
Chapter 734 - Seven Hundred And Thirty-four: Abduct Her Tonight

Chapter 734 - Seven Hundred And Thirty-four: Abduct Her Tonight

The third point of view:

Pedro woke up with a pounding headache. The light hurt his eye and he found out that his body ached as if someone had tossed him on a hard surface over and over again. Of course, that someone was no other than Julie who had a hard time dealing with Pedro last night because he was completely wasted.

"Goodmorning, beautiful, did you have the best night of your life," Julie said exaggeratedly with a feminine voice while hovering over him on the bed.

"F*ck off," Pedro cursed, bringing himself to sit up with a groan. The headache was really killing him.

"And of course this is the thanks I receive for taking care of your wasted ass last night," Julie muttered to himself, shooting up to a standing position," If only you didn't have a scary would-be wife, I would have just abandoned you on the way," He muttered under his breath but Pedro heard it all.

At the mention of a scary wife, Pedro was reminded of Isabella and the fact that she was still mad at him. He stood up at once with lightning speed as if to reach for the door when Julie stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

What was he doing? Pedro asked himself and realized how stupid he looked at the moment. He was currently shirtless; his hair was spiking in all directions and his breath reeked. Was he planning to see Isabella in this state?

With a sigh, Pedro ran his hand through his hair, his breath coming in pants as if he ran a relay race. He was really confused right now.

"Go in the bathroom and make yourself presentable. You can choose any of my clothes that suit your taste, I'd just charge you for that later. When you're done, come down for breakfast," Julie commanded him and Pedro didn't argue at all with him. He only nodded and went in the direction of the bathroom like an obedient kid.

"That was strange," Julie thought over it. He has been expecting a brief disagreement before Pedro gives in. Anyway, he went back down to the kitchen where he was preparing breakfast; cooking was a strange relaxation he enjoyed.

Pedro stood still in the shower, lost in his thoughts as the water poured down his body. He didn't exactly remember all that happened last night but the embarrassing parts were quite vivid. Why had he even drank in the first place? The pain had just been too real; he had been unable to take it. He just wanted it to go away - he needed to forget.

Hot scalding water beat his back and the whole shower stall was covered with steam but Pedro was not affected by the heat, his mind was too far away. It took him quite a while to rinse the suds off and came out from the bathroom smelling good. He chose a simple and a rare monochromatic outfit out of Julie's many bright outfits - he was a really weird mobster. Didn't gangsters like dark clothes?

Pedro came downstairs to the dining room where Julie was already setting breakfast. If Julie wasn't a man, he would have made a fine wife.

"Have a seat," Julie gestured to him as Pedro pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.

Pedro was treated to a sumptuous display of food and although he could cook - he was domesticated by his mother, Cecil- Julie would be quite a tough opponent in a cooking competition between the both of them.

"You must be wondering why I'm unusually kind and gentle to you - not that I haven't been so far - but Isabella made a special request and I'm to treat you like royalty after you wake or she ruins my life. So yeah, tell me if you feel any discomfort, your highness?" Julie said with playful sarcasm.

"She called you this morning," that was the only part Pedro listened to.

"Yeah," Julie answered, digging his fork into his meal and bringing a slice of?meat to his mouth, "She says you don't have to make a scene at the hospital -"

"I wasn't making a scene, I was just trying to get her to talk to me," Pedro was quick to defend herself. He knew how much Isabella hated unnecessary attention and that was not his intention of getting drunk.

But Julie merely shrugged, that was not his business, both of them had to go settle their issues.

"And she says as well, do not come to the hospital,?she's returning home. The marriage between the both of you must happen."

Relief like no other passed through Pedro and he released the breath he had been holding in all this while. Isabella forgave him?

"You two are weird creatures. She clearly didn't forgive you yet she's intent on going ahead with the marriage," Julie couldn't believe it.

"Isabella has a lot of pride, she can't lose to that woman," Pedro told him.

"And what about you? Do you want to be tied down with her with all of this going on?" Julie asked, curious.

"If Isabella was Anabelle in this situation, would you give up on her even though you know you're in for a torment?" Pedro asked, holding his gaze.

"No," Julie answered truthfully, "Anabelle is not Isabella, however, if this kind of situation were to befall us, she'd probably run. Anabelle is not as hard-hearted as your fiancée, she would probably try to run away from me to forget me. Unfortunately, I would only cling harder," He smiled, "I can't lose her,"

"Then you got your answer," Pedro said to him and went back to eating his meal with Julie doing the same.

However, not less than a minute later, one of his men walked in and whispered something into Julie's ears that made his eyebrows draw together.

"What is it?" Pedro asked as soon as the man left.

"They've found Natasha,"

Pedro stood up at once, "Where is she? I need to see her!"

"Calm your horses," Julie told him, "She's in a private property with lots of guards. But don't worry, we plan to abduct her this night,"

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