
Chapter 435 - Four Hundred And Thirty-five: The Vincent-2

Chapter 435 - Four Hundred And Thirty-five: The Vincent-2

The best revenge against an Ex is to meet once again looking better, with someone better - Glimmy.

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The third point of view :

When her father mentioned them meeting, Cecil never imagined a family reunion - with Fernandez being the odd one out.

The tension was so great one could slice through it with a knife. In fact, the minute Cecil stepped in, no one said a word. It was so quiet that if a pin had been dropped, it would be heard quite loudly.


She heard her elder sister call her.


Before she could even react, Annie had already walked over and flung herself on Cecil, almost pushing her to the ground with the momentum. Emerald's eyes went wide when he saw Cecil stumble back a bit and had reached out to catch her when she somehow found her footing.

He glared at Annie who was unaware of the fact that she almost signed her death certificate had Cecil fallen. Emerald was ready to protect his woman and their baby. God helps anyone who dares to touch a single hair on her body.

"Is it really you?" The girl pulled back, shifting Cecil's hair away from her face to get a clear view of her features, "You don't look bad,"

"You too," Cecil didn't know how to behave around her siblings; it was eighteen years lost between them.

"I've seen your progress over the years," the woman gushed out amid tears, and secretly whispered into her ears, "I'm a huge fan of your work. Your designs make up eighty percent of my wardrobe,"

Cecil was dumbfounded, her elder sister has been following her? Unbelievable. Doesn't this mean she was one of her top buyers? Cecil had a lot of VIP customers, so she couldn't tell if any of the Annies' was her sister. Even if there was one, she was sure her sister wouldn't go with her real name in fear of their father finding out.

You see, when their father chased her off, he had threatened to disown anyone that attempts to communicate with her as well - their mother was not left out.

Although her mother had secretly sent her enough money to take care of herself, she had ended all communication with her at that point - her marriage with her husband was more important. Well, Cecil couldn't blame her, Vincent gave her no choice. Vincent, was, of course, more of an authoritative figure in the family than a father and a husband. His word was the law and final.

"Sister," another voice came from from the side and Cecil winced internally. Here, comes Mrs perfect and the least of the sister she was comfortable with.

Erica was their father's replica, both appearance and characterwise. She was daddy's perfect daughter since she sucked up to him and worshiped the very ground the man steps on. And of course, she was their father's favorite child, because she's the only one who "listens" to him - so he claims.

"I'm so glad you're here, sister," Erica embraced her.

"Are you sure?" Cecil was tempted to say but swallowed back her words. This was not the time to cause trouble. Even if trouble were to come, she would not be the first one to set it off.

"Thanks, I'm glad to see you too," Cecil faked a smile to her as soon as they broke away.

"Mother," Cecil noticed the figure who came up to her immediately, "You've aged," was the only word that she could mutter before they ran into each there's embrace.

Out of everyone in the family, her mother was the only person she had truly missed. Cecil could remember the day she left, how much her mother had begged for their unforgiving father to change his mind. But the man turned her back to her. No mercy at all.

"Thank God, you're safe," Her mother cried on her shoulder, hugging her so tight she fought for breath.

Cecil had sworn she wouldn't cry here - especially with Fernandez present - but at that moment, her tears welled up and she couldn't help it anymore.


A dam was broken and Cecil realized how much she had longed for her presence. Craved for her family - with the good and the bad. She had been an outcast all these years. All alone. It was just her. And Pedro.

"My poor daughter," the woman framed Cecil's face with her palm, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you leave all by yourself. I should have gone with you,"

"You did what you thought was right," Cecil understood. Vincent was her husband. Her life.

Suddenly, her mother's eyes drifted to the side and landed on Pedro. Cecil followed her gaze and saw it rest on her son. Her mother's expression was mixed and complicated; it was filled with guilt, awe, and confusion.

She turned to Cecil with wide eyes, "Is that the …. "

"Yeah, he's my son," the child that had caused her to be cast away from the family. Yeah, it was him - her world.

"Oh my God," The woman gasped as the realization of her grandson standing right in front of her dawned on her. Her shaking hands flew to her mouth and she took slow steps towards him.

Pedro was unnerved by the number of eyes scrutinizing him - including his so-called father. Not that he glanced Fernandez's way anyway. But then, the older woman staring right at him was giving him the most discomfort. It was almost as if he was a historical artifact on display, ready to be auctioned off.

"Hi, g-grann…." Pedro was about to address her when the woman pulled him into a sudden hug and God! He couldn't breathe - almost as if she wanted to merge with his body.

"He's so grown-up" the woman felt her grandson's face scrupulously, " And he looks so much like…." a sudden crease appeared on the woman's face as she stared at Pedro and slowly turned back to Fernandez who was smug.

Cecil took in a shaky breath, knowing her mother had found out. It was so obvious; Pedro took after Fernandez completely. The same shade of blonde hair, blue eyes, curve of his lips and nose - nothing was taken from Cecil's gene appearance-wise.

Her mother was tongue-tied, "How is this -"

"Are we going to entertain your tears for the rest of the day?" interrupted the one and only Vincent with a stern look.

"Father," Cecil greeted.


Say no to piracy : Reading this book outside of webnovel means you're reading stolen content. I pour in my knowledge, emotions and time into this book, so it hurts to see it stolen by another site. Anyway, thanks for your understanding - yours only glimmy.

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