
Chapter 622

Absolute stability.

Exactly as it sounds.

Liana, who had gained the attribute of bringing rain when she cried, had to take a special drug to control the weather. It was similar to a depression inducer.

Thus, Liana had to exhaust her mental energy, not her magical or physical strength, to unleash her powerful ability.

What was usually demanded of Liana was to maintain her composure. She constantly took depression inducers, so that she would not lose her ability to use her power when it was truly needed.

So Liana usually spent her time at the mansion as if she was recovering.

The last time she had used her ability was to melt the heavy snowfall that had fallen in the Imperial Capital.

We drank tea until Eleion Bolton and the Duchess returned.

Although not as much as before, this villa still had servants. It was one of the few places where one could live like a noble in Edina.

"Are you going to convert him completely?"

"If we can."

"Hmm... Do we really need to go that far? He doesn't seem like he would cause any trouble."

That's right.

Unlike Harriet, who was teased as a blockhead just by words, Liana was more of a true blockhead.

And like I couldn't understand the meaning of converting Eleion Bolton, nor the intentions of Charlotte and Olivia, Liana couldn't understand it either.

Moreover, she even perceived the attempt to convert Eleion Bolton as a form of mental reconditioning, since she didn't know if he would cause trouble.

"Would we teach an old retired man's mind just because we have nothing else to do?"

"You don't have anything else to do, though."

"That, that's true..."

Although a blockhead, she still didn't get along well with me!

"Depending on the situation, we may need to recall Bolton. We're just preparing for that."

Instead of me, Charlotte spoke up.


"Sending him back to his position."

"…Do you think I asked because I didn't know the term 'recall'?"

"Could it be that you actually know it?"

At my words, Liana slightly opened her mouth.


"What do you really think of me? Seriously?"

It seemed like she had tried to act knowledgeable, but ended up losing face.

Why do you know that?

What are you anyway?

"You’re just a lucky girl who got comfortable abilities for both your head and body."



Did I go too far?

Sparks began to fly from Liana's furrowed brow.

-Sizzle! Sizzle!

"Do you really want to fight?"

"Want to try?"

"Stop it! Why are you acting like children?"

Charlotte sighed, looking at Liana and me taking turns with disdain as we bickered during a serious conversation.

Liana tilted her head, looking at Charlotte.

"But, technically, we're still children."

That's true.

But I'm not a child.

I'm definitely not a child.


"Why the sour face?"

"No... I was wrong."

At my apology, both Charlotte and Liana looked puzzled.

Trying to win against a child at this age and scratching at them. I couldn't believe how pathetic I was!

"Why haven't you fixed the habit of saying unnecessary things?"

"That's true."

That's right? Why can't I grow up?

Is it too late?

"Reinstating that old man? What are you talking about?"

"It's not yet decided. Although the Imperial Capital’s power has been seized, there may be some resistance from the Holy Knight division of the Allied Forces command. Our goal is to convert the entire Holy Knights into the United Holy Order. If Eleion Bolton, who will act as the leader, can use the divine power of Demon God, the process will become easier."

"Ah... So that's what it is."

Only then did Liana seem to understand, slowly nodding her head.

Even if the popes had been alive, Eleion Bolton would have had no choice but to cooperate with me. However, by choosing Rowan, I now had the option to convert the entire Five Great Religions into the United Holy Church. Even if I reinstated him now, he wouldn't dare oppose me, as it would bring about a greater crisis. But it was even better if we agreed to the United Holy Church's banner after Rowan had failed, if she failed at all.

Charlotte took a sip of her tea.

Her appearance had changed a lot from the past, but her elegance was still felt even in the way she drank tea.

Watching Charlotte made me realize that elegance was a very subtle thing.

It seemed similar to grace, yet it was entirely different. It wasn't ostentatious but subtly revealed. If one tried to imitate elegance and overdid it, it would look ridiculous.

The person just acted as usual without any thought, and it felt elegant. The essence of elegance. That was probably what it was.

If you look closely, something would make your heart flutter.

Anyway, there was something like that, right?

"Hm? Guests have arrived."

We hadn't been talking for long when the duchess and Eleion Bolton returned to the mansion.

Duchess Yelena de Grantz.

And former Holy Knight Commander Eleion Bolton.

"Hello, Duchess. It's been a while since I've visited."

"It has been quite some time since I last saw Your Highness, the Princess. The Demon King was also very polite."

"Ah, yes..."

Charlotte stood up and greeted her properly, while I awkwardly rose and scratched the back of my head.


I didn't know exactly what it was, but I was sure I wouldn't have it until the day I died.

"Did you come to see me?"

As soon as he saw us, Eleion Bolton seemed to know the reason and looked at Charlotte and me with a stern expression.

Yes, it was time to get to the main point. Charlotte looked at me.



As I looked at her with a determined expression, Charlotte smiled brightly and pointed outside.

"You should go out."


"It's better if you're not here."

"But I can also fight while being invisible... When needed, I can hide...!"

Liana is my friend!

I wouldn't say that to Eleion Bolton!

At my protest, Charlotte's expression turned cold.



In the end, I was kicked out.

As it was a crucial moment for the discussion, Charlotte and Eleion Bolton were left behind, while Liana and the duchess tactfully left the mansion.

And I was kicked out.

Liana laughed at me.

"Does it feel good? Why did you say something unnecessary and reduce the little trust you had?"

"Shouldn't I see it as trusting Charlotte enough to leave such an important position to her?"

Wasn't it?

"I know it didn't look that way at all."

Yeah, I knew it wasn't the case.

Negotiation, politics. I neither knew well nor had any taste for them.

I was only grateful that Charlotte took care of such matters and thought more diligently about them than I did.


But then, why did I come here?

Wasn't it enough to leave it to Charlotte?

Ah, if I hadn't wasted time arguing with Liana, I would have been sitting there.

Being scolded by a subject and kicked out as a king, something felt strange about it.

Of course, I did hope for this. Rather than an overly hierarchical relationship, I hoped for one where we could treat each other more comfortably.


That was a bit too much...

I'll definitely tell her later how hurt I was...

It's not just a saying; I'll really tell her...

Anyway, in the end, I had nothing to do until Charlotte finished talking, so I strolled along the beach.

I, the duchess, and Liana.

I didn't know about Liana, but I didn't see the duchess very often.

"The Allied Forces will begin advancing again, right?"

"Yes? Ah... Yes. They seem to be leaving in a few days."

The duchess must have heard from Liana, so she knew to some extent how the world was turning and asked me about it.

After becoming a king from a friend of her daughter, and after coming to this place, the duchess treated me disdainfully.

Honestly, she wasn't very pleasant at first sight.

Of course, she openly showed her disapproval of her daughter mingling with low-born people, and even went so far as to invite only Harriet to breakfast.

She was extremely sensitive about status and was a very worldly person.

It was clear that she had a very bad relationship with the now deceased Duke of Grantz.

However, in the end, the Duchess of Grantz seemed to have undergone a significant change of heart after the death of the duke.

She reconciled with her daughter and even informed her that the real culprit who killed the Duke of Grantz was not the Demon King, urging her to take revenge on her father.

People change.

A worldly person cannot be worldly all their life.

A person who was pure can become worldly.

A wicked person can become good.

A good person can become wicked.

People change.

Whether the change is big or small, people cannot help but change as they live.

The Duchess of Grantz changed, I changed, Liana changed.

And Charlotte and Eleion Bolton changed as well.

We would continue to change and change again.

"Will you also go to the battlefield like last time?"

"I think we need to watch the situation for now, but I'm not sure what will happen. If the situation isn't bad, we may not need to fight ourselves. I can't say for sure."

"I see..."

At my words, the duchess sighed.

It was a sigh of relief.

Only then did I realize something I had completely overlooked, buried in my thoughts.

The duchess was sending her daughter to the battlefield. A place of death and terror where horrendous monsters roamed. No matter how strong a supernatural her daughter was, no parent would be happy about it.

Moreover, her daughter's mental state deteriorated as she used her abilities. Regardless of whether she survived the war or not, she must have known the suffering.

From the duchess's point of view, I was the one who kept taking her daughter to the battlefield.

Therefore, I must have been an unwelcome person.

I hadn't seen it often, but the mere fact that the duchess hadn't shown any signs of her feelings to me was enough to know she was good at hiding her emotions.

A person who constantly sends their child to the battlefield...

What would I have done in her shoes?

If I had a child and their friend kept taking my son or daughter to the battlefield, claiming their abilities were necessary.

They had returned safely so far, but there was no telling how long that would last.

It was fortunate that they hadn't been caught yet.

Liana was too valuable a person.

A parent's worry, sorrow, and fear had to be ignored.

"May I ask why you spared Sir Bolton?"

I couldn't help but be taken aback by her sudden question.

I thought they were on good terms since they took walks together, but was that not the case at all? Liana's expression hardened at the duchess's unexpected words.

"Did Sir Eleion Bolton cause any trouble?"

I hadn't thought he was the type to cause mischief, but if he had secretly stirred up trouble, I couldn't just let it go.

"Not at all."

I didn't sense any anger or similar emotions towards Eleion Bolton from the duchess's expression.

"He may not be the best conversationalist, but he is an honorable man with high principles, understanding, and consideration."

While I couldn't say she was fond of him, her words conveyed that she respected Eleion Bolton enough.

Then why ask the reason I had left him live?

"It's not Sir Bolton's importance that I'm curious about, but rather the reason you spared him."

Was it a question unrelated to Eleion Bolton's attitude or actions?

It was a question aimed at me from the start, not Eleion Bolton.

"...I didn't think it was necessary to do that."

By not killing him, as I did now, I might have discovered a new use for Eleion Bolton.

The duchess looked at me with a stern expression in response to my words.

"Necessary... necessary... you say."

With that, she murmured to herself and walked silently.

The atmosphere had become tense.

"When all this is over, what do you plan to do with the empire?"

"The empire... you ask?"


At the duchess's words, I felt a lump in my throat.

Bertus had killed Duke Grantz.

Liana wanted revenge, and the duchess likely felt the same.

Bertus was a royal of the empire.

As such, he was not only responsible for keeping the greatest threat to the empire, the Demon King, in check, but also for eliminating revolutionary forces that could shake the empire's foundation.

That was Bertus's duty and something he had to protect.

Bertus had to kill Duke Grantz.

However, the duchess had lost her husband, and Liana had lost her father.

It was only natural for them to hate the empire and Bertus.

These natural occurrences.

What must I do, and who am I to do it?

Especially if it leads to someone's natural desire for revenge.

Where did the problem begin, and who is truly at fault?

If everyone does what they believe they should, and all that builds up is hatred, anger, and a desire for revenge, is there something fundamentally wrong with the world?

"If I say I won't destroy the empire, will you hate me?"

"Can you hate me more than you do now?"

She was blunt, this woman.

"Mother, please."

"I have many things to be grateful for from the Demon King, but you must understand that I cannot help but feel this way."

"…I suppose there's nothing to be done."

"You don't need to understand my dislike of you."

"…Excuse me?"

"Why should you understand why I dislike you?"

Her unexpected comment left me somewhat dazed.

"In this chaotic world where even your own survival is difficult, why are you trying so hard to understand so much?"


"Why should someone who bears the burden of an entire nation and countless lives prioritize understanding others?"


"You should hate those who hate you."

The Duchess looked at me as she spoke.

Her words were not advice or criticism, but rather a scolding tone.

"You must kill those who try to kill you."


"Is that all?"

I had nothing to say in response.

"Sometimes, you have to kill those who don't want to kill you. You have to hate those who don't hate you, and there will be times when you must take the lives of those who don't resent you."


"Even those who have loved you all their lives, and who have never thought of betraying you, must be killed if necessary. That is the life of an emperor. Watching coldly as someone dies in tears and wails, with their face stained with a sense of betrayal, is the life of an emperor."


"Do you think there has ever been an emperor in history who ruled with mercy, warmth, and understanding?"

"…There probably hasn't."

"No country has ever been built without taking something from others. Those who are not accustomed to taking cannot maintain or possess anything."


"So why are you trying to be an emperor as a human?"

With love, understanding, and mercy.

There couldn't have been a history of uniting the world through such things.

To build a mountain, one must take and take again.

A tower of gold built from the stolen items, and atop the highest peak sits the throne of the greatest thief in the world.

That is a nation.

A hat made of stolen gold leaf is placed on the head, called a crown, and the one who wears it becomes the king.

Steal a little and you're a thief, steal a lot and you're a great thief who goes down in history.

Steal everything in the world, and no one will call you a thief.

The beginning of all this was my plundering of Edina's throne.

I, too, started by taking.

"Those who only topple those who deserve hatred, those who deserve to be hated, may become avengers or righteous bandits, but they cannot sit on the throne of dominion, and they must not."


It's not about toppling those who deserve hatred.

It's about turning the fallen into those who deserve hatred.

That's what it means to be an emperor.

That's what history is about.

At times, I must kill even those who love me and calmly look into their eyes, filled with betrayal in their dying moments.

Trying to be a king as a human is arrogant.

The Duchess was pointing out my arrogance.

Are you so great that you can be a king as a human?

Can you protect everyone while acting so carelessly?

You, who only uses my daughter, can you really protect her?

She was scolding me.

"He may have gained neighbors through this approach, but weren't neighbors the most terrifying beings in the world?"

Neighbors could always become our allies.

But it was always the neighbors who took something away from us.

Neighbors were equal beings.

Thus, a king didn't need neighbors.

For a king, all beings in the world should be beneath him.

As Bertus had once said,

All were equal beneath me, in that kind of arrogance.

A different kind of arrogance was necessary.

That attitude had to be present.

Duchess Grantz looked at me.

"I dislike the un-cruel you."

Her dislike of me wasn't solely due to bringing her daughter into war.

My approach of sparing the enemy commander, allowing him to live peacefully like this.

Though sparing Eleion Bolton might have its uses, she pointed out that I hadn't spared him for his usefulness alone.

She didn't dislike Eleion Bolton.

She seemed to consider my approach of sparing him dangerous.

A king who takes his daughter to war would be unwelcome.

But a king who has no intention of truly killing his enemies, who lets his kingdom be swayed by acceptance and wholeness, would be even more unwelcome if her daughter had to live in that land.

Wars would eventually end, but a king who was indecisive and compassionate would permanently endanger the kingdom.

"A king must kill even the harmless. Sometimes, he must even devour the dog he raised."

This approach of not killing someone unless they reveal their teeth.

Not killing someone who doesn't show me their teeth.

Only trying to kill the despicable ones.

It seemed she didn't like my approach of only trying to kill those who were definitively my enemies.

Duchess Grantz spoke to me as if scolding a child.

"Do you intend to convince the sheep inside the fence that the hunger of the wolves and foxes outside is inevitable? Even when you don't know whether they're wolves in dog's skin, do you plan to let them in simply because they haven't shown their teeth to me?"

I had no answer to the Duchess's words.

Eleion Bolton was not a wolf.

The Duchess knew that.

But she was scolding me for bringing someone into the fence without knowing whether they were a dog or a wolf, thinking there was no need to kill them.

Someday, I would bring a wolf in dog's skin into the fence.

That's what she was saying.

"That is the most dangerous tyranny."

A king who dispenses death lightly is a tyrant.

A king who values death too highly is a dark lord.

"Your Majesty."

The Duchess knelt before me.

And desperately,

She implored.

"Please become a cruel sovereign."

A king and a saint were different.

If you tried to be a king with the ways of a saint, you could neither have nor protect anything.

Duchess Grantz begged.

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