
Chapter 144 - One Hundred And Forty-four: Friends With Benefits

Chapter 144 - One Hundred And Forty-four: Friends With Benefits

The third point of view

There was so much a man could take, but not temptation waking in a skin-tight skirt and leather jacket. He had lost himself that day and did the most horrible act of sleeping with his boss's daughter and sister; he would be a fool to commit the same act a second time.

"Don't make me repeat myself " He warned her, took his plastic bag, and began to walk out of the convenience store with the girl trailing behind him.

"Or what?" she challenged him.

Judy gave her a hard look and when he couldn't stare her down, tore his eyes away and instead waved down a taxi.


Emily was alarmed, "What are you doing?"

But he ignored her, successfully stopping a taxi.

He cocked a brow, "Will you enter willingly, or should I force you in?"

Emily scowled at him, "Fine, I will go without your help" she agreed reluctantly, tossed the medicine bag at him which he caught, and entered the taxi.

Judy wanted to pay for her transport fee but her glare stopped him, he returned his wallet to his pocket.

"Have a nice trip home" He waved at her, then hit the car door, signaling the driver to leave.

The girl's angry expression was the last thing he saw before the car rode out of sight.

Judy breathed in relief, he just made a very difficult decision right now. Though it sounds stupid, Emily was the only woman who could lit his loin on fire with just a glance his way.

He could not deny it, he was very tempted when she suggested the idea of sleeping over at his place; In fact, he craved it.

After that night spent with her, he has been desiring more of her, causing wet dreams to become his new routine.

But Judy wasn't stupid, though he saved the girl tonight but he was sure Adam had his people follow her-the man had eyes and ears everywhere.

Niklaus might turn a blind eye to everything since his sister decided to be with him.

But Adam would never entertain the idea of him around his daughter - he was nothing but a shadow guard while his daughter was destined for great things.

It was better he suffered from blue balls than get his balls butchered and fed to the dogs.

So Judy began to trek home since his apartment was just a few blocks away.

But he didn't walk for long when he sensed someone following him. The man was not bothered since whoever was trailing him was an amateur.

Judy couldn't sense any murderous intent from his follower but that didn't mean he would foolishly lead that unknown tracker to his place.

Without raising suspicion, he calmly walked into a grocery store having known the fool would follow after him.

Hiding behind a shelf full of packaged foods, Judy listened, sensed, and calculated the distance between him and the tracker; when close enough, he attacked.

The experienced fighter innovated the element of surprise by grabbing and shoving him up against the wall, just as the intruder's cap fell off revealing his - no, her face.

"Emily?" He asked, a wave of disbelief washing over him.

Tears stung her eyes as Emily hit his arm pressed against her throat, cutting her breath.

At once, he let go of her, supporting her tiny frame with his grasp.

"What were you thinking?!" He yelled at her, "I could have hurt you"

But Emily was busy coughing and rubbing her hurting throat.

Damn, that man was too strong.

"Here, take this". He offered her bottled water from the bag he had tossed to the ground while going in for the attack earlier.

Emily took it without complaint and gulped down the whole content, feeling better afterward.

"I sent you home, what are you doing here?". He queried her immediately.

"My gaze never left you for a sec. So when you thought I had left, I simply overpaid the driver to drive back and tailed you, bingo. Moreover, there's nobody home, I live alone and it gets boring"

"Then go to your friends" He refused to believe there was nowhere else she could spend the night.

"I don't have friends either save Maya who isn't available at the moment" She winked at him, " By the way, aren't we friends?"

His searching gaze held hers as he questioned back, "Are we ?"

"Yes, we are just a different type of friends" She clarified, boldly stepping towards him while he went backward.

"The friends with benefits" She pushed him against the shelf, some items toppling over in the process but she didn't care.

"The friends who know the way you taste" Her tongue emerged from her mouth with a sexy dance and licked a portion of his face.

"Don't keep me waiting, let's go home" She patted him on the shoulder smugly and left the store before him after paying for the damages.

Judy forgot to breathe, that was the sexiest thing any woman has ever done to me. His heart was slamming against his chest while he had an erection so intense it hurt.

God, that girl would be the death of him. What catastrophic did he cause in his past life to deserve such a temptress?

You're a man Judy, just toughen up and insist nothing would happen between the both of you tonight.

He decided and left the store, meeting the girl outside with a bright gleam in her eyes, what's she up to now?

Emily hooked her arm around his, causing his face to scrunch up.

"Let go of my arm" he commanded her firmly but the annoying woman tightened her grip like a cat's claw.

"Do you dislike being touched generally or dislike being touched by me?" She asked him.

"What do you think? I hate women who are too clingy"

Emily snickered, "Sorry for you, but I love men who play hard to get men like you"

In the process of teasing him, the annoying woman had not been looking where she was going, almost bumping into someone if he hadn't pulled her away in time.

"Why don't you watch where you're going first before seducing me". He chided her and entered the building. Strangely, the talkative didn't say a word till they reached his apartment.

"Why are you quiet?" He couldn't help but ask.

"I just realized something heartbreaking " She monotoned.

His curiosity was piqued, "What is it?"

"We slept together and about to sleep again, yet I don't have your number"

Judy was tongue-tied, he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. This woman was totally out of this world - not to talk of her confidence.

"Hand it over"


He gestured to her phone which she happily gave him as he typed his number.

"Hmm, MMWB" She murmured, saving his contact but he dragged his eyes away even though he was curious as hell.

"Aren't you curious about your contact name?" asked Emily following Judy like a sheep following its shepherd.

"No" He answered, opened the door to his bedroom but was surprised to see the girl walking in with him.

He blocked her path, " I need to change"



"What is there that I haven't seen?"

Judy would have spat if that was possible, he was utterly bewildered. Was this the reserved young miss he previously knew? He was having big doubts.

"You're a woman, please have some reservation". He pleaded.

"I threw reservation out the window the moment I received freedom," she said and walked past the man who stood, stunned.

Judy sighed, there was no doubt this time - he was the one bring used in this relationship. At the moment, Emily was behaving like a kid who just got her first taste of lollipop and got addicted, therefore coming for more.

He was normally the dominant one in a relationship but now, the girl has officially overthrown him - wait, was this even a relationship?

Judy picked his clothes and hurried into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door properly.

Never could he imagine that there would come a day he refused an invitation to bed.

With thoughts flooding his head, Judy took a long, steamy shower hoping that bypassing time, the girl would fall asleep - it was late already.

He couldn't tell the time but he could boast of having spent an hour - that should be enough time to bore her to sleep.

Satisfied, he unlocked his prison door and stepped into the room, a smile tilting his lips to the side when he found out the girl was asleep just as he planned.

He walked towards the bed and sat on the edge, intending to cover her with the sheet properly when she gripped his hand mid-air

Their eyes met and held.

Get eyes twinkled with mirth, "I've waited long enough"

With one fast clean move, she pulled him onto her body and slammed her lips on his with a violent passion that made his senses reel.

His hand instinctively wrapped around her and he realized all this time that he was a fool; she had been waiting and preparing for him because she was naked under the sheet.

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