
Chapter 428 Lets roll

Chapter 428 Lets roll

  " All right," said Yu Dong as she picked all the bags that were filled after she was done putting in the lunch boxes and then turned to the children who were surveying the shovel kit with genuine interest. " I know that you are excited to leave the house and go exploring but I need to say a few things first, if you all do not want to be picked up and dropped back to the house, there are a few things you will need to follow—— number one) you cannot go to the deeper end of the ocean if I see you heading there believe me I will get you faster than you can even process what happened and drop you back home. Number two, there will be no holding your breath competition, especially you, Zhu, I have seen you trying it out with Mai earlier." 

  " And last and finally make sure to have as much fun as possible, all right?" she shouted with a big smile on her face. The children did cheer up at that, then she turned to look at Lang Hui who was holding little bun and said with an apologetic smile, " I am sorry that you have to hold him, I would have held him in my arms but——" she raised the two big bags that she was carrying and sighed. 

  " Its all right, Aunt Dong," said Lang Hui patiently as he held Yu Mai in his lap, the little child was too busy playing with the small bucket that Yu Dong has given him as he tried to carefully assess it, up, down —- inside and out. " I should be the one who should be apologetic towards you, after all, I will be troubling you for the rest of the picnic." 

  Since all the kids were going to the ocean to play… Yu Dong of course wouldn't leave Lang Hui alone just because he was a special child at the moment. Even with his legs under treatment Lang Hui deserved to be treated as a normal child with special reservations or else he will start feeling left out and without his sister, no one will be there to help him out of his gloomy zone. 

  " What are you talking about?" said Fang Chi as he knocked on Lang Hui's head but thanks to the bun that was tied up with a navy blue string, Lang Hui felt nothing as Fang Chi hit him. " We are just taking you along to play, it's your responsibility to play around and follow the rules that your Aunt Dong laid down just now." 

  " That's right," Yu Dong rubbed Lang Hui's head causing him to look up with his droopy eyes and said, " Make sure to have lots of fun or I will be angry." 

  Lang Hui's eyes widened before he laughed lightly making his cheeks turn red as he said, " I will make sure to do that." 

  The Yu family then headed out of the house with Zhu Qian waving them goodbye and promising that he will take care of the house in their absence because Lang wasn't here, it wouldn't look right if Zhu Qian came with them, so he sent Lang Hui with the group and decided to stay behind. As he was adamant, Yu Dong didn't say anything and only looked at Lang Hui who was furtively looking back at his daddy and said, " Don't be upset, it's all right even if you couldn't go with your daddy tonight, make sure to bully your mother to take you to another picnic when she returns." 

  Lang Hui's eyes which were a bit dampened because he couldn't spend the picnic with his daddy lit up and he nodded as he silently promised that he will bring his mother to come with him on a picnic as well. 

  Yu Dong saw that he was feeling okay and smiled lightly, Fang Chi noticed how careful and considerate she was being towards the little children and rubbed his abdomen, she was going to be a great mother to their child. 

  Sensing Fang Chi's gaze that was locked on her, Yu Dong turned to look at him and tipped her chin asking, "What's wrong?"

  " Nothing I was thinking that we should have another picnic when Brother Li and the others return as well," said Fang Chi before turning away and staring right ahead at the uneven path of gravel and sand lighted up with the moonlight and stomped on hedges and wild bushes on the side of the path. 

  Yu Dong felt her eyes widen when she noticed how ethereal Fang Chi looked in the moonlight and hurriedly looked away before reaching out and holding his free hand causing the latter to look at her sideways and then smile with an expression that was full of exasperation and adoration. 

  Fingers interlocked they arrived on the shore of the ocean, the sound of breaking waves and the frothing bubbles as they hit the edge of the shore gently before shying away as if they might have touched their beloved. A whisper of sound rustled past them as they watched the calm and tranquil ocean as it crashed against the shore and floated back, Yu Dong looked around and then chose a distant yet close spot before laying down a large bed sheet that she has stolen from Ye Liu's room, though she swore she would clean it thoroughly, without leaving a speck of dirt behind. 

  " Chi, come and sit here," she said as she placed the heavy bags she was carrying and took the tea pouch along with the small cups from Fang Chi and placed it on the bed sheet before turning to the children who were waiting for her permission like antsy little puppies, seeing the expression on their faces, Yu Dong rolled her sleeves and the seams of her pants as she said, "Let's go, I will teach you how to get rolling on the beach!"

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