
Chapter 589 Separate Universe?

"Outwit the prophecy, what do you mean?" Marie was the one who asked Dilan, but everyone wondered the same.

Dilan gained everyone's attention and by looking at Williams and Yvonne one after another, he could make sure that they sat back down where they calmed down a little bit.

Clearing his throat, he thought about the most suitable way to explain the insane plan he had in mind.

"First of all, I have to say that I cannot vouch for this plan. I don't know if it will work out, or if it's utter nonsense. At the same time, it's a long-term project and not something that will remove the issues with the Sun God, or whoever we will have to fight after him.

The plan is not yet completed either, but I think it's better than fighting each other."

Dilan stopped for a moment, not without glancing at Yvonne and Williams for a second before he began to lay out his plan.

"To put it into simple terms, I want to separate Milarn from the Universe. There are multiple theories I have in mind to achieve this, but one is to transport Milarn into a different Universe. I have yet to figure out how a proper, and large enough, Gateway between Universes could be created, and how troublesome it could be to actually bring an entire planet to a different Universe, but it is a possibility.

Either way, the second theory I have in mind would be to use my Soul Space, imprint a Soul Imprint on Milarn, and separate it from the Universe by turning a small singular planet into a Universe on its own…controlled by me,"

Dilan didn't really want to get his hands on a planet, no less Milarn, but it was a theory he had come up with quite a while ago.

It was probably the first theory he came up with when he heard that the Universe would be devoured in the future.

He knew that it sounded insane, but Dilan was not really worried because the others could simply say that he was insane and point out better ideas.

However, there was no sight of the expected disapproval. It was the complete opposite!

"I am not really that knowledgeable but I can tell that it would be troublesome if you were to move Milarn to a dangerous or inconvenient position in another Universe. It sounds quite difficult to create Gateways between two different Universes, to begin with. What will happen if you damage something? No no no! Just snatch Milarn and turn it into a paradise that cannot be devoured!" Kathrine gave him a thumbs-up for his idea.

She didn't think much about it and felt that Dilan had everything under control, like always. There was no need for her to break her head to figure out a solution for a problem that had already been solved by Dilan!

"Actually, I think it would be pretty intelligent to turn you into the human Vessel of Milarn. I don't think that I'm as intelligent as this Great Wise, or whatever his name was, but considering that you are quite literally Undying and that you will survive the prophecy, Milarn will inevitably survive the prophecy as well…as long as it becomes a part of you…probably?" Victoria voiced out what was on her mind, but that didn't really help Dilan.

'Did they lose a few screws as well when I wasn't there?'

Dilan's right eye twitched and he was slowly losing his trust in the bunch of hoodlums he had been so proud of not too long ago.

"Sven…" He thus said, ready to listen to some thrashing. 'Don't disappoint me, master strategist!!'

"There might be better plans but the core idea is pretty good. Removing Milarn from the Universe would mean that we're not included. That way, we wouldn't be affected by the prophecy. The question is just how we will do that…" Sven said before he started to give Dilan's theories some more thought. He thought about them in-depth but he couldn't end up with a decisive answer.

"I think that Kathrine is right with her worries. It would be too dangerous, require too much effort, and it might actually create more trouble for us if we were to move Milarn to a different Universe…. As for the other theory, to turn Milarn into a Universe with only one small planet as its inhabitant, that's pretty much impossible because Milarn would just stop moving and die…but how about a Universe in a Universe?"

Sven was not actually believing the thoughts that were currently running through his mind. Yet, at the end of the day, he still spoke them out loud.

A Universe within a Universe? What kind of bullshit was that?

However, even if it was bullshit, Sven couldn't help but get excited. A planet couldn't survive on its own. There were several factors that contributed to the maintenance of a planet, and taking them away would create numerous problems, with the biggest one being the death of the planet.

This problem was apparently something they wanted to avoid because they might as well get devoured in the unknown future if they were to end up destroying their planet, one way or another.

However, there were certain aspects that could actually be made use of.

Sven felt like he had to do something. Rather than silently waiting to get devoured somewhen in the future he wanted to make sure that he, and the generations that would follow him were to be given the chance to live a life without worry!

With that in mind, he manifested a replication of the Universe according to his knowledge, the knowledge of someone who had never visited a Library filled with the knowledge of all kinds of beings.

"Dilan fix this mess!" Sven ordered just like that and Dilan, who was still too baffled to say a word, ended up looking at the replication of the Universe.

He released a tremendous amount of mana all of a sudden and manifested the known Universe in the air in front of them. It was a humongous construction, even when zoomed out as far as possible, and everyone's eyes started to gleam at the sight of the unfolded Universe, something they had never seen before.

"Let's get ready then!" Williams said, oddly motivated and finally convinced that they had to do something.

What followed suit were over a dozen voices pointing out something and Dilan moving the known Universe's construction as he was commanded.

'Wait…what the hell am I even doing right now?'

"Are we really considering this? I expected you guys to reject my plans, tear them apart and call me a crazy idiot!" Dilan suddenly interrupted when he noticed that everyone began to voice out their own ideas and thoughts.

He could see the life return in the face and eyes of the people he trusted and loved the most…but their reasoning to become more lively once again was…quite frightening if one were to ask Dilan.

"Why shouldn't we consider your plan? We like it, and it can be used as a starting point. At the end of the day, we might create a completely different plan…but shouldn't we be motivated to make sure that we can survive, by all means?!"

Dilan was finally getting scolded, but the reason was a different one than he had expected…


"No but, now help us!"


'Is that how you treat someone who is 10,000 years older than you!?...Just what am I doing with these crazy people?'

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