
Chapter 684 - Six Hundred And Eighty-four: A Lamb To The Slaughter

Chapter 684 - Six Hundred And Eighty-four: A Lamb To The Slaughter

The third point of view:

His majesty, King Kai was pissed off at being interrupted however, this was working hours, and did he forget to add, he had sex in his office. In one word, he had work to do.

Hence, after ordering his assistant through the intercom to hold off whoever was on the door for ten minutes, he and his wife, Emily, cleaned up in his bathroom and dressed up as if nothing happened before the guest was let in.

But to his surprise, the so thought guest was no other than the head of security that was in charge of Akim's safety. Seeing him here made his heart skip a beat as he suddenly felt a sense of foreboding - something seems to be wrong.

"What is it?" He asked in a slightly stern voice hoping that it wasn't what he was thinking.

"We have a little problem, your majesty," The man said, refusing to meet his gaze.

Judy's grasp tightened on his desk, his eyes resting on Emily in a hurry knowing she would be the most affected if his gut feeling were to be true.

"What is it?" Emily asked him as if sensing this wasn't good as well.

"Honey," He told her, "Could you give me a bit of privacy with him?"

"No," Emily refused almost immediately with fiery determination. She turned to the guard, "This has to do with Akim, right?" She could feel it. Today was the day she finally gave him a bit of freedom and something must have happened. Her fears must have finally come through.

"You're right, your majesty the queen," the guard answered her truthfully, "His highness Akim is missing,"

At that news, Emily staggered back and it seemed like she would fall.

"Your majesty!"


Judy came to her side and held by the waist, leading her to the couch in his office where he sat her down.

"What did you mean Akim is missing?!" Emily cried out, "Was he kidnapped? Did Fiona finally get to my son?" Tears filled her eyes.

"No, your majesty, contrary to your fears, I believe prince Akim left of his accord," he said and then went into details of his escape from school.

By the time he was done, Judy was cursing and clenching his fist. He ordered him immediately, "Get as many men as possible and find that stupid son of mine before he lands himself in trouble. Find him before Fiona finds him!"

"Yes, your majesty!" the guard replied and was just about to leave and do his job when the king called him back.

"You said he was with a girl?" Judy asked, rubbing his chin contemplatively.

"Yes, your majesty," He answered.

"Find everything that you can on the girl. I need it as soon as possible,"

"Yes, your majesty," The guard said and took his leave.

At that instant, Emily's head whipped around and she faced her husband, brows furrowed, "You think the girl he was with is part of the revolution?" she asked.

"I don't know but I have this gut feeling that Fiona sent her to get into her son's head," He said.


"You do know that I grew up in the orphanage," He raised the topic out of nowhere.

"Of course, I know that," Emily replied still not understanding where this topic was headed.

"It happened that there was this mountain not too far from our home. Whenever there was nothing to eat, we the kids formed a group to go to the safer part of the mountain and hunt. We caught down birds and small rodents especially the grass cutters and at the end of the day, roast some part of our hunt and share it with the kids while the others are taken back to the orphanage to support our feeding. We lived a tough life," there was a faraway expression on Judy's face as he narrated the story.

"We set traps, sadly, the rodents are quite smart enough and most of them do escape our snare traps. However, they are good at hiding in holes and once we discover one, we never let go.

"Unfortunately, once discovered, a rodent is less likely to leave their safety hole and so we do something else - draw it out. We fill the hole with dried grasses and then set it on fire. By then the rodent has two options, suffocate to death or escape for dear life.

"Fortunately for us, humans are not the only creatures with survival instincts so in a few minutes the rodent will likely scurry out of the hole and abandon it for good while we begin the game of chase,"

He stopped in front of his wife, "So far Fiona has done everything possible to get her hands on our son and all of it was an epic failure under our protection. And now, the only option she has..."

"Is to draw our son out of our safety net," Emily figured it out, a sense of dread on her expression. May God help her son.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Akim successfully hid in the phone booth as Anika instructed. It was a good thing people hardly use this device nowadays else he would have been scolded for staying in there for a long time.

His heart was still pounding in his throat because he never thought he would escape his men without getting caught. Well, he exactly couldn't blame them for failing to recognize him, after all, they had never seen him surrounded by women.

The only way Akim was able to leave successfully was because he had his arm around two women while two others surrounded him with his cap further lowered as they left through the gate while his guard there didn't even glance at him, thinking it was one of the playboys with his harem.

But then for over thirty minutes, there was still no sign of Anika anyway. It was at that moment that he began to wonder if it had been a mistake to trust Anika. What if this was a trap and he was nothing but a lamb to the slaughter.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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