
Chapter 130 - One Hundred And Thirty : The Crown Princess

Chapter 130 - One Hundred And Thirty : The Crown Princess

Maya's POV

When night came, Isabella had become a nightmarish version of Anabelle.

"Maya! " Isabella screamed so hard my ear hurt, anyone hearing her now would think she was being tortured in an interrogation room.

"Give me a sec! " I yelled back from the bathroom while checking the temperature of the water; it had to be lukewarm.

"It's really itchy, I want to scratch back "She whined with an irritated look on her face, I could already imagine.

"I swear to God Isabella, if you scratch that blister I am going to spank you hard on the bottom " I warned her while sprinkling the recommended amount of powdered oatmeal I had Eden buy from a health food store into the bath.

I was preparing a colloidal oatmeal bath for Isabella to help stop the itching. The itchy rash with red blisters had begun to appear more on her body and she was driving me nuts. The more it itched her, the more she irked me.

The oatmeal bath eases irritated skin by sticking to the skin and forming a protective skin. Let's just hope Isabella lasts in there.

"Why can't I scratch it? I'm dying here " Isabella cried out in agony which tugged at my heart. I could relate to her suffering.

"You could get your skin infected while scratching it besides, you could scar yourself big-time!" I hollered so she could hear me.

"I don't care about the damn scar! I have enough money to last a century, I could always get a surgery done " She hurled back impatiently.

"Alright sweetie, tap the itch alright? I said 'tap ' not 'rub' or 'scratch' " I clarified, having known she was bound to do whatever pleased her.

Once I was done setting the bath, I was grateful to see Isabella "tapping" the blisters and not "scratching"? it.

"Alright, strip, " I told her and she happily bounced down the bed amid taking off her clothes until she was in nothing but her pants.

Thankfully she wasn't a teenager, else this moment would have been a lot awkward. I hardly know how to take care of myself, talk more a teen? Pfft, oh please.

I led her into the bathroom and watched her stop in her tracks when she saw the milky white water.

"What's this? " She gave a puzzled look.

"Liquid from a cow's tit " I deadpanned, " Get into the tub Izzy, it would help stop the itching a bit " I explained with a huge unladylike yawn.

God, I was so tired. The girl has stressed me today beyond human limits.

The little imp gave me a dubious look yet obeyed nevertheless. It was satisfying to know that as smart as Isabella claims she is, she still doesn't know everything.

"Soak in the tub for about…. " I stretched my neck out from the bathroom door and checked the time on the wall clock.

"Fifteen minutes. Soak in the tub for fifteen minutes, though I'll be back - "

"Where are you going? "

She didn't even allow me to finish my statement.

"I want to receive air that hasn't been contaminated with chickenpox particles " I gibed, leaving right away.

Eden was already waiting in the living room so I didn't need to search for him. I plonked down on the nearest couch without care to manner while releasing a languid sigh.

"How is it going? " Eden inquired curiously.

"She's impossible. I'm so tired I can't even lift a finger right now. My whole body is aching " I complained dramatically.

"Do you need a massage? "

I was stunned by his comment, "W-what massage? " I choked, " Who says anything about a massage? "

"But you said your muscles are aching? You need to loosen those tensed and knotted flesh else the pain would elevate " Eden said with all seriousness.

"Fine " I laughed nervously, "I'll have it done later or perhaps Anabelle would help me or any of the - " I was still saying when he began to approach me.

"I didn't say you should - "

"Stay still " Eden ordered with a stern voice as he climbed onto the couch and took his place behind me.

I was wearing a really plain baggy oversized shirt with its sleeve turned up while I tied the hem at the side of my stomach accompanied by a knee-length short.

"You don't need to … " I was still saying but he had already positioned himself properly and tugged down my collar, exposing a side of my creamy shoulder.

I took a deep breath, alright Maya, let's play it cool. He says it's just a massage nothing else and, if he dares tries anything stupid, we always got our fist to support us.

Okay, fighting!

I felt Eden place his hand on my shoulder, then began to knead it gently, adding just enough pressure at the right time - he seems to be so good at this.

"God, this feels so good " I groaned in pleasure with my eyes closed

"In case you ever quit your job as a CEO, you're free to become my massage therapist." I teased him, "Having a masseur like you is definitely not a loss "

He chuckled, " I don't think you would be able to afford me "

"Yeah, I know. Which is why I have to work harder and become a rich, popular celebrity "

"There is a shortcut to achieving all of your dreams, " He said, leaving me curious.

"By marrying me, " Eden revealed, just as he moved to the other shoulder. Digging his thumbs into those knotted muscles until they had loosened.

I laughed, "Tempting offer but no. I don't need a man to climb to the top. I am strong and smart enough to achieve whatever I want to, without the dominant Alpha by my side "

"Your loss then" He replied me nonchalantly, "But the offer is always? available by the way "

"Fine " I answered in order to conclude that topic.

Just then the doctor who had gone to vaccinate the others came out with Mrs.El by his side and the massage session came to an abrupt end.

"How did it go? " Eden asked with concern

The doctor cleared his throat, "Due to the fact they had been exposed to chickenpox, I had to give them a shot of varicella-zoster immune globulin to help prevent the infection"

" What about Isabella? " I queried this time.

"Take this, " The doctor said and handed a Tablet to me," This acyclovir would help make her symptoms less severe. Just give her a dose today and the other tablets, five times for a whole week "

"Thank you doctor " I appreciated his services.

"I'll be leaving then, " The doctor said, prompting Mrs. El offer to see him out but Eden refused and suggested the both of us should escort him instead.

Well, I had no objection, so I agreed.

"You should let the little girl drink lots

of fluids for her body to eliminate the virus faster " The doctor advised just as we reached the entrance.

"Of course " I concurred to his every word.

"See you then " The doctor bade us and stepped into his car and the driver drove off

"Of course doctor " Mimicked Eden, as he perfectly copied my tone.

"Cut it out " I warned him while running my hands down my arms, the weather was so chilly? and I was so concerned about Izzy that I had forgotten to grab a coat on my way out.

" You're cold? "

"Isn't that obvious? " I snarked at him while giving him the look.

With a sigh, he began to pull off his blazer he had probably picked on his way out.

"Oi, what are you doing? " I took a step back while eyeing his moves carefully, but Eden ignored me and draped his coat that smelled good - but I won't admit it - on my shoulder

I tried to wriggle out of it but he hugged me tight, stopping me from pulling it off.

" Fine, let go. I won't take it off " I told him but he passed me a skeptical gaze.

" I don't trust you "

I retorted, " I'm the one who doesn't trust you "

"Fine, fine, trust, or not. Let's go in " He said and pushed me inside gently.

"Huh? Is there anyone outside? " I asked Eden when I saw him staring out of the gate with rapt attention.

He turned back to me with a smile, " It's nothing. Just a trick of the eyes, I thought I had seen a bear "

"A bear? " I snorted, " Who are you trying to fool? Me?? What do you think I am? Five? Ten? "

I pulled off his blazer and tossed it at his face playfully, "Thanks but no thanks "

Eden scoffed in disbelief, but the mirth in his eyes was obvious.

"Maya! " Isabella hollered from upstairs which made me close my eyes and take a deep, slow breath.

This humble maidservant called Maya totally forgot she had a tyrannical crown princess to serve.

"Wish me good luck," I remarked.

He winked at me, "Go get 'er Maya"

I smiled at his childish attempt at flirting but the smile came to an abrupt halt when I came to a startling realization.

When did I start being comfortable with Eden? I had been on guard against him but these few days made me question why I disliked him from the initial start.

Yes, he was full of tricks but his personality wasn't that bad as my ex described. He just seems controversial. Well, I hope I was making the right choice by trusting him a teeny bit.

"Maya! "

"I'm coming, your highness! "

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