
Chapter 319 - Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing (1)

Chapter 319 - Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing (1)

Tang Moyu woke up a little disoriented, trying to figure out where she was before she remembered that she was on a flight to Beijing with Feng Tianyi and Cheng Ning. Beside her, Feng Tianyi was reading a book in one hand while waiting for the jet to descend on the runway.

"Slept well?" He asked.

The empress squirmed in her seat before facing him.

"Are we there yet?" She responded with a question.

"Yes. We're about to land."

And just as he said it, the jet landed with a light thud on the runway. Tang Moyu placed her hands over the seat belt buckle, her entire body tense. This was one of the things she hated when flying, her heart beats so fast as if she'd just sprinted in a race towards the finish line.

Feng Tianyi closed the book he was reading and raised a brow at her.

"Eager to see the twins?"

"You can say that. I'm still not comfortable leaving them behind no matter how many times I've done it."

She hated the days when she was away from her little buns. She couldn't help but worry every time she had to leave them for a business trip. However, Tang Moyu knew she had no other choice. She would have brought them with her if she could. If only she wasn't worried that they would get sick from all the travelling.

As soon as the jet stopped, she jumped on her feet before gathering her bag and laptop bag, which was also stuffed with extra paperwork. Feng Tianyi followed her lead shortly and retrieved his things.

The weather in Beijing was obviously colder than what Tang Moyu was accustomed to in Shenzhen. Thankfully, she had changed her clothes before leaving Hangzhou earlier. Now, she was wearing a pale blue dress with a matching coat. Her hair had been pulled back with a headband, a white scarf wound around her neck.

She pulled her coat closer as the flight attendant opened the door for them. Her gaze zeroed on the Mercedes car waiting for her and Feng Tianyi.

Song Fengyan was leaning on it with a grin on his face.

"You're fifteen minutes late." He eyed Feng Tianyi, who was now standing next to the empress and her assistant.

"I didn't notice." Feng Tianyi replied before passing Tang Moyu's luggage to his cousin, who loaded it in the trunk along with Cheng Ning's.

Meanwhile, Feng Tianyi and Tang Moyu slid into the backseat of the car while Cheng Ning took the passenger seat. Song Fengyan returned to the driver's seat and ignited the engine, driving away from the runway.

"You have no idea who we met back in Hangzhou, Fengyan." Feng Tianyi striked a conversation with his cousin while Tang Moyu looked out the window, watching the scenery as the car passed them.

"Who?" Song Fengyan asked, not breaking his focus on the road as he drove.

"Luo Qingqing." The devil replied. Too bad he wasn't able to see Song Fengyan's reaction as he was sitting behind him.

Tang Moyu glanced at her boyfriend, then to Song Fengyan. Ah, it seemed like Feng Tianyi really knew Luo Qingqing after all. But she was surprised by Song Fengyan's reaction the moment he heard her name, which was unusual in Tang Moyu's opinion.

There was a momentarily silence inside the car as Song Fengyan continued to drive.

"How is she?" Song Fengyan asked. There was a reason why he rarely checked the entertainment columns and articles. However it didn't mean he was able to avoid seeing Luo Qingqing everywhere, especially now that her career in the entertainment industry was flourishing.

"Still as beautiful as I remembered. Still a little oblivious about how to deal with people around her." Feng Tianyi replied, not even trying to hide it from his cousin.

"I see." Song Fengyan said no more and their whole journey to the Song Estate, where the little buns were waiting for their return, was a lot quieter from then on. It was obvious that there's a history between him and Luo Qingqing with the way he grew silent upon hearing her name.

Tang Moyu gave Feng Tianyi a questioning look, but he only shrugged before mouthing a 'later'. She didn't press on and chose to save her questions for the meantime.

When they entered the Song Estate, they heard Cheng Ning gasped from her seat as she looked outside.

"Oh, wow. Look, Miss Moyu! The garden is beautiful!" Her hand touched the glass of the car window next to her seat, as if she could somehow get a better look by pressing herself closer. "I've never seen flowers like that before in my hometown."

Cheng Ning who originally came from the rural county of Yangshuo had chosen to move to Shenzhen to work. During her stay at university, she had heard about Tang Moyu's prowess within the business community in Shenzhen and had wanted to meet the woman in person.

Now that she was working as the empress's assistant, Cheng Ning realized that there were a lot of perks for her working beside Tang Moyu and this included seeing things she's never seen and going to places she'd never been to.

"Is there a hedge maze here?" She blinked as they saw the arc leading deeper into the gardens of the estate.

"There is." Feng Tianyi answered her. "But don't expect too much, Miss Cheng. Our family's estate here in Beijing isn't as huge as what we have in Shanghai and Shenzhen."

"Really, Mr. Qin? Do you think I can go and see it?" Cheng Ning turned her head to look at her boss and Qin Jiran.

"I can't see why not. Baobao and Little Star have been playing there since they arrived. You may join them if you want."

The glee that followed, coming from Cheng Ning, made Tang Moyu smile. Her assistant was one of the people who would never look down on her or anyone else. Cheng Ning had this cheery and bright personality that made everyone at Tang Enterprise love her. Although clumsy at times, she was a capable assistant.

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