
Chapter 687 Mapping

Dilan would have the least trouble traveling around Milarn right now. For the next few months, maybe even one or two years, there wouldn't be anyone strong enough to defeat Dilan and catch him. This was something Ariel Silvertale was pretty certain about after she witnessed his rapid growth.

"I don't think anyone believes that I need to brag about myself but I was only barely able to pass through the Gates and enter Milarn after paying the planet a humongous tribute. Most of my Power had been sealed at the beginning of the Fourth Awakening and it was not until two or three years ago that I regained my full power.

That being said, Dilan will probably only encounter the weakest form of True Gods, and even they won't be able to exhibit their true combat prowess for a while," Ariel had said at that time.

She was not far from becoming a True God because the System and the Queen's Image provided enough guidance for her to have found a way to upgrade her faux Divinity to a True Divinity.

It was only a matter of time before she would become a True God and the rightful Queen of the Essence Angels.

That matter put aside, Ariel was certain that Dilan could defeat her if they were to fight. He might die a few thousand times but she wouldn't be able to catch and imprison him. Dilan had created too many tricks to prevent anyone from restricting him for a long time, let alone something that allowed anyone to imprison him eternally.

There were still small openings that could be attacked because it was impossible to prevent even the strongest existences from imprisoning him. Dilan knew that he was not strong enough to face them yet. As for the rest, Ariel Silvertale was even more confident in his capabilities than Dilan himself.

At least she spoke confidently enough about his strength and speed when nobody even asked.

"He can probably travel all around Milarn without anyone obstructing him. He can just use all of his abilities, special traits, and techniques to shoot past any obstruction. They will probably not even notice him. Even I cannot defeat him anymore, let alone keep up with his speed!"

It was a little bit weird to hear Ariel's constant praising, especially since the Princess of Haven was usually not that talkative.

However, it was also an interesting change and it distracted everyone from the problems that were still to solve.

"Mapping the entire planet will take a while now that Milarn had enlarged a few times in size. He might be fast but it will still take two weeks or probably even longer considering that it's likely for some obstacles to appear midway, to travel around the planet once. If he maps Milarn fast and diligently collects all information, he might be done in a year.

But that is just the first step toward the completion of the Mystic Mission. We still have to collect all materials to create the Chaos Obelisks, install them at the right location, and protect them while Dilan will have fun at Milarn's core installing the last Chaos Obelisk and binding the sentience of Milarn to his Soul Subspace…sounds like fun, doesn't it?" Sven pointed out while trying to make a joke at the end.

The joke was bad but everyone tried to smile through it. They were just as tensed up as Sven, who was trying to lighten the mood.

"Do you guys even know where to get a Chaos Orb from? I don't even know that that is…" Kathrine asked, but nobody could really answer.

Even the Queen's Image remained silent for the time being.

Dilan cleared his throat before he looked at the mirror emblem.

"Will you guys be fine without me?" He asked to make sure that the others were fine. They were still tense but they forced a confident smile on their faces and looked straight in his eyes.

"Even if we won't be fine, we will survive, no matter what! Don't worry about us, we will get stronger by facing numerous obstacles and we will be of use when you need us the most!" Marie declared determination and conviction overflowing in her eyes and voice.

"I just want you guys to survive…so get stronger, yeah…" Dilan said, nodding his head slowly.

"You can go while we come up with great plans to support you from the sidelines, our dear main character!" Yvonne declared while shooing him away. The others motioned him to go, that it was fine, that they were fine, and that everything would be fine.

He turned around with a heavy heart and stretched his body once he found himself in front of the place.

He bend down and jumped off the flying island. While he was falling, Dilan turned in all directions. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he ended up shrugging his shoulders.

'In the end, it doesn't really matter where I start. I will have to go everywhere either way…' Dilan thought and he dashed in one direction while spreading out his mana as far as possible. He exerted the Perfect Essence Cultivation technique to make sure that he would always absorb essence from his surrounding.

He couldn't neglect his growth while he was running around!

Wearing the Hyel Destructo Armor Set at the Peak of the Fifth Tier, Dilan was able to use the enhanced functions of the Armor Set that had finally reached its peak.

The Hyel Destructo Armor Set couldn't be improved further but that was fine with Dilan because he was more focused on the additional mana-suctioning trait it provided. The Armor Set absorbed a tremendous amount of mana from his surrounding, which Dilan could circulate to the mirror emblem.

That way he didn't have to use any mana to activate the mapping function of the mirror emblem, and he could focus his mana consumption solely on an increase in his speed.

"10 months should be more than enough…wait for me!"

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