
Chapter 65 - Sixty-five : A Dance With Danger

Chapter 65 - Sixty-five : A Dance With Danger

Maya's POV

For a good thirty minutes, deep uncontrollable sobs wracked my body and robbed my lungs of breath while his shirt was stained with my tears and snots.

I really thought he had used and left me like the others. I had to admit it, I was scared to be lonely ; all my life the people I ever wanted never wanted me and it was quite tiring to be honest.

It was like a cycle : I meet people, we get incredibly along at first, I help them out, then they use and finally betray me and it keeps repeating - I was definitely cursed. It made me quite lonely cause I couldn't tell who I could relay on any longer .

But fate was real funny, it's games were quite unpredictable and f*cked up . The only person who surprisingly hasn't betrayed me so far is the only person I supposed should have left me already.

Truth be told , when Nik made that mouthwatering proposal, I had only anticipated but not wholly trusted his words - I just thought, perhaps that's a fling in his own language moreover I wanted to stop being a good girl and indulge myself a bit.

The option was limited, it was either I plunge in deeply with Niklaus or succumb to the loneliness that has been snapping at my heels my entire life.

But fully trust his word? impossible! . After all this guy was someone who within the snap of his finger can have any lady of any height, weight, race and caliber on his bed - What was he lacking anyway? He had the looks, body and cash - everything most ladies wanted from a man - everything that would make their life comfortable.

And Christ ! Who knows whether the words he told me were the same as the words he told the thousands of ladies he had beded ; but then I didn't care, I wanted to dance with danger this time - I was done being careful.

But unfortunately, things began to change or perhaps things weren't the way I thought it would be - Nik began to do things I would never imagine him doing to the extent I thought he was obsessed with me.

I mean, what guy would plunge headlong into cooking when he knows his fingers were in danger of being amputated? But him ?- that crazy rich boy was capable of doing it.

What guy out there was crazy enough to remove his lover out of her family's registry and threaten to destroy them, just because they laid a finger on her?

No one but Nik

I sighed in contentment when I felt Nik rub his hand in a circular motion on my back and the other smoothing my hair, it had a soothing effect on me.

When I tried to pull away from the hug he instead pressed me closer to his body , murmuring firmly into my ears "Don't move. Let's just stay like this for a while "

So I complied with his command but our stance was reversed a bit this time - Niklaus was now the one resting his face on my shoulder while my arms enveloped his lean hips.

The scene was so romantic that I wished a camera was here to capture this exotic moment : Two figures standing with body pressed against each other as the silvery moonlight filtered in through some open parts of the gazebo surrounding them in a hazy shimmer with the tantalizing smile of roses blooming all around the garden.

This scene reminded me specifically of that song :

Place - park, scene - dark

Silvery moon is shining through the trees

Cast - two, me - you

Summer kisses floating on the breeze

Act one, be done

Dialog - where would ya like to spoon?

My cue, with you

Underneath the silvery moon

By the light of the silvery moon

I want to spoon

To my honey I'll croon love's tune

Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June

Your silvery beams will bring love's dreams We'll be cuddlin' soon by the silvery moon

But the romance was killed the moment I felt him slouch against my body , his whole weight now resting on me almost bringing us both to the ground.

" Niklaus " I called and shook him but there was no response instead his soft, even and relaxed breath warmed the back of my neck and I stiffened.

At first I was too stunned to respond until I realized indeed, Niklaus was sleeping on my shoulder.

I sucked in a cold breath and let it out slowly, trying to think on how I was going to get him inside the house.

My battery had already died thanks to my obsessive search for the engagement news and checking on the time for Nik's return.

Non of the security guards who took turns in guiding the mansion were anywhere near the garden and no amount of shaking awoke the sleeping Beauty.

I realized at once the universe was set on f*cking me today .

In the end, I ended up half carrying and half dragging Niklaus into the house and thankfully Amanda met me halfway through the journey.

But because we sure couldn't carry Niklaus up the stairs leading to his room - my waist would definitely snap in two - So Nik ended up in my room.

I breathed in relief while stretching my body. God, my body was aching. I'm going to need my painkillers later.

I simply changed Nik out of his shoes and shirt - He likes sleeping bare and besides ,today was quite hot - while giving me an avenue to stare at his hot , well toned abs to my satisfaction without interruption or fear of being caught - I was definitely drooling at the sight.

Snap out of it Maya ! , I slapped my cheek to arouse me from my useless fantasy - I had literally used my eyes to strip the poor guy.

"You lewd girl " I hit my head with my palm twice and tore my eyes away from his yummylicious abs reluctantly.

Squatting down beside the bed, I watched him sleep and I had to admit his features looked soft and incredibly cute unlike his usual stoic expression when awake.

My hand moved of its own volition to his hair but my palm brushed across his forehead in the process causing my face to scrunch up - he was having a fever.

That was when I realized how flushed his face looked at the moment.

Honestly, I was quite surprised; Niklaus was amongst the healthiest and strongest people I've ever known. Seeing him this weak and vulnerable made me realize he was still the same as I am : Flesh and blood.

I grabbed my first-aid kit and took his temperature with the thermometer, he was having a fever of about 40.5 Celsius.

I fed him paracetamol which I literally shoved down his throat cause he clamped his teeth so tight I couldn't get access to the inside of his mouth - I think he bit my finger in the process.

But the problem was solved the moment I kissed him and was granted immediate access - yeah, I know what you're thinking, been there.

So I used my tongue to guide it down his throat and fed him lots of fluids with the same method.

So I , Maya, spent the rest of the night sponging his exposed skin with tepid water amidst checking his temperature until it went down.

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