
Chapter 176 - One Hundred And Seventy-six: Cause A Wave Across The Internet

Chapter 176 - One Hundred And Seventy-six: Cause A Wave Across The Internet

The third point of view.

Kim was so embarrassed by the black eye that she bought polarized sunglasses as soon as she stepped out of the hospital. Today was obviously a bad day for her.

She was still angry over losing her mother and had returned to the office when grandma called, suggesting the both of them go and visit Maya.

Kim had considered turning the request down but after Tina's call hours ago, she decided to go ahead and try to see if she would get any dirt on Maya. Also, tormenting that scum would improve her sore mood.

Who knew her plan would backfire? She had never predicted that Niklaus' brat would be there nor had expected her plan would be busted.

Kim had heard stories about the girl's daring behavior but never believed it until today.

A ten-year-old plus girl threw a bottle of water at her face? It was absurd. Had it been any other kid, she would have given that brat a good spanking on the butt and sued her family afterward since she was a good lawyer and was confident in winning the case.

But the Spencer family was different!

They not only had money but power too. Even if Kim had all the evidence in the world, as far as they wanted Isabella out of that mess, nothing would stop them from winning.

So she had no choice but to play it cool. Kim had seen the angry side of Niklaus when they captured Maya, talk more Isabella? He would wipe them out of the surface of the earth this time.

Moreover, Niklaus was her target; she had to play the changed person role well. She had planned to take pictures of the black eye Isabella gave her and send it to her father but there was no guarantee that the sassy brat would not relate to Niklaus what happened.

Kim was not an idiot, she had knowledge that Niklaus was not yet over the breakup with Maya which made her completely different from that fool Tina.

Niklaus just came out of a messy relationship and time was just the number one thing he needed - he needed alone time to successfully forget Maya.

Yet Tina kept invading his space and forcing herself on Niklaus hence his strong dislike of her.

Kimberly would not inform Tina of her reckless move, after all, if that witch fails today, it'd be her success and chance to snatch Niklaus from her clasps.

She had everything planned and hoped the universe would be on her side.

Kim was driving home when her phone rang, causing her to look down at the caller ID.

"Hello? Yes, it's Kimberly speaking"

With her eyes glued on the road, she listened to the information being reported to her through her earpiece.

"Alright, stay put. Don't ever take your eyes off her and get me something juicy -you know what I mean"

Kim ended the call, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She refused to believe that Maya was a saint, which was why she had hired a private investigator to secretly snoop around for interesting news.

She had to provide something worthwhile for Christina else that bitch would take out her anger on her instead.

If not for the fact she took pleasure in seeing Maya suffer, she would have reconsidered this parasitic partnership with Tina.

Kim drove home and parked her car in the garage but her eyes couldn't help but settle on her mom's car- she was back home.

Determined to have a down to earth conversation with her, she strode into the house and headed in the direction of her parent's bedroom.

Kim knew her father was not yet back else she would have caught sight of his car.

So without knocking, she yanked the door open and walked in. "What in the world have you been up to mo…?"

Kim's eyes almost popped out of her eyes, she wished she could undo what she just saw. She couldn't move from the shock, just froze like a statue

Her mother Angela was on top of her father Alfred and both were naked. She just caught her parents having sex - not to mention her mother was vigorously riding her father whose face was contorted from pleasure.

Her parents who had a feeling that their carnal adventure had been busted, turned around from surprise, their eyes collided with their daughter's.

"Shit!" Alfred cursed and brought up the sheet around him and his wife, hiding their nakedness.

That move snapped Kim out of her thoughts, she sprinted out of the room, banging the door shut on her way out.

Kim's cheeks were flushed, her heart pounded against her chest plus the sweat running down her forehead. She loved her father and mother but that was the grossest thing she had ever seen - catching her parents in the act.

Of course, having sex was the way her parents procreated her but seeing them do the procreation? That was highly disturbing to her mental health. Kim wished there was a way to erase this memory - forever.

Unknown to Kim, while she was distressed mentally for watching that puke-inducing scene, Angela, her mother was relieved mentally she saw that.

After Valentino had revealed the fact that her daughter had been tailing her, she knew at once that Kim had searched her paper bin and found out everything.

Her daughter Kim was incredibly sensitive and smart, she must be thinking that she was cheating on her father.

Well, who wouldn't think so, after the way she had run out of the office plus the roses which had not come from her husband and the cheesy words Armani had written on that card- that was concrete evidence.

One couldn't tell how relieved she was to discover Kim wasn't in the office when she returned, which gave her enough time to carefully go over a plan to cover up this slight disturbance caused by that jerk.

Angela rain checked on the date with Alfred, offering to give him a good time at home instead. She purposely drove her husband home with her car since she knew that would be the first thing Kim would look out for.

Her daughter Kim was hot-tempered and overly curious when something this level was bugging her. So she surmised Kim would storm into her room straightaway without knocking and so far, everything went according to plan.

Angela knew this would not keep Kim from asking about the flowers and the card, but catching her parents having sex would assure Kim that her parents were very much together - contrary to her thoughts of mother cheating on father.

But of course, Angela continued with the act which meant scolding her daughter for banging into her room without knocking.

Kimberly sighed, rubbing her temple as her parents scolded her ears off for coming into their room without the common courtesy of knocking.

Kim scratched the back of her ears. Gosh, she was twenty-seven for christ's sake and didn't deserve all these lectures.

Recently, she had contemplated moving out of her parent's house but the thought of Maya coming over and occupying her position changed her mind.

She had to be around her parents twenty-four hours, seven days since the human heart was fragile and could change any moment.

After the long talk with her parents, her father decided to leave both mother and daughter to have a private talk as if sensing the tension between them.

A huge silence reigned, no one talked until Angela cleared her throat and asked, "You seem like you had something on your mind earlier?"

"Are we going to play this pretend game, mom?"

Angela paused for a while, her tongue ran over her lower lips, and sighed, "I know what you're thinking Kimberly but trust me when I say it's not what you're thinking"

Kim chuckled, "I caught my mom hurrying to God knows where after an unknown person sends her red roses and an ambiguous card"

"It was from a friend who I haven't seen in ages," Angela said to her.

She knew better than to tell Kim that she met Maya's father, Valentino would skin the life out of her.

"Fine," Kim stood from her couch,

"Let's hope that friend of yours remains a friend, else dad would be notified the next time such a thing happens "

Angela sighed in relief, that was a narrow escape. Besides she wasn't foolish to meet up with Valentino again. She just hopes that the daredevil finds another object of fascination.

Meanwhile, Kim had just observed her night rituals, hoping to settle for the night when a notification came into her phone.

She picked up her phone, glancing through the pictures sent by the investigator she had hired with her mouth agape.

What the hell

Suddenly, Kim started a burst of maniacal laughter - one that made her stomach hurt.

Maya and Eden? She did not see that one coming! This news would cause waves across the internet - when the time was right.

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