
Chapter 413 - Four Hundred And Thirteen: Leave That To Us

Chapter 413 - Four Hundred And Thirteen: Leave That To Us

The third point of view:

"Hi, my beautiful Fiancée," Julie made his presence known with his signature smile that has bought over the hearts of many girls. Sadly, except Isabella. What was he even doing wrong?

"Do you have a death wish?" Isabella asked him as soon as she sent Pedro away, "Didn't I tell you to make yourself invisible until my two years are over?" she stared at him with cold eyes that would have frozen him up if she had that ability.

"Actually, it's a year and ten months now," He specified

Isabella gave him the look.

"What?" he shrugged, then took on a goofy smile, "I've been counting to the day when I finally have you as my woman," Julie reached out to stroke her cheek.

However, before Julie's hand could touch her face, Isabella grabbed his arm and twisted his shoulder as he yelped in pain, drawing people's attention. However, no one tried to separate them, dismissing it as a play between friends - teenagers these days were rough with one another.

"Hey," Julie called, trying to ease his arms, but she added more pressure and caused him pain, "Must you always solve everything with violence," he spoke for crying out sake.

"Only for people like you," Isabella replied nonchalantly, "I warned you never to be within six feet of me. You'd regret coming here just touch me,"

Although Julie was capable enough to get out of her grasp, it would require deftness and might get physical which was inappropriate here - this was a funeral service, not a sparring ground - so he endured her maltreatment silently. One of these days, he would spar with her and show off his superiority once and for all.

"Am I crazy? Why would I come here to touch you? I came here to offer my condolences and thought to give you a comforting touch, who knew you would misunderstand?" he lied through his teeth.

Although Isabella sensed it was a lie, she still let go of him nevertheless.?It would draw unnecessary attention and ruin her reputation if she kept on with the torture. People might not show much interest in their squabble but with technology these days? It might make an appearance on the internet.

"I'm sorry for the death of your grandmother?" Julie gave solace to her feeling of loss with all manner of seriousness - there was time for everything.

"Whatever," Isabella was not even appreciative.

"I'm serious here," Julie made himself clear, thinking Isabella thought he was?joking again, "I'm really sorry for your loss,"

"And I'm serious here," Isabella gave him a long face, "I don't need your condolences,"

"But your grandmother just died or am I mistaken here?" Julie had furrowed brows and rubbed his jaw as he thought hard.

"Angela is not my grandmother but Reina's mother or whatever she was," She narrated emotionlessly

"Why do I sense some hostility there? Did you and her mother never get along - which I wouldn't be surprised anyway- or you simply never knew her?" he was confused by her.

"I did not know Angela, never did I know Angela, Thank God I didn't know Angela and I'm grateful I would never come to know Angela," she summarized their relationship for him.

Julie's mouth almost fell to the ground, how could someone be that.... cold?

Unknown to Isabella, she didn't know her attitude that instant turned Julie off. He couldn't help but wonder how dreary his marriage would look in the future if this engagement between them worked out. Living with an ice queen for the rest of his life didn't seem that appealing.

Julie desired for a ray of sunshine and his thought unconsciously drifted to Anabelle. She was totally different from her cousin, Isabella. It was as if she was the sunshine - warm and bright and Isabella the moon, illuminative yet cold.

At that juncture, he began to flash back to what had drawn him to Isabella in the first place, her great will? Strength? It all seemed frivolous now. Julie was stunned to discover he desired Anabelle, the weaker yet more feminine of the cousins. She might not be as strong as Isabella but she was brave and her insecurities actually were cute.

She was the only one who could hold his interest for more than a minute and he can freely converse without fear of getting hit. Thinking about it, he was the one always bullying her and she had never retaliated for once. Anabelle was kind, beautiful, and funny.

Maybe Grandfather wasn't entirely right, sometimes an alpha needed not a strong Luna that would contend for his throne, but an omega that would balance the demons inside of him. They said opposite attracts, this might be it.

He didn't need his woman to be strong - he would do the fighting - she just had to have a beautiful heart.

"Oh my God!" Julie gasped, realization dawned on him. He was in love with Anabelle, how could he not have seen that? [A/N: because love is blind]

"What is it?" Isabella was curious at the chaotic flashes of emotions on his face in such a short time.

"See you later," He said briskly.

"Julie?!" Isabella called after him but the boy had vanished into the crowd, "Well, goodbye then," Isabella clapped her hand together as if clearing dust and was grateful for whoever or whatever drew that "annoyance" away from her.

Now, where was Pedro? She looked around. Her face lit up with excitement, it was time to play hide and seek.

His heart was pulsating, Julie was in a hurry. He was afraid. Afraid that someone might have stolen his spot - his side by Isabella. He was such a fool for not taking his love interest seriously. He had been too relaxed around her and made her a target for other males who saw her worth. He prayed he wasn't late.

However, as if the universe was mocking him for his wrong choice, Julie looked out and spotted Israel and paled. What was he doing here? Was he here for Anabelle as well? Had he been serious in his pursuit of Anabelle? Or maybe he was the one who hadn't taken his threat gravely?

Oh no, he couldn't let that happen? But where the hell was Anabelle? He had to find her before Israel did, else he might lose her forever.

As if an invisible cursor directed his gaze, Julie's sight landed on Isabella's troublesome siblings - yes, he's encountered them too.

And, oh no, he was about to get more than he bargained for? But then, they were his best shots at finding Anabelle quickly and so he approached them. May God bless his soul.

"Allen, did you cry?" Neon asked him, still clearing the tears from his eyes, "That scene of aunty reading the eulogy was so tearful,"

"Why should I cry?" Allen rolled his eyes, "I don't even know who she is,"

"She's our grandmother, dumbhead," Ailee sassed.

"I don't care. Nadia is my grandmother, she isn't," he concluded.

"Still, you should show some respect - at least that's what mummy said," Ailee reasoned, and as if both twins were psychic, burst into laughter at the same time.

"That's not funny," Neon chided, yet was jealous at the same time of their twin bond.

"Chill, Neon," Allen patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm trying but I can't, maybe something got into my eye," He began to rub his sight.

"Something got into your eye?" Ailee's interest was piqued and she stepped closer, ready to blow out whatever was in his vision when Allen stopped her.

"What are you doing?" He gave her a skeptical look.

"What is wrong with you? I'm trying to help him get it out," she couldn't understand her brother's odd behavior lately.

"Don't worry, I'll do it," He offered his help which was kind of suspicious - Allen never helps Neon, he bullies him.

"No, you'll be rough with him, I know you," The girl knew her brother thoroughly.

"No, I'll do it,"

"No, you won't!"

And it was in the middle of this debate that Julie approached them.


"Who?!.. Oh, hello?"

There was a three-sixty degree change of attitude in them realizing he might be a prospective customer. What service do they run again? Yes, helping people. That was it.

"Hi, I'm Julie," He went ahead to introduce himself.

"Yeah, we know you, the guy who broke Anabelle's heart," announced Neon, the fighter of Justice.

"Well, since you know me, I'll go straight to the point. I need your help,"

"Why would we help you when you hurt Anabelle -" Ailee instantly shut Neon's mouth with her palm

She faked a smile at Julie, "Dm us, no, I mean, tell us,"

And just like that, Julie narrated everything quicker than he ever thought was possible; he was losing track of time.

"We don't know where Anabelle is," Allen appeared to be uninterested.

"I would give you whatever you want?" he proposed.

"But we can find her," their testimony changed immediately.

"Fine, but what if Israel got to him first?" he narrated his worry.

"Leave that to us,"

Then Julie watched as they huddled together and began to discuss in hushed tones for over a minute which made him impatient. He was just about to remind them that time was running out when they finished.

"You're a racer, right?"

"Yes?" Julie had a feeling he was about to regret this.

"Then you're going to take us on your next race, that's our payment,"


"To be precise, drive us in your car. We want to know the thrill of racing, that's all for payment,"

"What?!!" Julie was horrified out of his mind. Their parents would kill him if they heard he took them racing.

"Take it or leave it," they demanded.

"Fine, it's a deal," It was Anabelle or his life. Anyway, he just had to be careful and reduce his speeding - the kids knew nothing about racing anyway.

"What about Israel? Where is Anabelle?"

"Leave that to us,"

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