerked as a surge of energy passed through him.


He had activated his Origin ability, Regeneration, at the perfect moment to recuperate from all the damage and wounds he had been inflicted with. Dilan was not even sure how he was feeling but he could tell that some parts of his body had been squashed.

[Bracing Pain] was fully unleashed, increasing all of his stats by 50% due to the severe injuries he faced. Dilan expected this to happen, and without hesitation, he utilized [Switch] as well to further improve his condition.

He had to heal faster than the noble Vampires, which was near-impossible. Their natural healing was tens of times stronger than that of ordinary humans which was a big advantage in such high-risk situations.

Fortunately, Dilan was not an ordinary human either, and he could force his body to do things nobody…literally nobody would ever be able to achieve at Tier-1!

[-Switch- has been activated. Please select how to reallocate your stats!]

[10 Stamina, 60 Mana, and 30 Agility Units have been deducted. Health increased by 100 Units!]

The moment [Switch] was activated, Dilan’s body jerked once more. His entire body was overflowing with energy, and both [Bracing Pain] and [Regeneration] were reacting in accordance.

From his usual Health stat of 188.4 Units, [Switch] added 100 Units, [Bracing Pain] further increased his stats by 50%, just for his equipped title [Beyond the Stars] to increase his stats by an additional 10%.

And as if that was not enough, the equipment he wore added another 15 Units.

Dilan’s body was overflowing with Health equal to a being that had long since advanced to Tier-3.

His Health was close to 500 Units, which was far more than any Vampire, let alone human Ascenders could possibly reach while being at Tier-1.

However, Dilan could do so, and he groaned out as he forced his entire body to move and to keep moving, despite the heavy weight that pressured him.

Now was not the time to give up, or to rest. Right now was the perfect opportunity to kill all the Tier-2 Vampires and the noble Vampires at once. Only five noble Vampires escaped, but they could be dealt with.

Right now, the Undying group was at an advantage, an advantage they should never give up.

The others were probably already on their way to kill the exhausted and weakened Vampires beyond the Blood-Ice wall and it was Dilan’s task to kill everyone else.

Roaring out, the vigor that streamed through his body exploded like a volcano. The weights around him felt lighter and Dilan forced his boyd to pay heed to his brain’s commands.

Dilan tightly grasped the handle of Balzaki, before he stored the weapon in his storage ring with a single thought.

Wielding the unique greatsword was the worst he could do in the current situation.

A Thunderbolt dagger manifested in his hand as he pushed aside some of the heavy rubble that had pushed him down.

“It’s time to die!”

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