
Chapter 501 - Five Hundred And One: I Dont Do Charity Work

Chapter 501 - Five Hundred And One: I Don't Do Charity Work

The third point of view:

Isabella woke up with a satisfied smile on her face. They had fucked thoroughly - every single place in the house had not gone untouched. She must have an insatiable libido else how was she able to keep up the pace with Pedro? Well, it was pleasing to know that her boyfriend had the stamina to satisfy her sexual appetite.

A smile lit up Isabella's face when she discovered they had broken the other leg of the bed. One foot of the bed had always been broken as far as she recalled and Isabella didn't need to guess who was responsible nor what they were doing that led to it.

At least it was a huge achievement to have broken the other leg and left her mark here. Who knows what Niklaus' face would look like when he sees it? Isabella couldn't help but laugh at her imagination.

Looking around, she discovered that it was already late and Anabelle and her boyfriend should be back by now.

"Pedro," She tapped him but the boy simply stirred and went back to sleep.

"Alright," she sat up, "I need you to get your lazy ass off that -" Isabella didn't get to finish the rest of her words because he tugged on her grip and drew her into his arms.

Isabella rolled her eyes when she felt something poke her stomach. He still wanted more? Wasn't that unhealthy? Seems they might need to see a doctor about this problem.

Isabella told Pedro, "Tell your mister down there that he ain't doing any shit as far as I'm concerned," Gosh, she was so goddamn sore. And yes, she's complaining - although she's not complaining about riding him. That was the best part of the whole rumpy-pumpy.

"Get your ass off the bed, Pedro, or I'll help you myself," there was a threat beneath her tone.

"Fine," Pedro knew better than to try his luck with Isabella. She might be his girlfriend but her alter ego was a cold demoness.

Isabella never premeditated that as soon as Pedro sat up, he would lift her chin and kiss her. A sweet, long kiss that would have expanded into devouring and lustful if she hadn't pulled away.

"Thank you," Isabella said to him and stood up, intentionally sashaying her bare ass as she walked over to the wardrobe to put on clothes since the one she wore earlier had been abandoned in the living room during their "business". With Anabelle and Julie around, she couldn't walk in there naked.

In no time, they dressed up and went into the living room.?There, they met Anabelle and Julie on the sofa with an annoyed face - Julie to be precise.

"Hi guys," Isabella waved at them as if nothing happened, "So how was your Urm… sightseeing?"

Anabelle answered, "It was great -"

Julie cut her, "It would have been great if you're weren't so fucking loud -" Anabelle shut his mouth with her palm at once but Isabella had gotten all the info she wanted.

"Guys, I'm so sorry for not realizing I would be so loud in the throes of passion," Isabella apologized?

"Is that even an apology?" Julie couldn't believe her. For once he was thankful he was not in love else they would fight every day - that was for sure.

"Of course, I don't apologize for Christ sake, I'm Isabella," She found the thought of that funny, "If you feel so angry, why don't you go have your sex with Anabelle - my cousin needs to be laid already or don't tell me you can't perform?"

"Isabella!" Anabelle went red in the face.

How had Isabella known they haven't done it yet? Well, their truth or dare game last night had been quite educative -?if you know what she means.

Pedro sighed, "Sometimes, the both of you fight like rivals in love," He referred to his girlfriend Isabella and Julie.

"And you," Julie pointed at him, "You don't get to talk," He picked something from behind him and tossed it at Pedro.

Having no idea what it was, Pedro still had a faint premonition and reached out immediately, only to see he caught his boxers.

"And you," Anabelle took her vengeance as well by tossing Isabella's underwear to her.

"Thank you," Isabella caught it without an ounce of shame. She turned to Pedro, "My boyfriend here would take good care of it for me," She dipped it into the pocket of his jeans.

Anabelle and Julie were stunned, why did it feel like their plan backfired. They had intended to humiliate, no, punish the couples for tormenting them for over three hours. But it seems, all they got was a slap to the face - Julie was the only one who got a slight satisfaction in Pedro's embarrassed face .

"Well,", Isabella clapped, "To make it to you two, we'd be eating out today,"

"Yes!" Anabelle was happy

"No!" Julie disagreed

"What's the no about? Aren't you tired of being cooped here all day?" Isabella asked him.

"If that's all the case, what is all the talk about keeping us safe and away from our parents? We are leaving our haven!" Julie pointed out,

"We are not going to eat in a high-class restaurant or hotel where we are reliable to be caught by our parents thanks to the cameras. Rather we would go to the local market," Isabella informed him.

"Eww," Anabelle's expression fell at once. How could she stomach that local food? Disgusting.

However, Isabella ignored her distaste and went on, "We would tangle with the crowds and as well use that opportunity to have a change of fresh air - we're runaways, not prisoners. Moreover, we will go in disguise,"

"But still…" Julie turned to Pedro,

"Don't me you don't agree to this?" he hoped the boy would be with him on this one.

Pedro shrugged, "Don't ask me that, I'm always on Isabella's side,"

Isabella was delighted at the response while Julie's face darkened like shit. So much for royalty between bros.

"By the way, do we even have enough money to last us here. I don't want to starve," Anabelle had to ask since she had not come with cash nor her cards.

"Of course," Isabella assured her with a smile, "I made sure to take enough money from your boyfriend's account during our detour," She referred to that day they had tricked Eden and George.

Julie threw his hands up, "Of course, you would take my money," there was deep sarcasm in his tone.

"Hey, don't give me that look," Isabella told him strictly, "If I'm going to help your love life, you have to sponsor my services. I don't do charity work,"

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