
Chapter 408 - Four Hundred And Eight: She Wasnt Inlove With The Guy

Chapter 408 - Four Hundred And Eight: She Wasn't Inlove With The Guy

The third point of view:

Anabelle noticed the sudden three hundred and sixteen degrees change of attitude from Julie towards her. To be honest, it unsettled her because she couldn't tell if this was genuine or another of his acts only to prank her later.

"Are you not going to eat that?" Julie pointed to her cup of rolled Raspberry flavored ice cream. It was of two flavors actually; the chocolate was laid beneath and the biscuit beautifully fixed on top of the raspberry fraction.

"Are you for real? You want me to eat this?" Anabelle asked, scrutinizing him.

Julie's brows rose, "You don't want to?"

It was at that moment that she figured out his intention for the ice cream, yet Anabelle didn't fully trust him, "No, I want it, but it's strange of you to buy one for me?"

"Haven't I been buying stuff for you during our master/servant companionship all this while?"

"Yes, you did," She nodded yet added, "Which I always return because you inevitably punish me for that - I guess nothing it's as free as it says in this world. So no, I'm not taking the?ice cream,"

There was a crease on Julie's face when he heard her comment. Well, that was slightly true - he just loved pranking her. Her cheeks puffed out whenever she was furious and she looked cute that way.

He released a bored exhale and leaned forward to grab the spoon, "Just take the damn thing," He scooped Icecream and pushed it into her mouth before she could react.

Anabelle was dumbfounded, she didn't have time to retaliate, rather took the whole thing into her mouth. Well, not the whole of it since some dripped down the corner of her lips from Julie's callous attempt to feed her.

"Eww, why are you such a baby? Don't you have teeth left in your mouth, why are you so afraid to open it wide so as not to make a mess of this?" He chided her.

Anabelle glared at him, "I would have if you had given me a heads up you were about to feed me! And I should be the one pissed off here," she reminded him, attempting to wipe off the Icecream from her lips, but all she did was smear it over.

"Eww, stop that,"

"Stop what now?!" Anabelle was exasperated with this guy. Even after buying her Ice cream, he wouldn't let her eat it in peace - this is why she never accepted any of his gifts. So irritating!

"Stop moving, breathing, looking, anything you do that makes me go 'eww' " he retorted.

"Idiot, I'll be dead if I don't breathe!"

Julie rubbed his temple, this girl has the wonderful ability to give him a headache each time they meet. Well, what can he say, she was perfect - note the sarcasm.

"Fine, stay still," He reached for her lips while Anabelle went on the defensive.

"What are you doing?" She evaded his touch, giving him a crazy look.

"Just shut up and still," He cautioned, reaching for her lips once more.

"It's shut up and drive actually," She corrected him.

"Just...!" Julie knew he had reached his boiling point and forced himself to calm down with a deep breath, "Stop talking," He instructed through gritted teeth.

"Whatever," Anabelle rolled her eyes yet kept still. However, she eyed his gradually approaching hands, ready to go into attack mode if he messed with her.

Julie reached for her lips with a smirk on his face. Annabelle was taut with tension and he was sure she wouldn't hesitate to attack him if he pulled a prank on her.

Focusing on her face, Julie's gaze flickered down to her lips where he reached out and swiped at the cream. However, just as he wiped it to the edge, he suddenly froze, feeling tingles shoot up to his arm from the finger he had on her lips.

It was at that moment that Julie realized how soft and sexy her lips were. The sight of her pink succulent lips was so enticing that he gulped, feeling this incredulous desire to simply lean closer - they were just a few meters away-?and kiss her.

Julie suddenly blanched from his intention, what the hell was he thinking? And out of irritation mixed with confusion, he grabbed the tissue by their side and furiously wiped her lips.

"Hey!" Anabelle yelled from shock, "What the hell is wrong with you," She evaded the tissue and pushed his hand away, glaring at the son of a biscuit. She should have known that to trust him. Her lips stung from the maltreatment.

What was wrong with him? Julie's hands unconsciously went to his chest exactly on the spot where his heart was thumping "lub-dub!", "lub-dub!"

"How could you treat my precious lips this way?" Anabelle was on the verge of tears while caressing it, "Don't you know my lips are not mine to own alone?"

Julie's attention was brought back around by that comment. He gave her a strange look asking, "What do you mean by that?"

"If my lips get deformed, how would I kiss my boyfriend in the future?" she asked him with a deep scowl.

That comment didn't sit well with Julie which was why he sassed as usual, "What boy in his right mind would want to kiss those ugly lips?"?Ugly lips that were making him feel weird today.

"Of course any boy but you and thanks to you, I just remembered Israel asked me out on a date," She sighed dreamily, "Although I haven't replied to him yet, you've given me a good incentive to do exactly so. I bet you that at the end of our perfect date, he's going to kiss this beautiful lips of mine you insulted," she was filled with gleeful anticipation.

Anabelle could already imagine how their date would go, they would have a?magical time together and in the end, lock lips. The end.

Woohoo! She couldn't wait to start! From there, their perfect relationship would kick-off - she had it all planned out. Her face was filled with so much happiness she didn't notice the dark storm gathering on Julie's expression.

Israel? Why was it him? Julie conjured the scene of his best friend and Anabelle together kissing and let's just say, it was puke-inducing. Anabelle was his, well his maidservant, nobody was putting his filthy lips on her.

"Don't go," He ordered.

"Don't go where?" Anabelle was confused.

"To the date. Don't go out with Israel,"

"Am I crazy? Why should I do as you say?" She gave him a dirty look, "Listen here bully, this lips of mine needs to be kissed to prove you wrong and Israel is the most suitable candidate for that," she told him pointedly.

"Really?" Julie's lips lifted in a mocking gesture.

"Yes," She replied proudly, "So nothing you say or do would stop me from going out with?- " Anabelle was still saying when Julie suddenly leaned over the table, clasped her face in his palm, and took her lips in his.

The girl tensed up, her eyes growing as wide as a full moon illuminating the earth with its light. Anabelle could not react but she could very much feel his warm lips moving against her lips in a sensual dance. Her breath hung in her throat as he delved deeper and it wasn't until his tongue touched hers that she realized what he was doing.

Anabelle pushed him away instantly, her heart pounding loudly with blood rushing to her face, she bet she was quite a sight.

"What was that for?!" She finally remembered how to speak.

"You wanted to be kissed, I did you the favor. Now cancel the date," He commanded.

"What?" Anabelle still had a hard time comprehending what was going on.

"You wanted to date Israel because I mocked your lips but now the experiment has been carried out and congratulations, your lips taste like honey that I want to latch on all day as a baby does to his mother's breast," he exaggerated.

"God, you are so disgusting," Anabelle made a gagging sound when in reality, her toes were curled up right now. Minus the dirty reference, was her lips that sweet? What in the world was she even thinking?

However, she composed herself, pushing those lewd thoughts to the back of her head, "A-hem, "Anabelle cleared her throat, "Even so, you have no right to decide who I date,"

"Yes, you're right, I have no right," He concurred to her surprise. Oh thank God, he still had some sense left. Anabelle rejoiced only to have his hope dashed with his next comment,

"But that right doesn't extend to my friends, of which Israel is one. I can't have my maidservant and my best friend dating," was his pathetic excuse.

Anabelle gave up, she was done this time. She would rather shut up than feed his ever-growing ego - the guy was impossible. So she decided to focus on her ice cream, taking a bite when he suddenly asked," How does it taste? "

"Huh?" She peered up at him beneath her brows.

"The ice cream, does it taste good?" he dipped his head in its direction.

Julie had never planned to have ice cream since it didn't fit with his bad-boy image, however, the way she licked the cream off the spoon roused his appetite and made him crave for it. He couldn't help but wonder if the ice cream tasted as good as her lips. Crab, stop it, Julie!

"Go buy yours and you'd know," She snubbed him before he could ask twice.

But as Julie would always be Julie, he snatched the spoon from her grasp

and had a mouthful of it.

"At least change the spoon, that was an indirect kiss," she complained, reliving that weird moment from earlier.

"I have kissed you directly, what's an indirect kiss to be compared," Julie announced shamelessly and for once, Anabelle thanked her God she wasn't in love with this guy.

Yeah, thank God.

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