
Chapter 461 Back To Rian

Thus, the only somewhat difficult task was the question of how to conquer Cansum as quickly as possible, without creating any other problems.

Dilan was pretty sure that this would be quite difficult, but Sven and the others had come up with a pretty decent idea.

"Leader, how about you kill all Tier-3 existences, overwhelm all Temples, and eradicate the Hordes of Chaos and Destruction while we will take care of the weaker opponents and the political issues?

As long as you use your whole combat prowess, it should be possible to intimidate everyone enough so that they wouldn\'t dare to do anything funny when the Undying Embassy arrives!" Sven explained his rather simple plan and Dilan approved it without much thought.

"Sounds like a good plan," He readily agreed, only to recall something of interest, "but I need to come up with something for a day to make sure that I can overwhelm and annihilate everything as you desire!"

The small group of higher-ups looked at Dilan, who smiled from ear to ear upon realizing that their leader had a plan in mind. Though he didn\'t seem to feel like sharing his idea with anyone else, the fact that he had thought of something was enough to instill some more confidence in them.

"Do you need something?" Yvonne just asked and Dilan turned in her direction with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Just a million Essence crystals and the ability crystals we talked about during the last few days!" He replied and a frown appeared on the face of the three women, Sven and William. They knew very well what ability Dilan was talking about but they couldn\'t really believe that he was ready to bind that ability to his Essence Crystal.

It didn\'t really make much sense…except…his plan was something much more complicated than they could fathom for now.

"The trading hub should have more than enough Essence crystals, so that won\'t be a problem… and about the ability crystal… you probably know more than anyone else what you should do and what you should not," Sven responded and Dilan agreed with him.

He sent someone over to bring him the Essence crystals and the ability crystal he desired while discussing more about their plan with the others. There were lots of gaps and loose ends in their plan and the next half an hour was used to make sure most of these gaps would be removed or filled as much as possible.

Afterward, Dilan was handed over his storage ring with everything he needed inside.

However, instead of leaving immediately which had been his earlier plan, Dilan began to turn a bunch of humans into Vampires. He used his Blood Vyrm bloodline to turn the humans and it was not long after that their strength increased by a large margin.

Dilan ordered around his Slaves and made them do various tasks as well. They were already loyal to him but he told them to heed the commands of his closest people as well.

He delegated Victoria, Yvonne, Kathrine, Williams, and Sven enough authority to order his Slaves and use them to complete the tasks freeing himself of the rather mundane task. That also would allow him to traverse to farther and unchartered territories to annihilate everyone, who didn\'t succumb to his reign and overwhelm the others without worrying about the situation back home.

Once Dilan finished all of this, he left the Sanctum with a suicidal plan in mind.

"I should be back in a few days… probably," He bid them farewell before he disappeared from everyone\'s sight.

Even without the activation of an Ability, Dilan\'s Agility stat reached 550 Units. His equipment was extremely powerful, he had a very useful title, and Dilan\'s raw stats were also very high, to begin with.

Thus the moment he dashed in one direction it was as if he had vanished into thin air. The only thing he left behind was dust and rubble from the loose soil his steps stirred up.

"What exactly is his plan?" Kathrine asked when Dilan had already disappeared but Victoria could only answer with a shrug.

She didn\'t have the slightest idea what Dilan might be trying to do, which was contrary to Yvonne, Sven and Willaims who had an inkling about what their leader was actually trying.

"He is probably on his way to Rian," Yvonne shared her opinion and both Kathrine and Victoria turned their heads in Yvonne\'s direction.

"Rian? Wasn\'t that the place you guys had been in when the Primordial Ascension occurred? Why would he want to go there?" Victoria still didn\'t understand a thing but a loud "Ohhh!" escaped Kathrine\'s mouth as realization dawned upon her.

Victoria stared at the others while trying to figure out what was going on but they didn\'t want to tell her what exactly Dilan had in mind.

"It\'s a secret. If he succeeds, you will definitely be surprised!" Sven said in a hushed tone and a faint smile emerged on his lips before he cleared his throat,

"But we have other things to take care of. We have to form different units and finish our preparations before Dilan returns. We have a continent to conquer, after all!"

Meanwhile, Dilan was on his way to Rian just like the others had presumed. To them, his plan had become much clearer than before because there had been a bunch of things that pointed in the direction of the Rian mountainside hospital.

But even then, it was quite obvious that the others couldn\'t be certain whether Dilan would succeed with his \'not so secretive\' secret plan.

It took Dilan not that long before he reached Rian, the city that was located between the Shikan plains and the mountainside.

The mountainside had turned into a replica of an active and erupting volcano. Lava was spilled over the entire mountainside and there was no sight of a monster let alone life around him.

Dilan only clicked his tongue disapprovingly but he was not further bothered. The enormous amount of hot and molten lava was something he had expected to find. Thus, it was not something that should annoy him, to begin with.

If anything, it only did not allow him to walk on solid ground and march towards his destination to have an easier time taking care of everything.

But that could be solved by activating [Mantle of Elements]. He summoned one Intermediate Earth Spirit and used its power to make sure that he could control the earth below the lava. He pushed it aside and a huge lava river spread in all directions was created all around the mountainside.

This created several paths that could be used by everyone to walk around as long as they had a certain fire resistance. Dilan didn\'t really need to care about that, which was why he had an easy time climbing up the mountainside.

The only downside was the scorching high temperature in his surrounding area. It was extremely hot and Dilan began to sweat buckets.

Dilan replaced the Intermediate Earth Spirit with an Intermediate Wind Spirit and it was no sooner that powerful air currents began wafting around him.

He took a deep breath to calm his head, retrieved the Orb of Mantras, and accessed his spatial ring to bind a new ability, and to be ready to release all the Essence crystals he had collected at once.

"Are you still here, you fat-ass lizard??"

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