
Chapter 102 - One Hundred And Two : Her Alternative Self -2

Chapter 102 - One Hundred And Two : Her Alternative Self -2

Nik's POV

"So, not only are you a chronic heartbreaker but a murderer as well?" I sensed the acid in her tone as she spoke.

Alright, she's officially drunk - time to face the music

I looked up and our gaze met and held. Unlike the shy Maya who blushes tomato red when looking into my eyes, this one boldly held my gaze.

I calmly replied " Stay out of this Maya, this is between Sakuzi and I "

"Of course " She sneered, picked up the table knife placed beside her and sliced through the whole chicken so vigorously that I wouldn't be surprised if the platter broke.

She began to complain "That's what I've always been doing. Each time I ask about your past, you tell me 'It's nothing! "

Maya picked up a fork and examined it carefully before stabbing it into the chicken with such a momentum that rattled the dishes on the table.

I gulped, it was already obvious she was visualizing me as the chicken in that platter .

"You say I matter but the things you do contradict that! " She bellowed and forcefully brought the fork down into the chicken breast.

My hands unconsciously went to my chest and clasped it tightly - my heart was still intact thankfully - maybe it was a good thing I was facing her in this state with Sakuzi around.

"I confess my feelings for you but you don't dare reply?! Who the hell do you think you are?! "

This time she dropped the knife and fork, instead used her hand to steady the chicken while the other crudely ripped off the wing and took a huge bite out of it.

Poor chicken, poor me.

I swallowed and subtly flexed my shoulder, the fact it was still functioning properly filled me with joy. Seriously, this was mental torture.

But it seems Maya was not done with her torment yet cause she didn't even finish consuming the chicken wing and tossed it into the empty plate beside the platter.

"I bet you and Tina gloated at my foolishness! "

She grabbed one of the chicken legs and tore it off, bones and all - wow she was this strong, how comforting.

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat and stretched out my legs just to be sure, you never know what's going on in a woman's mind.

My throat dried up when my sight fell on the oven roasted whole chicken with lemon and thyme and couldn't help but mourn for it ; several vital parts were brutally lacerated.

Alright, I couldn't take this anymore.

"I didn't mean it that way, Maya " I tried to explain but she was quick to find fault with me.

She raised a brow "Oh really? No longer Tigress but Maya? "

"Wait - What?! " There was a trace of confusion on my face.

I ran my hands through my hair and gripped the root so tight it hurt, but the pain helped me to calm down.

How did "Calling her Tigress? " concern the issue we were currently resolving.

Oh God ! She is slowly driving me crazy.

"May-no Tigress-Maya…"

I couldn't call her ' Tigress ' in front of Sakuzi, it would only show how much I valued her and that wasn't what I wanted.

Maya threw her head back and laughed " See? You're now so overwhelmed with guilt you can't call me that. You're an asshole, you know that ?"

"But you've always known I was an asshole before getting together with me " I said pointedly and I swore I saw her eyes spit fire.

I shivered and knew I had finally pushed her button, I'm definitely dead meat.

As depicted in movies and novels, I expected Maya was going to throw the glass of wine she was currently clasping tightly in my face but that wasn't what happened.

Even in my wildest dream, I never imagined Maya would grab the chicken or what remained of it and hurled it straight at me.

Caught unaware, the chicken hit me square in the face and God knows I can't recollect what happened next.

All I knew afterwards was the fact that Judy ran to my side and helped me up to my feet.

"What happened? " I asked, slightly swaying to the side but Judy was there to support me.

My face was greasy while I reeked of lemon and garlic, I even plucked out a thyme leaf out of my hair.

Oh right, I was trying to prove to Sakuzi that Maya was nothing but one of my usual playthings but the person in question didn't take it well and sent a chicken flying to my face.

The force and the shock of the unexpected attack must have tipped the seat backward and I fell to the ground in the process.

My eyes searched for her, in fact her eyes were red and thirsty for revenge that I shivered and goosebumps sprang up all over my arms.

I might have numerous enemies but I was not scared of them since I was sure of conquering them in the nearest future but right now, just the thought of looking into Maya's puffy, bloodshot eyes scared the shit out of me.

Sakuzi laughed and raised his glass saying " This is the most entertaining night I've ever had "

I glowered at him "I'm here to take back what you took from me! "

"I'm not your f*cking property! " Maya retorted.

My jaw ticked, her rotten drunken attitude was now getting on my nerves. Can't she see I'm trying my best to save her ass here.

"Niklaus Spencer " Sakuzi called me grimly by my full name " You should already know by now what I want "

I snorted "Why are you being so obnoxious?You clearly know Maxwell was shot in the heat of the moment "

Sakuzi's eyes darkened and he raised his voice "I can't be fooled! "

Realizing he lost control of his temper, he lowered his voice but the venom dripping off his words were apparent.

"If you haven't doublecrossed me, I wouldn't have lost Max "

"Why would I double cross you in a deal that caused me my wife too! " Niklaus yelled back at him.

Maya, who had been surprisingly quiet since the chicken attack, spoke up at once.

"Hollerup, what the hell is going on here?! "

"Stay out of this " I warned her, as if she ever listens to me.

"Perhaps you would like another chicken? "

I turned to face her with an ugly scowl on my face "Is that a threat ? "

"Depends on how you read it " she said back fearlessly.

I rubbed my face with my palm, sighing "I'll deal with you later "

"The girl isn't worth your attention " I went straight to the point "You would gain nothing from ending her "

"Yeah trust the asshole, you would gain nothing from killing me. No one would miss me, not even my mom - the asshole included by the way " Maya chimed in.

"Maya " I growled a warning and she sat back in her chair grumpily - at least she still acknowledges? my threat.

"The girl might not be worth my attention but she's worth your attention. " he pointed out and walked towards me " Don't you get it Niklaus, I'm going to take something you desire the most from you just as you took from me "

There was silence for a moment before I glanced up and with lightning speed, snatched the gun from stoic Face's grip and pointed it at Sakuzi's? head.

Instantly numerous rifles were pointed at Maya and Judy. Unlike Maya who was outwardly glaring at me, Judy was calm and maintained eye contact with me.

He laughed scornfully "I thought you were smarter than this , Niklaus? "

I knew if I dared make a wrong move, Maya would definitely die right away. There was no escaping it, she couldn't outrun that many bullets unless she was supergirl.

I swallowed the humiliation and? the anger, dropped the gun and slowly went on my knees eliciting a shocked gasp from the crowd - sakuzi was not left out.

"She's not the woman after my heart but I made a promise to keep her safe. I want to take her place but I know you? would never allow it, you want me to feel the pain and humiliation of watching a loved ones die helplessly "

There was a stunned expression on Maya's face and Sakuzi was not left out either, even though he hid it perfectly.

A shocked silence reigned for a while until Sakuzi decided to break it

He laughed in disbelief " Let's say I do believe the garbage you just said, aren't I at a loss? I didn't gain anything from this - "

"I'll give you Gerald's ledger " I offered and heard Judy hurl profanity upon profanity.

He knew I? just signed my death warrant, the Oldman would definitely kill me for this.

Gerald was Sakuzi's enemy and was once ours, if we hadn't gained possession of his business ledger and used it to tame him ; everyone, gang or mob leader, knows how dangerous their ledger is in the hands of an enemy.

So once Gerald has an idea his ledger is no longer in our possession, it would give him the incentive to attack us while he would have no choice than to fawn over Sakuzi in order to get in his good grace .

A smile stretched Sakuzi's mouth "Absolutely fine by me but that doesn't mean you can take the girl tonight "

My countenance changed and my eyes turned murderous but he sensed it cause and explained,

"Rest assured, I won't do anything to her tonight afterall the girl is now my guest and we have been having a good time before your arrival, isn't that right Maya? "

Sakuzi directed the question at her and my blood chilled, he was doing it on purpose .

Why ask the drunk Maya, the answer was obvious.

And just? as I expected Maya answered, "Yes, it is. I'll be honoured to spend the rest of the night here " She boldly declared while staring me in the eyes challengingly.

You've got to be kidding me.

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