
Chapter 531 Librarian's Attitude

The City of Trials was created knowing that the Undying and the Eternal Darkness would be born in less than a Century before the danger of the Veilures would increase tremendously.

The Origin had gone into hibernation after using up a tremendous amount of its energy to construct the City of Trials to twist time to a sheer impossible degree.

Only one living being was able to reside inside the City of Trials at a time, and only the chosen ones were able to stay inside the City of Trials for longer than 365 days.

A year was exactly what it took for one day to pass in the outside world. This knowledge was something Dilan got to know from the Old Librarian, who was more than willing to tell him every single secret of the City of Trials.

Entering the City of Trials meant that one would disappear from the Universe. This disappearance would change the fate of the entire Universe as the domino effect would slowly tear everything down.

Vanishing from the Universe for 24 hours was the limit the Universe could endure without creating big problems. Their fate was already written down in the annals of the future and the City of Trial would cause a deprivation of fate. Yet, the Undying and the Eternal Darkness possessed the ability to stay inside the City of Trials as long as they wanted.

They were the fate changers, existences that were not registered in the annals of the Universe but with the capabilities to change fate itself.

Now that he had received the opportunity to stay inside the City of Trials as long as he wanted to, without aging a single day, Dilan was freed of the dilemma he had expected to face.

"2700 years in here are only…a little over seven years in the outside world…" Dilan mumbled, his mind going astray.

He could finally tell what it meant to prepare himself for the arrival of the Veilures and to make sure that everyone would be safe in the long term, but it scared him a little bit.

After all, he was only 21 years old, and he was just about to decide whether he would spend 2700 years of his life solely reading and trying to understand knowledge.

He had never been a bookworm who would spend hours poking his nose in books and studying day in and day out. Thus, he had a bad taste in his mouth when he realized what he was truly thinking about right now.

Being a fast learner and able to comprehend things very fast might be helpful, but that didn\'t turn Dilan into someone, who loved studying by all means.

"It would be better if I were to switch between studying and receiving lessons about various Martial arts techniques and Spellcrafts from a bunch of Instructors, don\'t you think so?" Dilan suddenly asked the old Librarian.

The Old Man flinched and he looked over to Dilan with a pitiful expression.

"I\'m not asking you if it\'s fine to leave with the Holographic Bar, but if it would help my brain to squeeze in a few training sessions in between my studying hours to offer my brain some respite. That way I can make sure that my brain will function at its peak all day round," Dilan explained calmly what he meant and the Old Librarian thought for a while before answering.

"It might be more efficient for you to look for your Teachers before you start studying, and then split your time for both tasks. You can study all the techniques you want to learn for some hours and the knowledge the library of the City of Trial can give you for the rest… as long as you come to the Library to study the books, I can help you whenever you feel stuck and don\'t understand something…" The Old Man said while coughing delicately to hide how he was feeling.

Dilan had to hide the bright smile on his face as he felt how desperate the Old Librarian was.

However, that was actually quite sad because it showed that the Old Librarian had suffered a lot for most of the time he had been inside the City of Trials, waiting for Dilan and the Eternal Darkness to appear. One year inside here was equivalent to 24 hours outside the Universe.

Dilan didn\'t actually want to know how long the Old Librarian had been inside the City of Trials because he could already tell that it was a very…very long time. There were over ten thousand different types of collections of books in the Holographic bar.

Every single of those collections had been personally curated, and great care had been taken in picking out certain books that were compatible with one another in order to impart the necessary knowledge to the reader.

This just showed how much time the Old Librarian had spent to preparing for Dilan\'s arrival, just for Dilan to make a pick from one of those Collections in a matter of minutes.

"Do you want to come with me? You probably know the other Soul Fragments much better than I do," Dilan asked before he pulled the Old Librarian with him without waiting for an answer.

The Old Librarian didn\'t resist physically but he voiced out his complaints.

"I am a Librarian, and don\'t want to have anything to do with these barbarians! They only know how to use their muscles and weapons… they don\'t dare to have a verbal discussion and resort to using their weapons to intimidate those weaker than them!" The Old Librarian clenched his fists, and Dilan nodded his head in understanding.

He would probably grasp his weapons the moment he was to lose a verbal spar with someone much weaker than him. At least he would do so if the other party was actively provoking him with insults that exceeded his IQ. The other party should understand that one has to be good in both verbal and physical fights to emerge victorious in every possible situation.

As for the Old Librarian\'s attitude, Dilan could easily imagine him insulting someone, who annoyed him, just to be beaten into a pulp. That was probably what happened to the Old Librarian a long time before Dilan arrived.

But that was fine and Dilan could actually make use of the Old Librarian\'s attitude to figure out the temperament of the other Soul Shards in the City of Trials.

\'Come on, show me what you got, guys!!\'

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