
Eight : Who Wants A Nanny

Chapter Eight : Who Wants A Nanny

Maya's Pov

??????Everything felt weird or maybe I was the weird one here. Eventhough Eden proved to be a good company but my mind kept wondering to Nik now and then.

I couldn't help noticing the way he and Tina walked hand in hand.They looked perfect, they were definitely a match made in heaven until I noticed something.

Nik wasn't smiling, his face was in a grimace, so was Tina's and I knew at once they were having a fight and I'm probably the cause of it.

I knew Tina didn't believe my lame excuse and now, Nik's suffering the consequence.Great I ruined my own relationship and about to ruin another one.

I knew at once there was no way I was going to stay another minute in here,I had to get the hell out of here before I ruined a relationship further.

Determined I turned to leave but I forgot Eden was a problem.

"Going somewhere?" He asked starring at me weirdly. He raised his hand and touched my cheek in concern but I flinched "You okay?"

"Urm..yes, I'm fine" I replied not looking him in the eyes afraid he'll discover I'm lying - I totally suck at lying.

" I just need the washroom " I lied through my teeth hoping he won't escort me to the toilet. Going to the washroom was at the moment my only chance of escape

"Ok, go.I'll be waiting" He agreed and I breath in relieve. He wasn't going to be my escort so my plan was going to be a success.

Just when I turned to leave, I bumped into a girl who looked just like a feminine version of Nik except the eyes, she had blue while he had black.

Judging from the distinct similarities, I knew she was definitely Nik's sister which definitely wasn't going to end up well.I was trying to get rid of him not add another of his blood to my life.

"I'm sorry" I hurriedly said praying she won't take offense from the little accident and create a scene or make me stay long enough to be noticed by Nik

"O..o-okay" She stuttered and I took off but a grip on my arm stopped me from going further . Agitated , I turned to face her

"How can I help you?" I asked trying not to show the irritation in my voice

"I know everyone on the guest list but you're no..." She tried explaining but I was quick to cut her off cause I seriously had no time for this

"I know but I have to Lea....."

"Emily" Eden called and she turned to face him while I moaned inwardly.

God why ! Why are you doing this to me! .

"Eden?" She smiled and leaped towards him engulfing him in a hug almost knocking him to the ground in the process.

"You came" she breathed against his neck chuckling softly. I stared at the duo envying their closeness, something I wish I had.

A great manipulative b*tch?Kim was, but in time I realised something. Kim wasn't the problem but I was the problem, no one wanted me , not even my precious mother I bonded with at birth.

I was so engulfed in my reverie that I was scared out of my pant when I heard my name being called

"I see you have met Maya . Maya?" Eden called startling me.

As if the situation wasn't awkward enough, I lost the ability to speak "Urm...yeah...."

Come on Maya ,stop babbling like a fool.I scolded myself and took a deep breath.?I guess I'll just be myself

"Hi" I said stretching out my hands for a handshake "I'm Maya" I introduced hoping I'll survive this night without ruining another life.

"Emily" she muttered accepting my hand. We shaked hands, lingering for a while until she stared at my hands and gasped

"Nice manicure, where did you get that?"

"Get that?" I scoffed " I do that myself, piece of cake" I answered lifting my hands for display while she admired it.

"Would you make mine, too?" She asked while I raked my brain searching for a suitable answer that wouldn't piss her knowing I want nothing to do with the Spencer Family .

The plan to get the hell outta here was still on and active, so getting involved with her simply means getting involved with Nik which isn't a good thing at the moment.

"I don't know....I...."

"Pleaseeeee" Emily pleaded with quivering lips and fluttered her eyelashes putting on the best puppy look ever.

"Fine" I blurted out without even realizing it. what spell did she just cast on me?

As if that wasn't enough, next I knew,I was crushed to a body before realizing Emily was hugging me. A really bone crushing hug

"Thank you" Emily rejoiced tightening the hug without sparing my lungs

"Can't's crushing" I gasped trying to intake as much oxygen I could without fainting

"Oops sorry" Emily released me with a smile on her face."I'm just so happy, it's being so long I had a girlfriend "

"You don't have ?girlfriends?" I asked shocked. Well, welcome to the party cause I can't exactly say I have one too.

"let's just say being rich doesn't work well in the friends department" She said and I noticed the pain in her voice and knew she've being hurt badly by so called friends

"Well you're in luck cause I'm in the market for a friend" I muttered nonchalantly trying not to show I really wanted her as a friend. Huge thanks to her kindness, not many rich kids could be as kind as her.

"Well" Eden announced sandwiching himself in between us with a drink held securely in his hand

" You ladies have your fun while I go have mine" He said, kissed the back of my hand and disappeared through the crowd before Emily could protest

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned over the worried lines forming on her face.It was obvious whatever Eden said had a negative effect on her

"Trust me when I say whatever Eden's up to, it isn't good especially with Nik around here" She explained straining her neck higher to get a sight of Eden amidst the crowd

"Nik?" I asked surprised "what's going on between Nik and Eden?"

Great, curious me! I totally forgot mission 'leave the Spenser's alone '

"Long story but you've got to help me find them before we have a war in our hands" She said taking my hand and dragging me through the crowd.

"I can't even imagine what my papa was thinking bringing the both of them together" Emily murmured as we pushed and shoved through the crowd

"How are we going to find your brother in the midst of this large number of peo...."

"They're relations and friends moreover Nik mentioned earlier about finding my dad so Eden must have headed there too so....."

"Oh no" I gasped earning a "what?" From Emily.I tilted my head sideway directing her to a spectacular scene murmuring "I think World War Three is about to begin"

Nik and Eden stood facing eachother,Nik a deadly glare on his face with his fist folded prepared to attack while Eden stood with an arrogant and satisfied smirk on his face.

"This is bad, we have to do something" Emily cried out while I stared shell shocked, getting in between them was equivalent to getting in between two angry lions .

But my brain wasn't thinking cause next I knew I found myself in between them introducing myself to Nik's father .

"Maya sir" I said extending my hand for a handshake which he gladly accepted

"I'm Adam Spencer and don't be too polite cause I'm a casual being" He said flashing me a smile that was too friendly or too fake to be friendly

"Alright Mr Adam" I agreed flashing back a smile trying not to show how nervous I am or the fact my palm was sweating.

"So Maya ,have we met before?" Adam asked but before I could open my mouth and explain I was nobody, but here on behalf of his son , an answer made itself known or rather two answers

"She's my dat...."

"Isabelle's Nanny" Nik interjected

"What?" Everyone said, my self included.

What just happened? I'm whose nanny? Was that the job he said wasn't illegal? A nanny?

"A nanny for Izzy? you gotta be kidding me?" Eden spat not believing his ears.

It was obvious he didn't expect such a heavy blow from him.I just turned from his date to Izzy's nanny ? he definitely wasn't going to stand for that

" Yes Eden" Nik answered with a smirk "I'm taking my daughter Isabelle back with me so she needs a nanny as agreed by my father"

Oh, now I remembered.I totally forgot Nik was a single dad.

And judging from the look on Adam's face, I could tell he has no idea what his son's talking about so, it was obvious Nik set him up to make it seem like he betrayed Eden by turning his date into his granddaughter's nanny.

Such a good plan, Nik was definitely revenging on Eden.

"Oh please" Eden scoffed " We all know Izzy's a rude brat so why don't Maya come nanny for Annabelle instead ? "

"You mean your spoiled brat who've fired over a dozen nannies? What makes you think she won't fire Maya on sight?" Nik attacked while I stared speechless.

So not only does Nik has a daughter but Eden has one too? Isabelle and Annabelle??just what in the world was going on here?

But wait a minute, it's me they're talking here. Me ! Why is no one taking my opinion into account?

"I'll pay you double what he's going to pay" Eden announced jerking me out of my thought, he's definitely not near the word called 'giving up'

"A million dollars Maya , think carefully" Nik announced as my jaw dropped. A million dollars just to hire a nanny?

"Three million" Eden added leaving me speechless.

What the hell was wrong with this guys?? Do they pluck money from a tree? Not that I'm complaining about the money though.

"Six million " Nik bided as if I was some ancient artifact worth millions of dollars.

Guilty as charged, I was enjoying this show and all I was missing was a comfortable sofa, a bowl of popcorn and a fizzy drink at my side.

"Eight million" Eden finally announced and there was a long silence.

It seemed as if Nik couldn't bid further, maybe he've just found out I'm not worth such huge amount of money.

But when everyone thought everything was over , Nik said out of nowhere

" Twenty million dollars " and the whole place went dead silent.

There was no more chatter, everything and eveyone went still . A corner of my lips twitch upwards and a smile found itself on my lips.

That was Nik, the man with the ability to make the whole world stop, I knew there was no way Eden was going to beat that.

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