
Chapter 704 - Seven Hundred And Four: Destroy Any Chances Between Them

Chapter 704 - Seven Hundred And Four: Destroy Any Chances Between Them

The third point of view:

The last person Neon expected to see was Allen nor did it occur to him that there were chances of bumping into him here. He looked at Allen, his hair was wet and tousled making him look kind of sexy and he was in a bathrobe. Neon sighed inwardly, a woman was undoubtedly in his bed.

The deep hostility in Allen's gaze was not hidden and he stared at Neon with intensity. He had felt uncomfortable with the way he and Ailee left things and just wanted to check up on her - note that, it was for checking up sake - only to bump into Neon.

Neon was the reason why he and Ailee had become this way. He was a good pretender, he noticed. Pretending to be dumb when they were kids and eliciting pity from Ailee until he was literally attached to her hips.?He got into their way with empathy and Ailee being the fool she fell for that. Now, he got what he wanted, he showed his true colors and abilities, even competing with him for the top spot?

It would have been much better if he - Neon- went on with his dumb act, at least, he would have been much nicer to him. But now, there was no pretending and he - Allen - was out for him.

At first, Allen had thought Neon wanted to be part of their family and compete with him and had been on guard since young. But then, even when his father offered him a chance to truly be a part of their family, he turned it down, and that had made Allen confused about his intentions. But not anymore, he finally figured out what Neon wanted and a hidden cold smirk crossed his features.

"What are you doing here?" Allen asked him sternly, standing to his full height as if trying to intimidate him.

However, Neon remained calm. Ailee might think that he and Allen liked to quibble, but he was the only one who knew how much Allen deeply resented him - he was just that good at shaking Allen off.

"Tucked up Ailee to sleep," Something you could have done as her brother, Neon didn't mean to hint at it but it was the dream.

"She's not a baby and got the hands to do it herself," Allen said to him, meaning every word of it.

However, Neon simply rubbed the inside of his ears saying, "This is why all your girlfriends don't last, you're not romantic at all, or don't you tuck them in after your vigorous exercise?"

Allen was so full of himself that he was sure of winning this bicker, thus, when he heard those words from Neon, his face distorted at once. He was red with embarrassment and anger.

"What did you just say?" Allen clenched his fist by his side. How dare he?

"You're free to check up on her, although she's fast asleep already," Neon informed him and was just about to leave when Allen grabbed him.

Neon glanced down to look at his hand that held onto him, and peered up at Allen with a raised brow, "What now?"

Allen smiled and brushed a speck of invisible dust off Neon's shoulder, "You should be careful the way you care about my sister else people might really misunderstand your type of care," He hinted at his secret.

His gaze narrowed suspiciously, does he know? However, knowing how pompous Allen was, Neon didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing his reply got to him.

He simply grinned," Don't worry, I'll be careful from now on,"

"Yes, you should," Allen said firmly.

"However," Neon said, drawing his attention, "I think you should be more concerned about yourself,"


Neon took a step towards him, "With your type of libido, I advise you see our family doctor,"

"Y-you," Allen went red in the face. Neon was messing with him.

Neon smiled, "Please don't take my words to heart and you should go back to the lady in your bed," and took his leave.

Allen had never been defeated like this and it took him everything not to strode over to Neon's room, yank the door open and exchange some blows with him. But he couldn't do that, not with his parents around.

Neon not only got his sister, but his parents wrapped around his finger as well. He bet they even loved him more than him, their biological son. Neon was the perfect son they couldn't have. Obedience? The only thing he couldn't do and the only thing Neon excelled at.

Fine, he should go on with his good boy act. Allen was sure of unveiling the ugly side of him soon. No, more than that, since he - Neon -?wanted to be the obedient one, he should go on with it. With a smirk on his face, Allen was already working on a plan. This time, disobedience would be a luxury Neon would not be able to afford.

Morning soon came and everyone woke up to prepare for school and their respective places of work. The only different thing about today was the fact that Allen was alone in the car and he was driving.

"Did the sun rise from the west today?" Ailee murmured as soon as her gaze rested on her twin brother, Allen, who was seated on the driver's side of the seat and started the engine.

"Who knows?" Neon replied, but unlike Ailee, he didn't look surprised one bit. It seems like Allen was making his move already, "On the bright side, you should be happy that we won't be treated to another of his detailed make-out season," he tried to be supportive as usual.

"Sure, you're right," Ailee giggled as she took her place beside Neon in the backseat. If Allen was going to drive today, she was going to enjoy every bit of it - it was not every day she gets to see this kind of surprise.

Ailee was just making herself comfortable when Allen suddenly said to her, "Come, sit in the front with me,"

Ailee was so stunned by his request or order - she couldn't exactly tell - that her mouth hung open. She was so shocked that Allen had to repeat himself.

"Or don't you want to ride with me?" Allen asked, his face darkening as he glanced at a certain person from the corner of his eyes. He already held him responsible for the changes in his sister.

But Neon didn't even respond nor did he make a sound. Allen was searching for faults with him so he could start a fight, he would not give him one.

If it was the past Ailee, she would have brushed off her brother's words as ridiculous, plus the fact he might be plotting a trap for her. But after the conversation last night, more like a dispute, she had a feeling that Allen was trying to patch things up with her.

"Sure," Ailee said and then gave Neon an apologetic look and he returned an understanding smile. She then got down and moved to the driver's seat and didn't get to see the silent exchange between Allen and Neon.

While Ailee was trying to get into the front seat, Allen and Neon's gaze connected through the rearview mirror and the twin smirked victoriously at him. Neon had a neutral look on his face yet his fists were clenched and he was fuming inside.

He saw through Allen's plan, the boy wasn't ready to expose his feelings for his sister to his parents, rather he would destroy any chances of anything happening between them. Fine, if that was the case, he was game too.

With Ailee in the front seat with her brother, while Neon stayed in the back, there was nothing to talk about or anyone to talk to, hence the journey was a silent and awkward one.

Ailee was uncomfortable with the silence since she was used to conversing with Neon while Allen usually made out in the back. But that was not the case today. It was a miracle that Allen was not making out with a girl and asked her to sit with him instead. She had to take that opportunity to mend their relationship. So whether he talked to her or not, sitting with him was a huge step already.

As soon as they reached the school's open parking lot, Allen parked the car and was still working on his seat belt when Neon got down and opened the door for his sister to get down. He gritted his teeth, that sly fox!

"Thanks for the ride, I enjoyed it!" Neon announced to Allen right before he closed the door as Ailee stepped out. He then grabbed her hand and took off with her before Allen could stop them.

"Hey!" Ailee called Neon, a bit breathless, "Why are we running?" She couldn't understand what was going on anymore.

Neon came to a stop immediately and asked, "Are we still running?"

"God," Ailee rolled her eyes. He was really annoying.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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