
Chapter 337 - Three Hundred And Thirty-eight: My Dear Servant

Chapter 337 - Three Hundred And Thirty-eight: My Dear Servant

The third point of view:

Anabelle woke up with a smile on her face, today was going to be a good day. Finally, her father and mother - gosh, it felt so good having a mother - left for their honeymoon. But she was most happy for one reason, she would have a sibling soon. She wasn't that ignorant not to know what couples do in honeymoons.

Annabelle has always been jealous of Isabella since she had three siblings to keep her company while she was all alone. This was why she always longed for companionship; she loathed being alone. But then, there was her mother now, although it would take time, she bet by this time next year, she would have a baby sibling in her arms.

With the joy in her heart, Anabelle made her way to the wash area to freshen up for the day.

"Today is gonna be a good day

Don't care what anybody else says

Oh-oh-oh, I don't need a fortune cookie to tell me the way I'm feeling, Gonna be a good day," She belted out the song at the top of her voice in the bathroom. The girl wanted to show her happiness and singing seemed to be the best way to express the emotion inside of her.

Once Isabella was done, she danced her way back into her room and dressed up. She was preparing to go down for breakfast before heading to Isabella's place. She had been calling her for hours since yesterday but all the calls had been forwarded; she was worried something had happened to them. The same case applied to Pedro too, though she had a niggling feeling both were together.

There was a sympathetic look on Anabelle's face as she recalled how broken Isabella had looked yesterday when Pedro passed her by without even a glance her way. However, hope had flared up inside of her when she had seen them both turn up on the dance floor. Things were going well between them until that devil's son Julie tried to ruin it.

A-ha! That son of a bastard! Recalling how he stole a kiss from her made her blood boil! The nerve of him! Does he think she'd fall for his same trick?! He broke her heart the first time, he wouldn't succeed the second time - whatever his game was. She'd gone easy on him with that punch, she should have kicked him in the middle too. Asshole! She pouted, irritated.

In fact, remembering about that incident made her mood sore. Fine, she'd go downstairs and have some food and forget that disaster ever happened.

With that determination, Anabelle hopped down the stairs and to the living room. Since her parents would be away for a week, she'd spend the days at Isabella's - that would be less lonely.

With a smile on her face, Anabelle was distracted by the thoughts in her head and didn't get to see the figure relaxing on one of the sofas. Only when the girl realized she had not gotten breakfast did she halt her plan of grabbing the remote and that moment heard,

"Morning,"?from behind.

"Morning," she replied unconsciously, thinking it was one of the servants, and only when she turned around, did a startled scream leave her mouth.

Why wouldn't she recognize that son of a devil even if he had on polarized sunglasses looking like a stunning celebrity.

"You!" her blood boiled. How dare he come here?! Who even let him in ?! Was the butler kidding her?!

"How dare you come here? Do you know where you are?!" She stormed over to him, her eyes spitting fire. One could see how much she longed to tear him apart!

"Why won't I come into the home of my assaulter?" Julie said, a smile curving her lips yet there was an evil glint in his eyes.

"What?!" Anabelle couldn't believe her ears, what did he just call her?

Before she could retort, Julie pulled off his shield and a startled scream left her lips for the second time, because that stunning man had a dreadful blackeye. What the hell.

"D-did I d-do that?" she stuttered, hands shaking as she pointed at his face.

"Shouldn't you know better?" he hissed out, anger just lying beneath the surface; he was ready to explode any moment.

"No way!" She denied, " I didn't hit you that much!" she had only hit him on the face with her weak fist. She didn't even put too much force, or did she?

Julie laughed, throwing his head back, however that laughter made Anabelle even more uncomfortable, it put her nerves on edge. "Are you trying to say that I aggravated the injury intentionally to guilt trap you?"

Anabelle scratched her head awkwardly, "I'm not trying to say that but...." she trailed off vexed by what's going on. That injury ruined his perfect face.

Julie didn't give up, " Why don't we pay a visit to a hospital then and we can find out if I had done something extra to the wound you bestowed on me,"

He had a smile on his face while saying that but that expression was far from warm, "While at the same time, I?file for assault and battery,"

"What?!" Anabelle went white in the face, almost staggering from the consequence of his words. What did he mean by battery?

"Fine, go ahead! File a lawsuit and I'll go ahead and do the same too - you kissed me, remember?!" her chest heaved from saying that out in one quick breath. She would not be intimidated!

"You think I'm scared by that?" he scoffed, "You seem to have forgotten that the kiss was accidental - it's not like I enjoyed it anyway -"

"Y-you!" Anabelle choked. She flushed with embarrassment.

"Besides," Julie continued nonetheless, "Everyone in the wedding is witness to the incident, and with their testimony, I'm sure your claim of assault would be dismissed in the court,"

At that moment, it dawned on Anabelle that this asshole came prepared; he intends to ruin her life. What has she done in her past life to deserve this treatment?

Julie continued with his threat,

"Even if your family helps out and you avoid jail time, I'll make sure you're sentenced to community service, Conservation Camp, or house arrest. How does that sound?" he smirked.

Initially, Julie wanted nothing to do with Anabelle after that kissing incident, but when he saw the black eye, nothing could calm him down. Julie was someone who loved his appearance and did everything to maintain it so one could imagine the shock on his face when he saw the hideous injury; now, she has to pay.

That devil! Anabelle gritted her teeth!

"Fine, send me to jail if that would make you feel better!" She didn't care anymore. He could do anything he wanted.

"Of course, I would but there's room for changing my mind," He dropped the bait.

"What?"?Anabelle who had planned to leave, turned to him at once, "What did you just say?"

"I said, I could propose a deal that would clear your crimes. What do you say to that?" he proposed.

Anabelle's brows furrowed, making a deal with Julie was equivalent to making a deal with the devil. But does she have a choice?

"Let me hear the deal first," she would make her choice from then forth.

"Alright," Julie cleared his throat and readjusted his sitting position, crossing his leg over the other as he announced, "Be my servant for a month,"


"You heard me, right," He said to her, "That's your free ticket to escaping jail term or probation," He had a smug smirk on.

Julie was doing this on purpose and that irked her the most.

"Go to hell! " she spat

"Think clearly about this, Anabelle. I'm sure you don't want a criminal record at this age nor would you want your friends to see you doing community services. That would be shameful, right?" he invcited her.

God knows how much Anabelle was tempted to hit him a second time but she reeled in her temper. She shouldn't aggravate the situation.

And of course, Julie had an ulterior motive in making this deal; he wanted to break up Isabella and Pedro. However, Isabelle was one tough monster and wouldn't even allow him ten feet near her, but Anabelle was easier to manipulate and he could use her to achieve his objectives.

"A week!" bargained Anabelle, unsuspecting of his true intention. She thought he just wanted to make life hard for her because of his injured face.

"Three weeks!" he argued.

"Two weeks!"

"You're in no position to bargain with me, remember?"

"Two and a half week,"

"Fine, two and a half weeks it is," He finally agreed.

Anabelle let out a sigh of relief, she couldn't even imagine being this devil's servant for a month. She'd probably tear him from limb to limb before then.

"Now, let me announce some rules about your servantship," He declared.

Hearing him say that made her almost gag.

"Go on, I'm all ears," She occupied one of the seats, arms crossed, ready to hear his great rule; she was in awe of his rulership - note the sarcasm.

"First of all, my word is sovereign,"

"Are you crazy? I have damn rights"

"The rule is effective starting now and failure to comply with it would attract certain punishments,"

"What?! But -"

"Rule two: you must harbor no such sexual feelings for me,"

"I'm the one who should be saying that? You freaking kissed me," she reminded him too.

"I've told you that was a…" Julie tried to explain but decided against it since she wouldn't believe him anyway. Let her think whatever she wanted.

"Moreover, I'll be crazy to fall for a player like you," Anabelle mumbled under her breath. However, Julie heard that yet didn't say anything.

"And that's the two golden rules. Now we're done, let's get down to business,"

"Eh," Anabelle was confused. Everything was happening too quickly than her brain could comprehend.

Suddenly Julie stretched out his legs, announcing,

"Massage my feet, my dear servant "


"You heard me right,"

"You can't force -"

"Remember the rules," there was a victorious smirk on the corners of his mouth. She was defeated.

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