
Chapter 26 - Yu Mai , You Are Back ?

Compared to Yu Dong, Yu Mai much more happy, he jumped of the cart excitedly because his movements were rough so , the little goat in his arms bleated moanfully.

"Oh I am so sorry, Mr. goat I promise I will not hurt you again." Yu Mai was a slow child but he understood that these goat that his eldest sister brought were sick therefore he need to take special care of these little goats "Elder sister, can I go inside the house and settle Mr. goat in our backyard."

Yu Dong nodded her head now that they were back in the village she didn't need to worry about Yu Mai he can go where ever he pleases. Yu Mai saw his concede he happily ran inside the house but then the goat bleated again letting Yu Mai know of his opposition at once , Yu Mai slowed his movement. He looked extremely adorable walking so carefully with a cute little goat in his arms. Yu Dong watched him go inside the house before she turned to Wang Shi and took seven taels form her inner world and handed all including six cents to Wang Shi.

Wang Shi was surprised to see that Yu Dong returned her debt so quickly, actually when she cleared off Yu Dong's dept at the tavern she had completely lost any hope of getting the money back. Yu Dong wasn't a hard working fellow and she was kicked out by her family as well , thus Yu Dong was one of the most poorest in the village.

But now that Yu Dong had returned the money all at once !

Wang Shi was struck dumb " Aiya ! Dong Dong how much money did you exactly made in the town. How come you returned seven taels all at once ? Tell aunt Wang the truth, you don't have to hurry and return the money so soon, I don't want to add burden on your family. Little Cai is not going to start school until the next three months you don't need to be in a hurry to return the money."

Yu Dong have never felt an elder's concern ever before in her life. When she was fighting the zombies in the apocalypse she hardly ever met with her parents who were researchers and spent most of their time in their research lab. Now that Wang Shi was showing her concern towards her , Yu Dong couldn't stop the warm feeling from spreading all over her heart.

She glanced around and then she leaned forward and whispered in Wang Shi's " Aunt Wang don't worry I sold the tiger pelt for a good sum of money with my savings and returning my debt I still have ninety teals left."

Wang Shi felt her eyebrows rise up all the way to the sky ! Ninety taels ! That was equivalent to three families earning, Wang Shi never thought that the people in town would waste so much in buying the fur of a dead animal. But then she thought about how difficult it was to hunt an animal that might fetch a good amount of money, Wang Shi was sure that this sum ninety taels will end up being used soon. With a new born baby in the house You Dong's savings was not enough after all the child was a mer , Yu Dong have to save a decent amount for that child's dowry and including the expenses that came with a new born baby's arrival, ninety taels wasn't a lot.

However, she knew that Yu Dong would get angry if she refused to take the money , thus , in the end Wang Shi could only put the money in a pouch of her outer robe "Alright, Yu Dong I will keep the money but in case if you and your family require financial help you don't need to hesitate with me at all, remember to came at my door if you face any problem."

Yu Dong thanked Wang Shi and started to put down her luggage from the cart, on the other hand Yu Mai had already rushed inside the house, he opened one room then another and kept opening them until he reached Chen Mi 's room and pushed open the door with the little goat still in his arm. Currently Chen Mi was playing with little bun, in this world it was a tradition that required the family to give a stupid name to the baby. It was said that the stupid name would take away all the bad luck from the child's life and when they give the baby a proper name -his life would be full of happiness.

That is why Chen Mi together with Ye Liu and Shel Li gave the baby the name Xiao Bo that meant little bun. The three mer 's were happily playing with little bun when the door of the room opened they thought that it was Yu Dong who returned however instead of Yu Dong tall figure gaze landed on a small cute figure that was carrying a goat in his arms. Mers liked cute things thus when they saw Yu Mai they were first shocked at his cuteness than his return.

It was after a very long pause that Shen Li broke the silence he stared at the little figure with both of Awe and shock "Yu Mai you are back ?"

Only then Chen Mi and Ye Liu came out of their reverie, both of them were even more shocked to see Yu Mai. It wasn't that they have forgotten Yu Mai , it was just that Yu Mai have gone some drastic changes because the last time they saw him Yu Mai was as chubby as a dumpling because their father in law doted on Yu Mai a little too much because the little boy was a special child however after six Yu Mai's cheeks have sunk and he looked in an under nourished !

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