
Chapter 947: Want to marry? Then marry

Chapter 947: Want to marry? Then marry

The more Old Master Tong spoke the louder his voice became, he continued to look at Old Madam Yu as he persevered in his stance, " In this which family did not send away their mer sons? Who treated them well? No one! No one cares about their mer sons and if you are going to give me, Yu Dong's example then I will let you know that the reason why Yu Dong is treating her mer sons so well is because she has money!"          

" If she did not have money then I am telling you that she would have sold her sons long ago! What taking care of them? She would have found them a bother! I was the one who was blind and took a fancy to a useless woman like you, you had no skills and only knew how to expand your family without knowing how to expand your salary and to make it worse you did not even treat me well, if you could not give me financial security, you should have at least given me emotional one! And you ask me why I wanted to kill your daughter? It was because you made me do it! If we speak carefully then you are the reason why your daughter and son-in-law are in hell now——"      

" Shut up!" Old Madam Yu was so agitated that she rushed forward and slapped Old Master Tong harshly. Her slap was so crisp and loud that the sound echoed in the small space where the villagers came to sit down and chat under the large gnarled tree. " Why do you keep insisting that I did not treat you well? Have you ever treated me well? You looked down on me yet you wanted me to pay attention to you. Every day you will scream and shout making my peaceful house hell! If not for your screaming would Yu Hai step out of the house and start earning money when she was only twelve years old? You made my entire family upset! All day because of your nagging I stayed in the fields and worked until my back broke and you dare say that I did nothing!"      

" Who was the one who fed you? Who placed a roof over your head? The money and clothes that you use now, the house in which you live on whose land is it built? What did you even bring from your house when you married me? I will tell you now! You brought nothing! Not even a bowl! Yet you acted like you were a son of some noble family, ptui! Taking the rice from the house and handing it to your sister and mother….I haven't even started collecting those dues yet and you …."      

Old Master Tong held his face in a daze while a corner of his mouth bled harshly. He never expected that his wife who always had her head and back bowed in front of him and did not even raise her voice at him would one day hit him and that too for the dead Yu Hai, wasn't it because that girl was the daughter of her precious husband?      

The jealousy and anger in Old Master Tong's heart exploded, he jumped on his feet and then started to hit and scratch Old Madam Yu as he screamed, " I knew it! I knew that you only cared for that son of a bastard! You never looked at me, even today you hugged me as soon as I spoke in the same tone as that short-life ghost but you pushed me away the second you realised it was me! Yu Hai is your daughter but Yu Zhang is not your daughter? She is not your flesh and blood? How dare you! How dare you!"      

Once Old Master Tong snapped his true nature was revealed, he did not give a chance to Old Madam Yu to hit him back. He continued to slap, punch and scratch Old Madam Yu with all his might.      

Old Madam Yu gritted her teeth when a few long scratches appeared on her face because Old Master Tong dragged his nails on her face like a fiery cat.      

"That's enough," Yu Dong pulled Old Madam Yu behind her and left Yu Tong to take care of her while she caught Old Master Tong's hands.      

However, the second Yu Dong touched Old Master Tong's hands, the latter's knees buckled and he started screaming and wailing loudly, " Someone come and see, this woman despite being a junior is trying to kill me! She is trying to kill me even though I have a child! She wants my life! My life I am telling you all!"      

Yu Zhang rushed ahead and pulled her father back, even though he had humiliated her, she couldn't watch him die.      

" Dong Dong, I know that my father has wronged you and your family but he is still your elder, please refrain yourself."      

Yu Tong on the other hand silently held her grandmother back who was trying to rush back and hit Old Master Tong. Her eyes turned red and her shoulders started to shake, she looked at his grandfather as if he was a stranger. She always thought that she owed Yu Dong a lot but now that she had found out that Old Master Tong schemed to kill Yu Hai, her aunt, Yu Tong felt her back lower even more.      

Now even if she wanted to look Yu Dong in the eyes she might not be able to do so!     

Yu Dong let go of Old Master Tong, she did not wish to touch the mer either. For some reason, she smelled a bad foul coming from his lower region and had a faint suspicion that the child may or may not be Li Tianhui's as Old Master Tong played around a bit too much but even so she had nothing to do with this matter.      

She raised her hand and smiled at Yu Zhang, " Aunt you are wrong, I am not attacking Old Master Tong. I am restraining him from doing any more damage since he has already committed so many sins, I am afraid that he be executed by gallows but in case we add another crime, he will have to lose his life in a much more painful way."      


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