
Chapter 386 - Three Hundred And Eighty-six: His Lover

Chapter 386 - Three Hundred And Eighty-six: His Lover

The third point of view:

Emerald's party was pretty much over after the stunt the kids pulled. Grace and Phillip had stripped down to everyone's horror as they ran around the garden like people who had lost their sanity.

Cecil didn't wait to see what happened afterward since she took that opportunity to leave. Her emotions had been one hell of a roller-coaster ride throughout today. It wasn't exactly thrilling to know she had caught feelings for a stranger she had blamed for her misfortune for eighteen good years. It was absolutely ridiculous.

And right now, she was turning and tossing in bed without sleep catching her. What in the world was wrong with her? Why was she dwelling on Emerald too much?

Thank God she was leaving tomorrow. Perhaps, it was because of the fact they were in the same house that his presence kept on troubling her. Once the distance sets in, his existence would remain only as a memory to her. Yeah, that was it, everything would be better tomorrow morning.

Reaching out for the tumbler on her bedside, Cecil was baffled to find out that there was no water in it. She looked towards the jar, there was no water in it either. Wait a minute, had she finished a liter of water that quickly.

With an exasperated sigh, Cecil tossed the sheet aside, slipped on her flip flop, and got to her feet. She needed water.

The reason Cecil had filled the jar with water was so she doesn't go wandering this large house in search of water in the middle of the night, but her plan wasn't successful. She located one of the many refrigerators in this large dining room and filled her glass.

Closing the fridge, a shriek escaped her mouth when she saw someone appear out of nowhere.

"Seriously, what was that for?" She had a hand to her chest, glaring at the woman who had scared her.

"Sorry," Juliet said, but her chuckle told Cecil she wasn't apologetic at all.

Without another word to her, Cecil took her water jar to the table and poured herself a drink. She was in the middle of downing the whole liquid when she felt a presence towards her and knew without a doubt that it was Juliet.

For some reason, Cecil didn't like her and it wasn't just because she was throwing herself at Emerald earlier and no, this had nothing to do with Emerald or jealousy. She simply doesn't like ladies who cling to a man that doesn't want them - like have some respect, girl.?Well, how does she know Emerald doesn't want her? He has a first love, remember?

"Having a hard time sleeping?" Juliet came to stand beside her.

"I'm fine," Cecil replied coldly, hoping that would send her away, but the woman must be dumb to not comprehend her evasive approach.

"I can't sleep too," She answered as if she saw through her lie.

"Well, if you can't sleep, you can find your lover to help you with that," Cecil spat out and instantly regretted it. She didn't mean to say that, it had slipped out of her mouth.

"My lover?" The woman's brow raised questioningly.

Cecil sighed and dropped her glass and she faced the woman, saying, "Listen, I get that you're uncomfortable with my presence here, but you should know that I wish you the best in your pursuit of Emerald's heart. Whatever happened between him and I is in the past and we wouldn't have met currently if the world hadn't been such a small place. So aside from his first love, I wish you the best in capturing his heart," she stated, feeling a stab in her heart at her last comment.

"Excuse me?" Juliet's confusion only grew.

"You heard me right, I'm not jealous of your determination to win him over. But I think you're trying too hard for a man who doesn't like you -"

"Then you, who he loves, why do you keep him waiting? You're obviously not falling asleep either and just as you said to me, your lover could very well help you sleep, why then aren't you with him?" Juliet spoke up this time.

"Huh?" Cecil's brows narrowed in confusion. However when she understood what the woman was insinuating, she decided to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Excuse me, but I think you're mistaken here but I'm not Emerald's lover..... and would never be" and why was there a slight hesitation in her tone?

"You're not? That's impossible, aren't you his first love?" Juliet asked with a trace of confusion.

Unfortunately, Cecil was confused too, "What are you talking about?"

"Listen here," Juliet told her, running her tongue over her lips while her hand thread through her hair out of bewilderment, "Everything I have done today was an act - I did it to make you jealous. However, that doesn't mean I have no feelings for Emerald and only decided to give you a chance because I heard from Sakuzi that you're his first love,"

"What?" Cecil was still trying to comprehend the whole craziness as Juliet went on.

"But it seems you're not quite grateful for this huge sacrifice, which is why by tomorrow I'm taking it back," Juliet took a step closer so their eyes were meeting even though Cecil was two inches or so taller than her. It was not that noticeable.

"Tonight is your last chance, or you can forget all about Emerald from tomorrow henceforth. I've respected what you both shared for a while now, but I'm not hesitating this time around. So Good luck tonight," Juliet made her point known and left while Cecil stood stupefied. What just happened?

She was Emerald's first love? No, that was impossible! She and the man had only met that day in that club and had a one-night stand. One night stands don't have feelings for their partner but move on with their life as if it was nothing - that was the whole point of it.

Also, why did it look like Juliet was issuing a challenge to her? She would take over Emerald's heart from tomorrow? What the heck was going on here? She didn't even have anything to do with Emerald from day one.

Still shaken from the confession, Cecil found her way back to her room. She dismissed Juliet's threats aside and laid back down on her bed. Emerald and she were not a couple,?and perhaps, this was a perfect opportunity to show it. Once the day breaks, she is out of here, out of his life and Juliet would have the chance she was so desperate for.

With that thought in mind, Cecil closed her eyes and tried to sleep - which was a futile attempt. Each time she closed her eyes, all she could see was a picturesque scene of Emerald and Juliet smiling as newlyweds.

"Ugh!" Cecil groaned, throwing the sheet away and thanking God for the fact she slept alone. Why was she disturbed? Emerald was nobody to her! Maybe it was because of the fact there were rumors of her being his first love?

"Fine," She got down from her bed once again. But this time, she was heading somewhere with determination. Looking at the clock, it was twelve-thirty in the night and she was pretty sure he was still awake because she could make out party songs from the garden.

Though the birthday celebration was over, some of the gang members had taken that opportunity to party hard and get wasted - it seems they don't get much of that opportunity around here.

Cecil trudged through the garden yet she couldn't find him. She asked one of the men who could talk without slurring and found out that the man in question had retired to his room not long ago.

Thanking him and avoiding some drunk staggering fools, Cecil made her way to Emerald's quarters with her heart pounding against her chest. She had run out of this place earlier today and here she was once going again.

What was she even going to say to him? Ask him about the first love of a thing? Yeah, right. She had to ask him about it tonight, else she loses her courage tomorrow.

So with a shaky breath, Cecil knocked on the door just once and realized how stupid she was. What if he was sleeping and she just woke him? Besides, why make a big deal out of a baseless rumor? Gosh, she was so stupid.

Facepalming, she thanked the lord she had not knocked loudly and turned to leave when the door clicked open. Oh no.

Cecil's jaw dropped to the ground when she saw Emerald open the door with one hand while the other was supporting his phone as he was in the middle of a call.

Her gaze roved over him; his hair was wet from the shower and droplets of water dripped onto his chest, watching intently as one trailed down his hard muscles to the fine hairs on his stomach which finally soaked into his briefs… briefs?!!

Cecil's eyes almost fell out from the socket when she saw the bulge… oh my God…. Blood rushed to her face and she glanced up only for her eyes to connect with Emerald's.

Oh God, she was in trouble.

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