
Chapter 443 - Selling the Empress (1)

Chapter 443 - Selling the Empress (1)

It had been months since Tang Moyu last paid a visit to the Tang Estate. Truth to be told, ever since Zhang Wuying humiliated her in front of the other Tang family members, she had long decided to never step in this place again.

Her childhood memories in this place offered her nothing but suffering, and although she wasn't physically abused by anyone, except for her 'mother', Tang Moyu felt like an outcast in her own family.

As she closed the door of her car behind her, Tang Moyu lifted her head to see the familiar place where she grew up. It was now incomparable to the home she was currently sharing with her little buns and Feng Tianyi.

She might not have a loving family growing up, but she would make sure that her little buns would be able to enjoy their childhood and wouldn't suffer the same thing she had.

When she stepped inside the estate, she was greeted by one of the old housekeepers that had been working for the Tang family for years. The old woman was shocked to see one of their missus today.

No. It wasn't because she wasn't expecting Tang Moyu's arrival, since she had been notified ahead of time. But what caught her off guard was the slight smile the cold empress had on her lips. So different from the icy and glacial smile she was constantly sporting when she was younger.

Ever since Tang Moyu left the Tang Estate, the empress rarely came here and always had a slight grimace on her face, as if she would rather be somewhere else than to be here and see her family and relatives. There had never been a hint of happiness or a smile on her face until now.

The old woman was puzzled, but of course she would never voice out her opinion or curiosity to the empress. But she she did think that Tang Moyu must be in a great mood today.

Was she even aware who's waiting to see her today?

As much as Tang Moyu shocked the old housekeeper, it was incomparable to the shock she had the moment she entered the dining area to join Elder Tang for lunch.

The old man wasn't the only one waiting for her arrival. Tang Moyu saw that Zhang Wuying was also seated next to her grandfather, and an unexpected guest sitting across from her 'mother'.

What the hell was Yun Zhen doing here?

Yun Zhen was elegantly clad in his custom dark gray suit and nodded politely to the elders.

"Moyu, you are just in time. Come here and join us for lunch. I asked them to prepare your favorite dishes today." Elder Tang said, gesturing Tang Moyu to take a seat next to their guest.

Yun Zhen gave her a slight smile. The empress chose to remain silent, but did what the elder asked her to do. She had a bad feeling about this, a feeling that was hard for the empress to describe.

"I hope you like home cooked dishes, President Yun. Although your palate is accustomed to five star restaurant dishes, our Moyu here rarely pays us a visit, so I want to pamper her a little by preparing her favorites." Elder Tang told Yun Zhen.

"Please don't worry. I'm pretty sure it would taste just fine if Moyu likes it. I didn't take her as someone who has poor taste."

From her appearance down to her choice in making money, the empress did it with class and Yun Zhen thought that they complemented each other in so many ways.

In contrast to his polite demeanor, Tang Moyu's face was gloomy. Was this the reason why Elder Tang summoned her here? So he and her 'oh, so good' mother would be able to set her up with Yun Zhen?

The three continued to converse with smiles on their faces while the empress silently endured the facade, picked up her chopsticks and ate a few bites of the dishes served to them reluctantly.

Had she known this was what was waiting for her, she wouldn't have come here. It would've been better to spend the rest of her free day with Feng Tianyi and their little buns. As much as she wanted to snap and leave at once, Tang Moyu still knew that she needed to give face to their guest.

Yun Zhen had nothing to do with her issues with the Tang family and they were still working on a collaboration project between their companies, but it was obvious that she wasn't happy. It was written all over her face, but Yun Zhen hadn't seemed to mind it one bit.

He knew that she wasn't in good terms with her family and he wanted to take this chance to take her away from them by asking for her hand in marriage.

"I'm full." Tang Moyu placed her chopsticks down and wiped her mouth clean. "Grandpa, what is it that you want to talk about?" She asked, not bothering?to beat around the bush.

When the old man didn't say anything but only looked at Yun Zhen, Tang Moyu gritted her teeth and stood up. "If there's anything else, please excuse me as there are other important things I need to do." 'Than wasting my time here', she added in her mind.

"Ah, let me talk to Moyu, Elder Tang. Since this is between the two of us, I think it's only proper for Moyu to know my intention." Yun Zhen said, following Tang Moyu's lead as he also stood up from his seat.

Tang Moyu didn't look at him, but stared at her grandfather with unconcealed disgust. So he and her mother were really trying to sell her? Ridiculous!

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