
Chapter 356 - Three Hundred And Fifty-six: Commander Isabella

Chapter 356 - Three Hundred And Fifty-six: Commander Isabella

The third point of view :

"No, the young mistress shouldn't be awoken," One of the maids who had walked into Isabella's room to clean up while she slept, met her phone ringing.

She put the phone in silent mode and when it continued ringing, switched the phone off entirely - the young miss would be in a better state to answer the call later.

And just like that, the maid ended the call Isabella had been waiting for desperately; the call from Pedro. If only Allen hadn't drugged her.

The next day.....

"Where was she?" Her memory was foggy and her eyelids were too heavy to peel open. Suddenly, it all came rushing in.

"Those little cockroaches!" Isabella bolted upright and got off the bed in a hurry, thereby inviting lightheadedness to take over. Her leg gave out and she supported herself with the bed until the dizziness wore off.

Recovered, she stood up with a grave smirk as she thought of one thousand ways of ending those kids - after killing them mentally already. But in her imagination, she kept reviving them over and over again - she wished that was possible.

"Allen! " Isabella stormed over to their room, "Ailee! Neon!" but their room was empty.

Her sinister smirk deepened. They must have awoken before her and knowing she would suck the life out of them, escaped before she could lay hands on them.

"You!" She spotted an unfortunate maid as the others dispersed, "When did the kids wake?"

"N-not l-long ago," the girl choked on her words. Sure, they had seen Isabella angry a lot of times, but today's anger was on another level. Especially with the fact she just woke up from sleep; with her head disheveled and flying from all directions, she looked like a female gorilla; everyone was scared of her - And please, let's not forget morning breath.

Abruptly, it crossed her mind, "How long have I been asleep?" she asked the frightened girl.

"S-sixteen hours?" she hastily checked her watch.

"Sixteen hours?!" Isabella screamed, gripping her hair.

That meant sixteen hours of her life had been snatched away from her by those little imps. Sixteen hours of not knowing the whereabouts of Pedro! Sixteen fucking hours! She would rip them apart

"Where are they?!"

Without asking who she was referring to, the maid simply pointed downstairs and Isabella dashed down the stairs without second thoughts.

She never asked for devils! She only asked for cute-looking angelic siblings who she would dote on and train her way. Where in the world do you find kids like Allen and Ailee?!

"Ailee! Allen! Come the hell out before I -'' Isabella stopped short at the scene of Allen, Ailee, and Neon kneeling with their hands raised while Sakuzi supervised their punishment with Nadia by his side, as usual, typing away on her laptop.

But there was something different this time, there was a blush on her face and she occasionally spoke to him. They must have reconciled - mission accomplished. While internally hoping Reina keeps to her promise of rewarding them.

"Grandfather," she muttered, a huge surprise on her face. Watching this scene, she didn't know whether to be happy karma caught up to them or be angry she didn't toast them alive by herself. And the kids look grateful she wasn't the one to.

"Grandmother," She acknowledged their presence. Since Adam wasn't alive any longer, she might as well give them the love and attention. Moreover, Reina's father was extremely powerful, it wouldn't hurt to be on his good side.

"How are you feeling?" Sakuzi asked, concerned.

"Ungrateful for the involuntary sleep and wishing I could break the finger that shot me," she grumbled.

Allen shivered, a light sheen of sweat suddenly breaking out on his face. Why was his sister scary?

"You don't have to worry, I'm taking them back to base," He informed her.

"Base?" she was confused.

"My headquarters. I think they would be better controlled there instead of this limited space. I just replaced millions worth of properties just so my daughter doesn't find out," He complained.

That comment made Isabella look around and she realized that indeed, a lot of things had been changed. What the hell had the kids done in here? Play football? Also, why was that multi-billionaire grandpa crying over a few million? She hoped he was not a stingy man because she was yet to do business with him and she loved generous people more.

"I'll be taking them along with me, it's been long since I put some discipline in them, but you can come along too if you want to," He extended the invitation to her.

Isabella wanted to turn the offer down since she wanted to stay behind and search for Pedro. She needed to inquire the reason for his silence - hopefully he hadn't turned out to be a jerk. However, going to Sakuzi's base or headquarter - whatever he called it - might give her a greater chance of finding her MIA -missing in action - boyfriend since they must have enough resources to track him down.

"Sure," She agreed without delay. Annabelle would have to feud for herself.

"You should get yourself prepared while I deal with the kids," Sakuzi told her and the girl returned to the room with a satisfied grin.

If only she knew Sakuzi's version of "dealing with the kids" was just rebuking them, Isabella would have stayed behind to protest strongly - the kids needed serious lashings on the butt.

"Now, what do you say to me?" Sakuzi asked the trio of them after giving them a piece of his mind.

"Thank you, grandpa," Allen, Ailee, and Neon all said with their heads hanging low in shame with an apologetic look.

"Now, go and wash up for we leave immediately," He ordered them and all in one file, left for their room.

However, unaware to everyone, the moment the trio closed the door to their room, they broke into a celebratory dance. They were leaving for the base - a dream come true.

In the base, they were free and literally had the resources to carry out whatever they wanted. Even Neon who had never gone there joined the twins - the celebration was infectious. Moreover, Allen and Ailee had told him anything was possible in there and he couldn't wait to get a taste of it.

"We could get the plane if you want to," Neon started the issue that brought on the previous destruction.

"Nah, grandpa must have moved it by now," Ailee told him, "That man's smart. But don't worry... " Ailee ruffled Neon's hair, an act that brought a sheepish grin on Neon's face, "We'd have enough fun there," she promised him.

Unknown to the both of them, Allen was watching their interaction with a thoughtful frown. The boy was smart enough to discern Neon wasn't his blood sibling. Doesn't that mean Neon could marry his sister?! But then, If Neon marries his sister, the both of them would be inseparable and he would be forgotten? No! He couldn't let that happen! He must do something!

From then, Allen began to plot ways to get her sister away from Neon. Ailee was his alone, no stranger should take her away from him. No one at all! She's his twin for goodness.

"We should start preparing," Allen went in between Ailee and Neon, taking off her hand from his hair. Even Neon sensed his murderous aura and stepped back, why was he even angry?

Thanks to the excitement, the kids didn't delay the others and packed up in a flash - not that they had to pack much since they had previous properties at the base. Neon was the only one who had to carry extra since this was his first time there and Ailee helped him out - much to Allen's displeasure.

Afraid the kids would pull another trick, Sakuzi had them ride in the SUV for space and Of course with Isabella looking after them.

"Hey, pick that up!"

"Hey! don't touch that!"

"Hey! stay still!"

"Hey, stay in a place!"

"Don't you dare move!"

If this was punishment for what they did to her, then Sakuzi succeeded because the kids couldn't move carelessly with Isabella around, In fact, they didn't dare breathe. It was as if Isabella had this microscopic pair of eyes, each time anyone wanted to move, she'd sense it and stop that person at once. Thanks to the harsh session, none of them dared to do anything stupid - and couldn't wait to be free of her.

"Are you sure we're going to the right place," Neon whispered to Ailee since he couldn't speak out boldly with Isabella around and watching, else she misunderstood his intention, thinking he was up to no good again.

"Just keep watching," Was her plain reply.

And just like that, Neon kept quiet as they went through thick bushes, their cars bouncing and dancing to the uneven dusty road. However, not long after, they came into a large mansion.

"Wow," He couldn't believe his eyes. How could such a magnificent building lie in the middle of nowhere. It was like something out of a storybook.

"Alright, kids. Let's keep going," Sakuzi announced when Ailee grabbed Neon and three of them ran into the house before their witchy sister could catch them.

"Y-you," Isabella could not do anything. She turned to Sakuzi to protest but the man merely shrugged, what could he do anyway? Those kids were hard to control.

Well, on the bright side, that was a burden off her shoulder, Isabella thought and then picked up her things and followed the guard Sakuzi had assigned to her. She fully settled into the room before deciding to take a tour of the place.

Isabella refused the help of the guard knowing she had a photogenic memory hence she could trace her way back. And it was this tour that led her to the kitchen where after tracing the tantalizing smell.

Her stomach protested the moment she perceived the scent and had just scooped her food to the tray, debating on the table to sit and have her food peacefully when her eyes were on a certain figure.

Pedro?! She was shocked, unable to believe her eyes. What the hell was he doing here?

However, that curiosity was altered into fury when she saw a woman touch his arm sensually. Isabella saw red that instant, that lying whore of a boyfriend!

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