
Chapter 386 - About Time You Tell the Truth (2)

Chapter 386 - About Time You Tell the Truth (2)

While Tang Moyu was confiding her troubles to her girlfriends, Feng Tianyi busied himself in the kitchen of the rest house they were staying, preparing lunch not only for himself but for Song Fengyan and He Lianchen as well. He also didn't forget to add Tang Beixuan into the headcount for the meal.

"Tang Moyu barely acknowledged you earlier. Don't tell me you two are arguing again?" Song Fengyan asked as he absentmindedly switched the channel on the television.

Near him, He Lianchen sat on the armchair, reviewing the new contracts Xiao Xing Diamond Co. had prepared for their newly hired employees and managers. Meng Yanran, along with the other managers He Lianchen and Song Fengyan hired, were undergoing a two week training before they officially joined the company.

"No, we aren't. But…" Feng Tianyi placed down the spatula from his hand and supported his body by leaning against the countertop. "I told Moyu about me and the twins."

"About time you tell her the truth." He Lianchen commented, not breaking his attention from his laptop. He was thankful that his wife had left with the empress and Li Meili for a while, giving him enough time to finish some work that was screaming for his attention these days.

As much as he wanted to spend time with his new wife, his workload at Xiao Xing and Qing Tian Group was forbidding He Lianchen to enjoy his life with Gu Yuyao. He just hoped that the first production of the diamonds would be over soon so he wouldn't have to worry about Xiao Xing.

"Well, that can't be helped. The sooner Tang Moyu knows the truth, the better." Song Fengyan shrugged before stopping his channel surfing at the sports channel where football was being broadcasted.

"Is she mad?" He asked Feng Tianyi.

"No." The devil said with all honesty. Tang Moyu said it herself, she couldn't be mad at him. Something that Feng Tianyi was thankful for because she had given him the benefit of the doubt and had not harshly retaliated over his confession about him fathering her twins. Her crestfallen face today was an indication that she was thinking about it.

"But she is upset and a bit disappointed. She thinks it was unfair for the two of us to be forced together without being given a choice."

"It's normal for her to feel upset." Song Fengyan said lazily. "To be honest, I think I would feel the same too if my whole life was pulled right underneath me."

"Give her time. This would be harder for her to accept and comprehend." He Lianchen commented. "Accepting you as Feng Tianyi was one thing, but this time it's different. Her whole life changed after that fateful night she had with you. It isn't you she needed to face this time. It's her own past and disappointment in her life."

Song Fengyan burst into laughter after hearing what He Lianchen said.

"What is so funny?" He Lianchen shot him a glare.

"Nothing." Song Fengyan grinned at him. "Just you giving Tianyi some love advice. It's surprising."

The corporate lawyer scoffed at his words.

"And you are the one to talk, Fengyan. Why don't you tell me and Tianyi what truly happened between you and Lan Xiyan?" The moment He Lianchen saw Song Fengyan's smile faltering, "Yes, just like that. You keep pretending to not care about her and yet act like an idiot when you see her." He pointed out.

Feng Tianyi didn't utter a word and just listened to his cousin and his friend argue with each other. Although he was also curious about how things ended up between Song Fengyan and Lan Xiyan, now known as Luo Qingqing, he never dared to question him.

"Because we aren't supposed to see and meet each other anymore, Lianchen. She… she didn't want to be with me." Song Fengyan said as if it pained him to admit that the woman he ever wanted in his life didn't want him in her life.

"So why's there an animosity between you and her? Did you do something?" He Lianchen followed up with a question. How could he waste his chance to know what happened when this was the first time Song Fengyan had willingly talked about him and Lan Xiyan.

"I'm not sure…" He finally said. "I'm not sure if it was because I did something or the fact that I didn't do anything." Up to this day, he still couldn't understand why Lan Xiyan did it. Song Fengyan wanted to hate her, but he couldn't really blame her for making such a poor choice.

"If it was because of her former profession, I think Lan Xiyan was ashamed of her past." Feng Tianyi commented, resuming his cooking in the kitchen near the living room, where the two men were.

"Maybe, maybe not. Since it was her choice. There's nothing I can do about it, right?"

"Choice on what? Leaving you and running away?" He Lianchen shut down his laptop and closed it. "Sometimes I wonder why she never stood up for something she truly wanted."

It was obvious to him that Song Fengyan was onced head over heels for that woman, but Lan Xiyan's meek personality had made it impossible for Song Fengyan to pursue a serious relationship with her.

"She didn't want me… or our baby." Song Fengyan said with a blank expression on his face, not aware that he had made a slip of the tongue and revealed something both Feng Tianyi and He Lianchen weren't aware of.

"What did you say? You have a baby with her?!" Feng Tianyi dropped the spatula from his hand due to shock as he looked at his cousin. Even He Lianchen was speechless at what he'd heard from him.

"Ah." Song Fengyan snapped out of his thoughts. "Had. Not have. Lan Xiyan aborted our child even before I found out of its existence."

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