
Chapter 435 - From Today Onwards (1)

Chapter 435 - From Today Onwards (1)

Feng Tianyi opened his mouth, but no words came out of it. He could only stare at the woman standing next to him in shock. He was dumbfounded by what Tang Moyu said.

He wasn't sure if he had heard her right, as his mind refused to cooperate with him at this very moment. He wasn't even sure if this was not a trick of his mind.

One moment, he felt helpless as he thought that she was turning his proposal down, then the next thing he knew, Tang Moyu took the ring from his hand and called Auntie Lu to get her household registration from her study at the main house, where she had barely been at lately.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to get married?" Her eyes remained unwavering as she looked at him.

Of course he wanted it! But marriage and a wedding were the event of a lifetime for a woman. Feng Tianyi, who'd been trying to pamper his wifey to no end, wanted to give her a wedding an empress like her deserved.

It was a big step in their lives, so he didn't want her to decide recklessly.

"A-are you sure?" Feng Tianyi found himself stuttering, still too shocked due to Tang Moyu's suggestion to register their marriage right away.

"Are you?" Tang Moyu returned his question. She was hesitating to ask him for the past weeks because she wasn't sure how he would take it. With the inheritance issue occupying her mind, she wondered if her pride was stopping her to get what was truly hers.

"Yes!" The devil reaffirmed his intention to have her as his wife. In this world, he only wanted her by his side. If he couldn't have her as his wife, he would rather stay unmarried for the rest of his life.

"Before that, I want to discuss something with you…" Tang Moyu returned to her previous seat as she waited for Auntie Lu's return and her little buns before she could leave with Feng Tianyi to register their marriage at the Civil Bureau.

Feng Tianyi could sense a hint of hesitation in her voice. He wondered if there was something else that's bothering her, she seemed so confident to get married just now. She wasn't going to change her mind about it right?

He swallowed the invisible lump in his throat and took a seat across her. He watched as Tang Moyu revelled on the diamond ring she took from the box, her fingers gently tracing the band.

"I don't want you to misunderstand me and why I agreed to marry you. As I told you before, I received inheritance from my father, but I wasn't able to claim it because of a certain clause he left on his will…"

Feng Tianyi wasn't dumb. If Tang Moyu was telling him this before they got married, it only meant that her father wanted her to get married first before she could receive her share.

"You need to get married first before you can have it." He finished her words for her, and Tang Moyu nodded.

At least, Feng Tianyi understood that easily.

"I'm not marrying you because of that though… I just want to make sure that you know this."

"And you are marrying me now because?" It was Feng Tianyi's turn to question her.

After asking the question, he remained silent, staring straight at her beautiful face.

Same thing, Tang Moyu seemed to be trying to gauge his expression. Without batting an eyelid, she answered him with all honesty. She would be a liar if she said she wasn't moved by his proposal earlier. As inexperienced as she may be, the empress still had feelings like other people do.

"You said there could only be me as your wife…" She started, a hint of blush dusted her cheeks, but she refused to break their eye contact. "I feel the same, Tianyi. I cannot see myself with a man if it isn't you."

Feng Tianyi froze, his jaw dropped from her heartfelt confession.

"Even now, I know that you still don't really believe what I feel for you. Unlike you, I'm not good with words, Tianyi. We can get married now and I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with you. Would this be enough to satisfy you?"

The empress paused as she glanced at his face.

"So Feng Tianyi, are you willing to marry me now?"

When he said nothing, Tang Moyu felt an uneasiness in her heart. Was he hesitating now? Didn't he say earlier he wanted her as his wife? So why wasn't saying anything?

What she didn't know was that Feng Tianyi was shaken down to the core by her words.

'I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with you.'

'Are you willing to marry me now?'

He reached out his hand and tucked the stray locks behind her ear and smiled genuinely. How could he deny her when she put it that way?

He was always afraid that she would find someone better. That one day, she would regret being with him and would blame him for all the suffering she endured for bearing his children without being given a choice.

"Yes, I'm willing. Let's get married now, Moyu." His voice had a hint of warmth on it. This was way better than hearing the 'I love you' from her lips, which he knew the empress would never become accustomed to.

After a moment of silence between them, he seemed to recover from his shock and Tang Moyu's lips curled into a smile, with her worries disappearing into thin air.

To have her name placed next to his for eternity. To have her sleeping by his side every single day. To know that she was his and his alone.

It was enough reason for Feng Tianyi to marry her. The woman he madly fell in love with was about to become his wife.

From today onwards, he would no longer be alone. He would have a loving wife and two beautiful children. A small happy family he could call his own.

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