
Chapter 570 - Five Hundred And Seventy: Isabella Was Really Strange

Chapter 570 - Five Hundred And Seventy: Isabella Was Really Strange

The third point of view:

Every one of them had gathered in their parent's room wondering why they were summoned. Isabella, Allen, Ailee, and Neon were left with nothing but questions, why were they here?

It was way past their sleeping time and not even the strict Jacqueline had objected to them responding to the summon. They knew then that it was an important meeting and must be a problem in their family since Anabelle was called by her parents as well. Who knew what was going on?

"Are you going to tell us why we are here or not? Unlike you night owls, normal people are asleep or trying to sleep by now," Isabella pointed out.

It was eleven in the night and she needed to chat with Pedro. It was a nightly ritual and an attempt at keeping the spark in their relationship - communication.

[A/N: My, my, Izzy, you're trying really hard. You deserve applause]

Niklaus wiped his face with his palm before rubbing them together and turned to Reina. She had insisted he would be the one to break the news to the kids.

While the couples sat on the edge of their king-sized bed, the kids all sat on the luxurious chaise lounge awaiting their parent's announcement.

Isabella sat upright near the armrest of the chaise with her arms folded across her chest while Allen was sandwiched between Ailee and Neon and from the occasional struggle for space, it was obvious that he was the one who fixed himself there.

"Truthfully," Niklaus began, "We contemplated leaving this news for tomorrow morning but then, I'm so excited and don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight without sharing the news with my kids,"

Isabella narrowed her gaze at her father, the man was oddly happy. Not the kind of happiness one gets from drugs - or sex -?genuine happiness from the soul and she had seen that kind of happiness once as a kid - when Maya turned up pregnant.

Oh shit, it could not be...

"Your mother is expecting,"

At that sentence, Isabella leaned back with an exhausted sigh. Her father has done it again. Well, that was expected with her father's stamina. But then, she wasn't ready for more siblings nor had she dreamt of more. Allen and Ailee were enough already.

However, unlike Isabella, her other siblings didn't understand Niklaus' terminology.

"Huh?"Allen asked in confusion, "Mom is expecting? What is she expecting?"

"Money?" Ailee added, "Or are we supposed to expect something with mom?"

"What should we expect? Is it something huge?" Neon was ignorant as well.

Isabella was tempted to help them out but then, their suggestions were ridiculously amusing, so she let them be. Moreover, she would like to watch Niklaus explain that one.

"Yes," Niklaus explained to them in a simpler term, "You should expect more siblings. Your mother is pregnant,"


No one said a word, extremely shocked - except Isabella. That was not the news they were expecting.

Suddenly, there was a scream as they jumped up and down in celebration. Their mother was pregnant, which meant they would have a sibling soon - Babies were so cute.

Before Reina knew what was going on, the happy Ailee had rushed over and hugged her with momentum, almost bringing the both of them to the bed had Niklaus not been there to cut the fall.

"Ailee, you should be careful from now on so you don't injure your mother. The doctors say we should be very careful so the babies don't get harmed," Niklaus said to the little girl who obediently nodded, but to someone else, that was grave news.

"Wait a minute..." Isabella picked out something from Niklaus' sentence, "Did you just say babies - plural?" her expression turned serious, "Don't tell me it's more than one, please?"

Niklaus scratched the back of his head, "Sorry, I didn't exactly specify but your mother is having triplets,"

"What?!" The twins shared in Isabella's shock.

Isabella facepalmed, she always knew her father would overdo it one day. Finally, he did so.

"Yep," Reina confirmed, "Blame your father, he's responsible for this,"

Niklaus turned to her, "Why should I be blamed for our child?"

"It's been scientifically proven that women are carriers while men are donors. I birth whatever you give me," She argued while the triple trouble watched them, perplexed. What were they arguing about? Didn't they like their future baby siblings or what?

"Actually," Isabella interrupted them, "Multiple pregnancies occur when more than one embryo implants in your womb. This can happen if you release more than one egg during the menstrual cycle and each egg is fertilized by a sperm. Sometimes, a fertilized egg spontaneously splits into two, resulting in identical embryos.... " she paused, looking at her parents unsure, "Should I go on?"

Reina glared at her, "Are you trying to say I'm responsible for this?" What an unfaithful daughter, Isabella was supposed to be on her side.

"I'm saying you both are responsible for this - "

" 'This' - are your unborn siblings," Niklaus made sure she understood.

"Yeah, congratulations on expanding the family voluminously," Isabella said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I think you're just jealous that all attention would be fixed on our future siblings," smart Allen blurted out and one should see the intensity of the glare Isabella gave him. If her eyes were lasers, Allen would have been long dead.

The boy shrank back, gulping down the rest of his words. His sister was really scary.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy," Isabella simply said to her parents with a bow.

Reina asked her, "Tell me truthfully, Isabella, don't you like the fact that I'm pregnant,"

All eyes rested on Isabella as they waited for her answer.

"You want my answer?"

"Yes, I do," Reina said firmly.

"And what would you do if I say I don't like it? Would you abort the baby?"

"Isabella!" Niklaus stepped in. He couldn't understand his daughter at all. This was a piece of good news, why wasn't she happy for him like the others?

However, Reina gestured him to calm down, "Let's hear our daughter out,"

And just like that, Niklaus calmed down - he forced himself to.

"Truthfully, I'm not happy,"

Everyone gasped at the revelation. What was wrong with Isabella? Why wasn't she happy? It's her half-siblings for crying out loud.

She went on, "Unlike normal people, I foresee my future, know my targets and limitations and plan ahead. That is the same way with my affection, I have to sort out my enemies and loved ones and place them on two different lanes. However, the family has increased tremendously, now, I would have to magnify my affection as well. Hence, in one word, I'm simply overwhelmed by the news. That's all." she sat back down on her seat.

No one said a word after Isabella's speech, they were dumbfounded. She was not happy but overwhelmed. Does that even make sense?

Niklaus and Reina stared at each other, their daughter, Isabella, was strange.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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