
Chapter 135 - One Hundred And Thirty-five : What Could Possibly Happen?

Chapter 135 - One Hundred And Thirty-five : What Could Possibly Happen?

Nik's POV

There was no need guessing if Isabella was up or not, the sight of the numerous men standing guard in the living room was evidence; Judy might have taken my orders a bit strictly.

About ten men were standing straight and alert as the little devil called my daughter, watched a documentary with a bored expression.

Perhaps I was worrying over nothing, the sight of the security men made it look like they were guarding the world's most wanted criminal rather than my ten-year-old daughter.

I lifted my hand, signaling them to leave which they obeyed, giving me privacy to speak with my daughter.

I sat beside her on the sofa which sank slightly beneath my weight and alerted the prankster of my presence.

Isabella barely gave me a side glance before she grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention once again but she ignored me this time.

"Hey "

Isabella glared at me, " Don't talk to me " She said to me and went back to watching the television. But I could tell she couldn't focus on the program anymore.

I scratched the side of my head, how was I going to deal with this situation? If Maya was here, this would have been a whole lot easier.

Oh yeah, Maya leaving the house was the reason for this treatment in the first place. I failed to fulfill the promise I made to her - making Maya her mother. It looks like I'm in for a bumpy and stormy week from henceforth.

My eyes settled on the sores on her body prompting me to grab her hand without warning, receiving an intensified glare in return.

Isabella tried to pull back her arm but I refused to let go saying, "You told me not to speak to you, not touch you, " came my clarification.

"Y-you "

Her red angry face announced her defeat, she was tongue-tied. Isabella huffed and threw her face the other way.

I smirked in victory. I was her father and king of trickery; who does she think she inherited her intelligence from?

Examining her body, I discovered the red, fluid-filled blisters were emerging and spreading; why wasn't this thing healing?

Won't this destroy her delicate skin? A trace of panic crossed my features, this was the first time seeing my daughter this sick.

Yeah, Kay and I had taken care of her the first two years she came to us, but my ex-wife had been the one who spent more time with her as expected.

Even as a child, I don't remember this little devil ever getting sick cause she was given the best medical attention money could ever buy. Moreover, Isabella had always been a strong kid, it's still quite a shock to know that she was easily conquered by chickenpox.

Just then, Amanda walked past us but stepped back upon noticing my presence. There was a look of surprise on her face when she saw me with my daughter.

Yeah, I knew what she was thinking but I'm just trying to act the role of a father; I'm not an emotionless bastard. Besides, I don't want to waste Maya's sacrifices in bringing both of us together.

"You're welcome home, Sir Nik" She welcomed me and continued "Dinner would be served "

"Alright, give me a few minutes, I need to wash up " Isabella tugged her hand free as soon as she felt me slacken them.

I rose to my feet but did not forget to warn her, "Be a good girl, I'll be back soon for dinner "

Her response was a snort which I was used to already. In fact, a snort was a good thing which meant you still had a redemption chance.

Due to the fact I couldn't keep my dear daughter waiting for long, I hurried up in the bathroom, changed clothes, and was down in the dining room in no time; though Isabella was seated already.

It seems Amanda applied some sort of white lotion on her body that made my daughter look like a ghost especially with her hair let down like that.

"It's called calamine lotion, " Amanda explained while filling my glass with water when she saw me scrutinizing my daughter from her head to her feet.

"Don't worry, it's not hazardous to her health as far as she doesn't swallow it or put it in her eyes " She assured me upon seeing the concerned expression on my face.

"Is there not a better medication that poses no danger risk? " I asked, still worried.

Isabella was quite tactile, what if she touches that thing smeared on her body and then mistakenly puts it while rubbing her eyes?

"I'm not a kid, I can take care of myself," said Isabella with a vexed look. This was the first word she said since dinner was served - quite encouraging.

"Yes, sir Niklaus " Amanda supported her, "I can always flush it with lots of water if she mistakenly gets it into her eyes and seek immediate medical help "

Amanda tried her best to convince me but the "What if?" scenario still plagued my mind.

"You don't have to worry about anything, the lotion would help relieve the symptoms and prevent skin infections "

"Fine" I agreed at last just to satisfy Amanda, the woman can be persistent in defending anything she was passionate about.

I hardly got over the lotion episode when I discovered that Isabella's food was different from mine; It was too plain.

"Why aren't we eating the same food? " I was surprised.

"Ah, about that, Isabella has to avoid hard, spicy, or salty foods that can make her mouth sore "

I was mystified, why was there too much restriction with this sickness? I had no clue what or how to help her out.

"Are you complaining? " Isabella's abrupt comment made my brows furrow.

"You thought it was that easy? Well, for your information, the woman you disposed of spent the whole night taking care of me " My daughter spat with anger in her orbs.

I sighed, at the end of everything it still comes down to Maya.

"You thought parenting was ABC? " Isabella sneered

"I don't remember complain-"

This little devil interrupted me as she dropped her spoon, "Enjoy your meal"

"Sit back down! " I ordered, as soon as she shot up from her seat but Isabella as usual disrespected me by walking past me.

I sprang up angrily to give her a piece of my mind for her rudeness, but what happened next was a wonder; I found myself on the ground.

Strange enough, the fresh air hit my butt and slight pain. What the hell! Apprehension and denial gripped my heart as I traced my bum only to discover it was empty - like bare.

I glanced up when I heard a shriek and saw Amanda cover her face with her palm as she announced, "I'll go get help " and zoomed away.

Slowly, everything began to make sense. I was a victim of my daughter's prank, again; Isabella glued my bottom to the chair.

I had not glanced at my seat thoroughly before sitting down earlier because I was in a hurry to have dinner with my sick daughter as a normal loving father would.

Even when the seat felt funny, I had not given it much thought after all, what could possibly happen? Isabella was a prankster but she was down with an itchy disease, so she wouldn't have time to play a prank on me or so I thought.

Standing abruptly with anger, the momentum must have ripped me from the seat leading to the fall.

Other than my ripped pants and briefs, I'm fine - wait a minute, I think I'm missing a few butt hairs; thankfully, it wasn't my genital.

I peeled off my shirt and wrapped it around my waist, that was enough exposure for today - Amanda would need holy water to cleanse her eyes.

Still, yet, anger was boiling through my veins but I had to think of what Maya would do if she were here, calm down first? Remind me that Isabella was still a kid?

My gaze rested on the dining chair that brought me to the floor which now had my fabric stuck on its surface. I was truly amazed, where in the world had Isabella gotten that glue and what great timing?

My daughter who I was trying hard to show love, took advantage of my sympathy and pranked me, I had a feeling this was just the beginning. Was this how my days were going to look like from now on?

My anger dissipated when I understood Isabella was taking out her anger on me for failing to uphold my part of the deal - yeah, I'm douche so I deserve this one.

With a deep sigh, I left the dining room before Amanda returned, heading straight into Maya's room and lay down on her bed.

I found out recently that sleeping in her room was the cure to my insomnia caused by my haunted dreams. Whenever I lay down here, I have a peaceful dream like never before.

Sleep eventually took me away.

I woke up the next morning, washed up before heading to the kitchen for my usual coffee.

But I was stunned beyond measure when I walked info Isabella preparing coffee.

"Good Morning dad "

I froze. What did I just hear? But she didn't allow me to recover from my shock because she continued.

"I'm sorry for last night which is why I made you your coffee in advance as an apology, " Isabella said and lifted a glass of dark rich coffee to me which smelled good.

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned " This sly little girl flashed me a cute smile when she saw the hesitant look on my face.

"If you don't want to drink, just pour it down the sink." She told me but I was still gaping at her specially made coffee.

I was in a dilemma, drink, or don't drink?

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