
Chapter 431 - Four Hundred And Thirty-one: Hello Darling

Chapter 431 - Four Hundred And Thirty-one: Hello Darling

The third point of view:

Dread grew in Niklaus' heart as soon as those words left the man's mouth, Miguel was on his way to his family? He suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled back a bit from the shock. The universe got to be kidding with him, this wasn't funny at all!

Niklaus had intentionally tricked and lured his wife Reina to sleep and took the risk to come here just to keep her safe, but now they're telling him all his efforts were for nothing?

It was at that moment that Niklaus whipped out his phone from the back of his pocket with lightning speed to call home, he realized he had miss calls. Not just one call but several and it was from home? His heart squeezed.

Niklaus wasn't a Christian nor an atheist - he just didn't have time for any - at that moment, he began to pray mentally to the big "G" up there, hoping he kept not only his wife but his kids safe as well.

For the second time in his life, Niklaus broke into a cold sweat - the first time had been when he received news of Maya falling off the bridge. His chest tightened and he felt as if he wasn't drawing in enough oxygen. Was this what it felt like to have a panic attack?

There was a lot to lose on the line this time. Not only was Reina, but his kids were at risk now. Suddenly Niklaus regretted having tricked his wife else he would be the one facing off with that son of a bastard at home and he had a better chance at winning - realistically speaking.

He didn't dare to entertain the thought of returning home to his wife and children murdered in cold blood - the thought was scary. But then Miguel was a cold-blooded ass and as much as he didn't want to confront the dire situation his family was in, he must. He had to.

"Oh God," the guilty feeling in his chest tightened when he saw the missed calls from Isabella. Niklaus had put his phone on silent to avoid unnecessary disturbance in the mission, who knew he would come to regret it.

"It's a code red. Miguel is here," He read out the message Isabella sent to him. Reina didn't call and he didn't blame her; she was mad at him.

Immediately, Niklaus called home but he couldn't connect to them. With his heart in his throat, he as well tried the lines of his subordinates yet he couldn't get through to any of them.

"I don't like this" He turned to Sakuzi to complain, "I can't talk to any of them, not even my men - I don't know if my family is alright?!" He was at the point of transferring his aggression on them.

"Miguel must be using a signal jammer, I can't get to Amanda as well, " Eden pointed out, dragging the phone away from his ear. He was helping out as well.

Niklaus ran his hands through his hair, tousling it out of frustration; He was mentally exhausted. Why does it always have to be him all the time? Hasn't the universe suffered him already? Was he and Reina ill-fated lovers or what? For how long do they have to suffer before the universe decides to give them their happy ending?

"I have to leave," Niklaus announced.

"Going back home would take you about two hours at a moderate speed,"

"I don't intend to drive moderately,"

"Niklaus, don't be in such a haste. You should calm down - " Sakuzi told him.

"Don't be in what?! Calm down?! " Niklaus fired at him, "Your daughter and my kids are in danger and you're?fucking telling me to do what? clam down?!"

"Then what are you going to do then? Leave here in a hurry and let your wife and family die on the way to them?" the man didn't back down, "We have a much better chance at putting our knowledge together and figure a way out. Why? Because we have the resources and the connection, remember?"

"Judy," It clicked in Nik's head and he dialed the man's number at once. Inwardly, he felt guilty for taking it out on Sakuzi - whose idea worked - but didn't say a word. Apologies would be made later.


One couldn't tell how relieved Niklaus was when his old subordinate turned friend, picked up.

"Judy, we got a problem - "

"You mean Miguel?"

A trace of surprise flashed across his face, "You know?"

"Figured out at the last minute but we arrived too late,"

The static in the call confirmed the fact Miguel had jammed the signals.

"Can you get in?" Niklaus asked, even though he had an ill feeling his friend might be the first to be treated to the gory scene of his wife and children.

But Niklaus hoped; he held hope that somehow his stubborn yet strong wife held her own or better more still, escaped. He wished that his smart daughter Isabella had devised a plan for them to leave safely. But then, he didn't dare to imagine that his trickster twins had pranked their way out of danger - it was too hopeful. He had to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

"No, I can't. None of my men can. At least for now,"

"What do you mean by that?" The fear in his heart grew.

Julie cursed, "The son of a bitch lined the entrance with C4, a step and we're blasted. Got the bomb specialist here already, they're working on it as we speak,"

"How long would that take?" How long do Reina and his kids have?

"I can't really tell Niklaus. But on the bright side, Miguel is stuck in there as well - although that might not sound as good news to you," Judy hinted to the fact they had the bastard surrounded, he wouldn't leave there alive.

Niklaus rubbed his head, this made everything worse. If the entrance was blocked, that meant every single one of them was stuck in there. It was at that moment that he regretted never telling Reina about the panic room.

Not that he hid it from her intentionally, but it didn't cross his mind because he had been carried away by the peaceful times that he didn't remember danger was always lurking in the corner considering their background. Moreover, he prided on the security he had at his place - until today.

"How are my men?"

"Not looking good. Three confirmed dead. Most were injured with the minority of them unconscious. The reporters are going to have a field day after this is over,"

Niklaus was about to reply to that comment when he received an incoming call and hung up immediately when he found out it was his wife, Reina. How could that be? Did she by chance find the panic room? Isabella's doing?

He picked up, "Reina?"

"Yes, darling?"

The excited look on Niklaus' face faded away into nothing when he heard that playful male voice.


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