
Chapter 755 - Seven Hundred And Forty-five: Jump Off The Roof, Natasha

Chapter 755 - Seven Hundred And Forty-five: Jump Off The Roof, Natasha

The third point of view:

"Niklaus, stop it!" Emerald had to reach him before he beat Pedro to a pulp. However, even with that giant restraining him, Niklaus was pretty much strong and still threw as many blows as he could while Pedro made no effort to stop him. He must be feeling quite guilty to have allowed Niklaus to beat him up like this.

Emerald didn't give up and tried his best to restrain him but Niklaus shrugged him off and was about to continue when two more guards joined him and they were finally able to subdue him.

Pedro's face was bruised, one of his eyes had swollen badly already and he laid on the floor tired, with no effort to stand up. Or perhaps, he just wanted to lay on the floor because that's where he belongs. A scumbag, he was.

"How could you do that to her?!" Niklaus roared like a wounded lion, struggling fiercely even as two men and a giant held him down.

"Don't you know how much?Isabella suffered? She was finally happy, albeit because of you, yet you ripped that feeling away from her just as you gave it. How could you do that?!"

At that statement, Pedro began to pull himself off the ground, "I didn't mean to!" He defended himself, "It was a mistake yet I didn't mean for all of this to happen,"

"Of course, you didn't," Niklaus sneered at him. He didn't believe a word Pedro said. Even if he did, he was too angry to care. Isabella was his precious daughter and yet he hurt her, he had to pay.

"Well, I don't need to do much anyway since Isabella's on it," He hinted that his mistress, Natasha, was in trouble.

"Oh no," Pedro's face lost all color. This was exactly what he feared.

And then, without second thoughts, without noticing the tiredness that was seeping into his bone, Pedro leaped to his feet and rushed to his car, fumbling with the key in the process because of nerves.

Niklaus laughed evilly, "I hope you're too late,"

Pedro ignored Niklaus's taunting laughter and finally got into the car. He inserted the key and started the car immediately, there was no time to waste. Each second wasted brought closer the time Isabella commits murder.

Isabella wouldn't even blink an eye doing so - that was the darkness inside her eyes that had remained tamed inside of her all these years. The darkness Kay had implanted in her kid from a young age, teaching her nothing but violence and cruelty.

What frightened Pedro the most was the fact that Isabella wouldn't go to prison even if she killed Natasha. Her death would be covered up because she's a nobody and Isabella would walk around free but with another demon added to the ones she has already while he - Pedro - would have to keep the injustice of Natasha's death a secret as long as he lived. Pedro knew he could never turn on Isabella. He had to hurry up before this nightmare came to fulfillment.


Natasha was very unsettled; she was no longer comfortable. This wasn't just instinct, it was common sense. Miss. D has been protecting her all this while, then all of a sudden, she's returned to her house - a place where Pedro could easily find her and abort the baby.

She couldn't predict her intention. Does she no longer want the child because once Pedro gets his hand on her, it's game over? What has changed? Natasha felt like a lamb to the slaughter.

She peered out through the window once again and closed the shutters with a groan. She couldn't escape either, they were keeping a close watch on her after being ordered not to leave the place. Why? Why was it so important that she didn't leave her apartment?

Natasha must have been thinking for too long because the sound of a knock made her nearly jump out of her skin. The knocking on her door was nothing but a bang and her heart pounded in her throat. What now?

Swallowing a lump down her throat, Natasha slowly walked over to the door and then looked out through the peephole only to jump back with an audible gasp. Oh God, no. If she was in deep waters previously, she was dead meat now. How was this possible? Isabella never bothered her until now, unless she knows about the pregnancy.

Natasha's lips trembled and her mind began to race in all directions. Does she know Isabella? The question should be, who doesn't know Isabella? The crazy first daughter of Niklaus Spencer. When the name Isabella is brought up, the first thing that comes to mind is rebellion and danger.

No, she can't come in!

Natasha attempted to hold the door from being broken down but before she could do so, the door had been kicked open, the force causing her to fall back down.

"Going somewhere, are we?" Isabella said with a smile that made insects crawl on her skin. If anyone could be called mad, Natasha was staring at one like now.

"No, no!" Natasha crawled back on her feet twice before scurrying away from her.

However, Isabella was not moved by her attempt at running from her, if anything Natasha looked like nothing but a trapped animal to her. However, trapped animals also fought desperately for life.

So when Natasha attempted to hit her with the throw pillow to make her escape, Isabella caught it and backhanded her so hard Natasha saw stars.

She moved away from Isabella the way a small animal would when it sees a larger predator. She then climbed up the stairs but Isabella followed steadily and at her pace knowing she had the upper hand here.

Natasha went into her room, Isabella followed suit. She threw as many kinds of stuff she could get her hands on at Isabella, some of them so sharp that they inflicted cuts at her but Isabella didn't flinch nor even mind. It almost felt like she couldn't even feel pain anymore.

Seeing that Isabella wasn't close to stopping, Natasha went through the balcony and then accessed the little stairs that directly led her to the terrace. Yet Isabella didn't spare her little haven and followed her to the rooftop.

This time, Natasha was tired of running, she was panting and slightly out of breath. Besides, for how long was she going to run? They were on the rooftop now, where was she going to run to?

"Please, I can't do this anymore," Natasha went on her knees immediately, rubbing her hands together in a pleading motion.

"So, we're tired now?" there was a sadistic glint in her eyes. Isabella was enjoying seeing her this helpless and desperate.

"Isabella, have mercy," Natasha begged her.

"Isabella, have mercy," Izzy mimicked her tone mockingly, then laughed, "Did you think of me when you slept with Pedro?"

Natasha shook her head, "I didn't exactly have a choice, I was -"

"We have choices!" She roared with an intensity that shut Natasha up immediately.

"We all have choices," Isabella said in a whisper, and went on, "Just as I have a choice of letting you live, however, I'm going to do the opposite. The earth is too small for the both of us, one of us has to leave for the other to survive,"

"No, no! Isabella!" Natasha told her immediately, "I'll abort the baby if that's what you want!"

But Isabella changed her mind already, "Sorry, but the moment I wanted that option was gone the instant you ruined my rehearsal dinner,"

At once Natasha's eyes widened, "No, I did no such thing! How can I ruin your rehearsal dinner?! Reason it thoroughly, please Isabella," She begged desperately, snots running down her nose, "I can ruin your dinner and make it back on time,"

Isabella smirked, "Not if you hired people to do so,"

"I would never do that Isabella, I'm not suicidal enough! Please trust me, Isabella! I'm begging you!"

Natasha could tell Isabella the truth of how she's been manipulated by Mrs.D, however, they had specifically warned her that her sister would be killed once she does so. And Natasha doesn't doubt their threat. They've kidnapped her sister before, what's the chances they don't have her sister once more and waiting for the moment she slips.

"It doesn't change anything at all. As long as you remain alive, you'd always be a thorn at my side. A liability my enemies would use against me, so you have to go," Isabella had reasoned everything thoroughly.

Isabella took a step forward causing Natasha to hurriedly get to her feet, stepping backward.

"Falling off the roof seems much than a suicide than murder. A better death don't you think?" Isabella suggested to her causing all color to drain from her face.

Natasha looked down, the height wasn't much and she would get a break or two depending on how she lands except her head lands first. The risk was great nonetheless.

"Jump off the roof, Natasha," Isabella suggested.

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