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Chapter 1088 Unprecedented Force Of Destruction

The multi-colored energy flowed out from the Truth Manifestation Tree of Darkness like colorful vein-like threads. They then weaved around each other like coils before being overlapped by dark energy, concealing their colorful light from being seen from the outside.

Only a thicker black thread of darkness could be seen; the colorful lights of the other fourteen law powers were hidden. 

Nevertheless, as the dark energy thread tightened, the other fourteen law powers were forced to draw closer to each other. 

However, the force of mutual repulsion and attraction began to act on each thread of law power as they pushed and pulled. 

Ultimately, the force of repulsion was much stronger. 

But with nowhere to go due to the tightening dark energy thread and the coiling of the fourteen other energy threads, the fourteen energy threads eventually shattered into countless multi-colored particles.

For a period of time, the countless multi-colored energy particles were like the colorful clusters of stars in outer space. Alas, they were eventually spread out as the black thread of dark energy continued to shrink and bind them. 

At a certain point, the clusters of multiple-colored energy particles rearranged themselves under the force of attraction and repulsion and hit a state of equilibrium. 

As such, a harmonious relationship was created, where they are all completely locked into place by the mutual force of attraction and repulsion acting on each energy particle within the dark energy thread.

"This is…"

Leon studied the thread of multiple-colored lights after the energy particles were all bounded and locked together by the force of attraction and repulsion within the dark energy thread. 

At a single glance, it looked like an extremely sturdy energy thread, even though the various energy particles were only connected tightly and not fused as one.

However, Leon was aware of just how dangerous the multi-colored energy thread truly was. He couldn\'t imagine what kind of force would be generated if the multi-colored energy thread\'s harmony was disrupted. 

Besides that, Leon had some doubts regarding the harmonious multi-colored energy thread created. 

"This colorful energy thread looks almost like celestial energy…" Leon thought. 

Although Leon thought that way, there were still some clear differences between the multi-colored energy thread and celestial energy. 

For instance, celestial energy contained every color, just like the sun. Except ordinary human eyes could only perceive it as white due to its intense brightness.

Furthermore, celestial energy was still multi-colored, whether it was a single celestial energy particle or a celestial energy thread. In contrast, the multi-colored energy thread Leon created could only retain its colorfulness as a thread.

Nevertheless, the multi-colored energy thread hidden within the dark energy thread resembled celestial energy and gave Leon some ideas. 

\'If I can create celestial energy at the Truth Manifestation Realm, I would have a powerful trump card to use during crucial moments… But celestial energy without celestial arts is nothing…\' Leon mused. 

\'Well, for now, I better get rid of this thing,\' Leon glanced at the dark energy thread in his hand. 

The multi-colored energy thread inside was too rigid and inflexible; it couldn\'t be bent or twisted to form any magic seals for any celestial arts—or perhaps, even divine arts. 

It was apparent that even if he wanted to create or imitate celestial energy, he was still far from his goal. 

Nevertheless, Leon increased his power output, and the dark energy thread enlargened into a dark spear. The multi-colored energy inside had also increased in volume. 

Shortly after, Leon fired it at the devastated ground below, where a group of Whitebone Fiends was just starting to regroup again after they climbed out of the crater.

The moment the tip of the dark spear deformed under the impact of the collision with the ground, countless energy particles within the multi-colored energy thread clashed chaotically. 

The complete collapse of the harmonious relationship within the multi-colored energy thread resulted in a deadly force that made even Leon, who was high in the sky, feel danger.

Leon immediately fled at the first sign of danger. 


The explosive power contained within the dark energy spear immediately ripped apart the earth as it rapidly expanded. 

Thousands of Whitebone Fiends and countless tons of earth were swallowed in the fiery black spherical cloud of chaotic energy that revolved with tremendous force, pulling everything towards it like a powerful vacuum. 

As the black spherical cloud of chaotic energy rapidly expanded, the vacuum force also increased tremendously. 

Large pieces of land were torn from the ground and sucked into the violent revolving black spherical cloud of chaotic energy along with countless Whitebone Fiends and unfathomable amounts of air and energy. 

The black spherical cloud of chaotic energy inflated violently, and various spots of multi-colored light started to escape from it. 

In that instance, a greater sense of danger was felt by Leon and also everyone else back on the distant hill.

Even as Chief Silvertooth\'s group arrived at the edges from the northern side and Chief Blackbear\'s group arrived at the edges from the southern side, their faces paled with horror.

The suction force was simply too terrifying! 

"Be careful!"


Both sides quickly cried in horror as they pulled their troops away from the area. 

Just when everyone thought a greater explosion would occur from the collapse of the enormous spherical black cloud of chaotic energy, it started to shrink with decreasing momentum. 

Eventually, the spherical black cloud of chaotic energy became so small and weak that it vanished like a wisp of smoke dispersing into the air at the epicenter. 

However, the devastation it left behind would be forever etched into the memories of everyone that witnessed it. 

About nine-tenths of the western side had been swallowed in the energy eruption, leaving an enormous crater that was one-fifth of its neighboring crater.

The horrendous eruption of energy had far exceeded the scope of Half-step Celestials and entered the realms of the Celestials.

Even Early Rank 1 Celestial Warriors would be hard-pressed to recreate such a powerful attack. 

Leon\'s lips twitched at the extent of the devastation. 

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