
Chapter 687 - Six Hundred And Eighty-Seven: Pedro Was Hers To Punish

Chapter 687 - Six Hundred And Eighty-Seven: Pedro Was Hers To Punish

The third point of view:

Clarity filled Isabella after she spoke with Reina. She sighed, so this was the importance of having a mother - one who could clear her head when she's underwater.

"Thank you," Isabella said to Reina's surprise - the girl hardly said "thanks" even up to now. So the woman was more surprised when Isabella pulled her into her arms and hugged her once more.

Reina was right, why should she give up on Pedro just because of an incident? Giving up on Pedro would be the same as admitting defeat to that woman and she, Isabella, never gives up and would never give up.

There was a sinister glint in Isabella's eyes while hugging Reina, her jaw resting on her shoulder. Since Natasha had tried to come in the way of her happiness, she would not be polite either. Two women can never have one man, one of them would have to concede and she - Isabella - would never bow her head to that nobody.

Moreover, Natasha touched something that doesn't belong to her and would pay for what she did. Once Jean found her, she would regret ever knowing someone like her.

"You can hide Natasha but you can't hide forever," Isabella declared in her heart, a smirk tugging her lips to the side.

And as for Pedro, she knew the perfect way to torment him - unless he confessed the truth. In this life, she was the only one who had the right to punish him. No one else.

Meanwhile, Niklaus who was still outside had a smile on his face. As he expected, he was right to rely on his wife's great ability to clear crises.

"By the way," Reina finally pulled away, "Why are you in the hospital? Jean told me you collapsed,"

"Oh, that," Isabella was taken aback by the question since it had come out of nowhere, "The doctor said it was stress,"

Isabella was speaking the truth, she had fainted out of stress and low blood sugar caused by her pregnancy but she omitted that part. Nobody has to know yet.

"Stress?!" Reina was angered, "You must be stressed up with the wedding preparations and all! Where the hell is Pedro by the way? Shouldn't he be here by now?"

Exactly, where was Pedro? Niklaus concurred with that.

As if they finally summoned him, Pedro was running at full speed only to stop short when he saw Niklaus at the entrance of the hospital. His heart began to pound in his throat because of the way Niklaus was glaring at him.

"Good day sir Niklaus," Pedro gulped, struggling to keep his gaze on his soon-to-be father-in-law. If eyes were bullets, he was sure he would be long dead and Niklaus would be walked out by the police in handcuffs.

Niklaus didn't say anything - his gaze already showed he was displeased with Pedro - instead, he intentionally cleared his throat to announce his arrival and walked in, with Pedro following after him with a good distance between them.

Isabella and Reina noticed their presence after Pedro greeted him so their eyes rested on them immediately they entered.



That would have been the only form of greeting between the both of them if Niklaus hadn't taken the step to hug her. To date, both of them still found it hard to express their affection for each of them.

Niklaus hugged her tight, kissing her on the forehead. He was grateful to know that she was up and well. If anything happens to Isabella, he wasn't sure he would be able to face Kay in the afterlife? He and Kay had a bad fate and the only thing he could do was to keep her safe - even if that means separating her from Pedro.

"God, Niklaus, you're crushing me," She complained, "Stop being so emotional. As you can see, I'm safe,"

"Stop being such an ass and let me hug you just this once," He countered, tightening his grip. Niklaus understood the true meaning of fear today after the call. Perhaps if he had calmed down and listened to the rest of Jean's message, he wouldn't have panicked so much in the first place.

Reluctantly, Niklaus finally pulled away and Isabella stepped away from him to come into Pedro's view. The both of them just stood still, staring at each other.

"I'm sorry," Pedro finally opened his mouth to say, "I mistakenly had my phone on silent and didn't get to answer..." he was still saying when Isabella silenced him with a kiss.

Niklaus growled a warning, even after so many years, he was still not used to their public display of affection.

"Stop being so grumpy," Reina nudged him playfully. She rolled her eyes, "You should be happy for her," Compared to the righteous Pedro, her husband was once a player. Sigh, why was he being so uptight?

Pedro was dumbfounded by the reception from Isabella, he had expected her to be angry at him for arriving late. He was supposed to be the first to arrive here and yet he failed.

He realized at that moment, he had been failing Isabella a lot lately. When did he begin to change? He could not take it anymore? He had to tell the truth and breathe. But it was not here - not in the presence of her parents.

"I gave you my daughter to take care of, not to kill her with stress," Niklaus said as soon as they were done with their moment.

"I'm sorry," Pedro bowed his head, "I have a lot of shortcomings but I have realized my mistake and would make sure not to repeat itself, father," He promised Niklaus.

"I hope so," Niklaus retorted and then looked down at his watch, "I have a meeting to attend to at this moment but do not think I won't be back to check on my daughter," There was a hint of threat in his tone.

"Of course, sir," Pedro got the message.

Isabella did as well.

Good thing she had gotten rid of every evidence that would trace back to Pedro's misconduct. She might be smart, but that gift was from her father. If Niklaus was as smart as her, he would surely investigate what happened.

Pedro was hers to deal with.

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