
Chapter 305 The child might die.

Chapter 305 The child might die.

The child was missing three toes and his hearing was impaired most likely it was because of some external impact that Chu Chang suffered at the beginning of his pregnancy when the child wasn't exactly stable. Yu Dong's breath hitched as she slowly looked up at Chu Chang who was looking at her with curiosity. " What is it? Everything is alright? Right?"

' No, it wasn't.' Was what Yu Dong would have said but she didn't—- Chu Chang was pregnant and he couldn't take a shock like this, no daddy would be able to reel the fact that his child was deformed calmly. If she told him the truth then he might actually miscarry right away but she also needed to get him to come to her house more frequently so that she could heal him and his child, now that she knew what was the matter with Chu Chang's body and his baby, there was no way she could ignore it.

" Did you get hurt when you were at the early stages of your pregnancy?" asked Yu Dong, the cogs in her brain working twice as fast as they usually did, she had to make some other excuse to get Chu Chang to visit her house so that she could heal his child. She wasn't sure about whether or not she would be able to treat the three missing toes but at least she will be able to treat the child's deafness.

Chu Chang blinked his eyes as his expression darkened. " I was —— I fell while I was working at the fields." This was actually a lie, he didn't fall but he was pushed by Mu Yuxi who was upset because she lost a business deal and had to listen to Fang Chi's engagement with Yu Dong all at once. Back then he didn't know that he was pregnant and didn't think much of his fall it was only when the side of his belly started to ache more and more did he visit a doctor and had her diagnose him. Only then did he find out that he was pregnant…. He did ask the doctor whether or not his child was alright but the doctor simply told him that this was something that she couldn't diagnose.

His belly was hit by the sharp edge of the bed's corner and he had always been worried about whether or not that fall affected his child in any way. Now that Yu Dong was asking him this, he couldn't help but be worried. " is there—is there a problem with my child?"

" No, the child is fine." lied Yu Dong smoothly, a white lie couldn't be counted as a lie anyway. "It's you, your body was hurt by that fall, and from the looks of it——you were already hurt after your second pregnancy and your body was yet to recover properly when you got pregnant."

Chu Chang was relieved upon hearing that the child was fine, he didn't want his child to be stillborn as the child hardly ever responded to him. Weeks would go by and he wouldn't even kick, if anything he didn't even respond to his voice which worried Chu Chang a lot, however, he was anxious at the same time when he heard that his body was damaged. He was now divorced and couldn't die, if something unfortunate happened while he was giving birth who will take care of his children?

" What…What should I do then? I have been taking the medicinal herbs the doctor at the town asked me to take but if they are not working then——" Chu Chang knew he had a myriad of responsibilities and couldn't die no matter what, ever since he was diagnosed that he was pregnant, he has been taking his medicines properly but it seemed that they didn't work.

' Of course, they won't work.' Thought Yu Dong inwardly, no matter how good of a doctor was without any ultrasound machine and proper equipment, he would never be able to diagnose what was exactly wrong with Chu Chang's child. Even she with her spiritual power wasn't sure if she would be able to help the child grow his missing toes. " Don't worry, I can help you a little. You can continue with those medicines that your doctor suggested you as for me——"

She looked at Shen Li and asked him to bring a glass of water, the latter complied and poured a cup of spiritual water and handed it to Yu Dong who took it and added a herbal powder that she made in her spare time. It was useful for soothing nerves as for treating the child, the magic was all in the spiritual water.

" Here take it." She handed the cup of water to Chu Chang who took it without a question and drank it, as long as it was for his children he was willing to do anything. Though the water was slightly bitter he didn't even flinch and drank it all in one gulp once he was done drinking, he felt a soothing sensation spreading all over his body and even his mind that has been distraught after his divorce was slightly calm.

" It feels——" Chu Chang began speaking but then the front door of the house was burst open and came in Lang with a bloody bundle in her arms.

" Sister Yu! Help me! My son—-"

" Give him to me, I will carry him to my room and see what I can do." Yu Dong took the little boy from Lang, she could see that Lang was visibly disturbed and her sense of rationality wasn't in the right state of mine, so she didn't ask any questions and simply took the child from a trembling Lang and rushed to her room where she settled the child on the comfortable mattress. She didn't even care about all the blood that was getting on her bedsheet.

As she began checking the vital nerves of the child when Lang rushed inside with Zhu Qian both looking upset and brimming with anxiety.

Behind them were Shen Li and the others who came to help Yu Dong, Chu Chang who understood the situation understandably took his leave and promised to come back tomorrow.

" Two of his ribs are broken and his internal organs are all bleeding probably he was squashed by something that's why he is bleeding so much,—- there are also whipping marks, they haven't been treated, because of a long time festering, he has developed a fever."

she didn't even raise her head to look at Shen Li and her other husbands as she rattled off, " Li, get me some pieces of clean cloths, Liu go and boil water, Mi go with Chi and prepare the herbal paste that stops bleeding, make sure to be quick or the child will die. Now hurry!"


p.s : My sister will be getting married so for the next seven days I will be busy and upload shorter chaps please be patient for my return.

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