
Chapter 852: Tied and jaded ——2

Chapter 852: Tied and jaded ——2


Yu Dong brushed her fingers on his shoulder and then skimmed over his chest before circling his hardened bean as her hand came to rest on his lower abdomen just above the waistband of his pants that he was wearing. It would have been fine if she did not have that ruthless glint in her eyes since she did the same many times but now that she was looking at him with those harsh eyes of hers that had just the right amount of softness for him, Shen Li felt that all the butterflies in his stomach were making a huge ruckus.      

It was like seeing her for the very first time when he realised that she was not the same woman who used to hit him all the time.      

" Do you like this?" She asked as she pinched his hardened bean with her fingers. " Answer me, Li."      

" I …"      

" Do not stutter, say it properly, I will prefer it that way" she spoke to him in an authoritative voice. The very same one which asked him to get on his knees on their first night, though he heard the same voice say that she liked this or that but not once did he hear her ask whether or not he was liking anything.      

" Hmm?" She flicked his hardened bean which caused a shiver to trail up his spine as he opened his mouth and then said, " Yes, I like it."      

" Madam," Yu Dong corrected him with a teasing note in her voice as she looked him in the eyes. " I think this will make it more exciting what do you say?"      

As much as Shen Li hated to admit it, his body had another thought since he felt his member stand straight as soon as he heard her call herself, " madam."     

" Yes madam," he replied to her which caused her eyes to twinkle as if they were sharing a private joke that no one else knew.      

" I did not think that the word madam would fit you so well but you do make it sound really charming," said Yu Dong as she tugged at the band of his pants and then said, " Remove these as well please."      

She looked at him with a lethal expression which was quite the opposite of the 'please' that she just spoke, Shen Li did not even know why she was even bothering with those please that she was adding to the end of the line but he did as she said and then stepped out of his pants before coming to a stop in front of her fully naked.     

Seeing that he was getting a bit shy with his hands trying to cover his member, Yu Dong arched a brow and then snapped in a harsh voice, " Hands on the side, remember this is what you wanted." As she spoke she went around and came to a stop behind his back and then with a flick of her hand smacked him firmly on his ass.     

It was totally insulting, being smacked like a child but Shen Li did not mind on the other hand, his member contracted even more as if it was ready to shoot arrows out of its tip. And to make it even more embarrassing, he noticed the shiny wetness around the head of his member——- he went to cover his member which was perversely showing off how much he liked being stepped on as if Yu Dong needed another evidence other than his words which craved her dominance.     

It was a good thing that Yu  Dong was busy with the silk strings and did not have any time to care about him but that was until she pulled him back and then buckled the strings of the silky fabric around his wrist and then lifted the other end which caused his hands to snap right above his head letting his member which was dripping with wet essence to come into view at once.     

His cheeks turned red as if inflamed just as Yu Dong turned to look at him and then said, " You do not need to be scared ..in case you feel pain somewhere all you need to tell me, just use the word white since you like the colour too much and I will stop, all right?"      

" Okay," Shen Li nodded, he already knew how things worked since he had done this many times before, he was stronger than the last time and can totally take it.     

Seeing his determined face, Yu Dong's gaze softened as she said, " There is no need for you to act so toughly, in case you do not like something just tell me, all right?"      

" I know," he nodded his head, though he was a bit terrified because of the voice which was coinciding with the one in his head, he wanted to trust Yu Dong undoubtedly no matter what and how she looks at him.      

" I will be in your care then," said Yu Dong as she hooked his arms above his head such that his feet were almost dangling from the ground but maybe it was because he was carrying her child, she did not dangle him in the air like always. He found it a bit annoying since he liked the feeling of losing his footing —— it made him feel like he was flying.     

" Do not look so disappointed," said Yu Dong as she looked at him with a smile on her face but that smile of hers had an edge as she walked over to the cabinet and then to his surprise while he was hanging in the middle of the room, she rummaged and then picked out a familiar box which was something that he had hidden away from her gaze but for some reason was now in front of him.      

" You..where did you find it…" she zeroed in her harsh glare at him which caused him to swallow as he amended. " Madam…?"     

Yu Dong smiled like a child and then flipped open to reveal the long jade cylindrical shape that was warm and cold to touch with straps on the side and then commented, " This is something that I excavated from your treasure chest when you were sleeping last time. Pity you hid it from me."      

if you feel uncomfortable! I will clean the chapters.     

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