
Chapter 485 - Happy Birthday, Uncle! (1)

Chapter 485 - Happy Birthday, Uncle! (1)

"What's wrong with you? You are awfully quiet. Did you have a fight with Moyu?" Li Meili asked Tang Beixuan, once the latter pulled the car to a stop and parked it properly, before letting the little buns out of the car.

"No, but she told me something." Tang Beixuan grumbled, a little annoyed that he wasn't sure how to accept all the revelations he heard today. He could feel that a headache would be coming his way soon.

It appeared that his elder sister had already made up her mind, so he didn't have any choice but to accept her decision. Feng Tianyi, huh? He better make sure not to make his sister cry, because he would be the first one to beat him into pulp if ever his Moyu Jie shed any tears because of him.

Finally coming to his senses, he took a deep breath and gestured to Li Meili, asking her to follow the twins. His sister, as well as the devil, would have his head on a silver platter if something bad happened to those two while they were under their supervision.

Sighing in resignation, Tang Beixuan followed his girlfriend and the little buns as they entered the shopping mall. He noticed that there weren't many shoppers today, which would be better for them. One thing his sister didn't like was exposing the twins to a crowd of people.

Inside the shopping mall, the Tang twins frolicked as they held each other's hands. Since the place was so huge, Xiao Bao didn't dare to let go of his twin sister's hand, in fear that he might lose her.

He certainly wouldn't allow his sister to walk around on her own. As her older brother, it was Xiao Bao's responsibility to look after her.

Li Meili smiled as she stood next to Tang Beixuan, watching the twins. The purpose of going out was to find something that they could gift for Tang Moyu's incoming birthday. The twins had saved up enough money from their monthly allowances to buy gifts for their mommy.

"Do you already have an idea what to give your mommy for her birthday?" She asked the twins.

Both little buns shook their heads at the same time. Although they already agreed with their daddy to bake a birthday cake for their mommy, both of them decided to prepare their own gifts for her special day. Mommy always gave them everything they needed since they were born, it was only natural for them to feel grateful to have a mommy like Tang Moyu.

"I don't know what to give my mommy, Auntie Mei."

For someone like the empress, who could have any materialistic things if she wanted, Li Meili understood the twins' predicament.

"It doesn't matter how expensive your gifts are, Baobao, Little Star. It's the thought that counts. I'm sure your mommy would be happy with anything you give to her." Li Meili assured them. "Why don't we look around and see if we can find something she might like?"

The little buns agreed with her suggestion and looked around the stores, one after another, but it was hard. They couldn't find anything that could catch their attention. Ah, why was it so hard to find a suitable gift for their mommy?!

After wandering around inside the mall for two hours, the little buns still failed to find the gift they needed for their mother's birthday. Their faces fell as they held onto their Auntie Meili's hands. At this rate, they would not be able to give anything to their mother.

"Why don't we split and try to check the other stores on the fifth floor?" Tang Beixuan suggested. They'd been walking for hours in futileness and his feet were starting to feel numb.

"Yeah, I think so too. That would be better. I'll take Little Star with me, Baobao will go with you." Li Meili agreed with him. The sooner they could find the right gifts for the empress, the sooner they could leave and return home.

"Little Star, don't stray too far from Auntie Mei, okay? Whatever happens, don't leave her out of your sight!" Young Master Tang reminded his twin sister.

"En. You don't have to remind me every time, Yu Gege." Little Star frowned at her brother. He was worrying too much!

As agreed, they parted ways and decided to meet each other in an hour. If they still couldn't find a gift for Tang Moyu, then they would need to go and check another shopping mall next time.

Little Star held her Auntie Mei's hand as they looked around in the first gift shop they saw on the fifth floor, but nothing caught the little girl's attention. There were so many huge teddy bears and cute things that her mommy wouldn't be interested in it.

Finding a gift was such a pain in the b.u.t.t. Li Meili thought. Perhaps she and the little buns should do something personal instead of buying one. After failing to find what they needed after searching in several stores, Li Meili and Little Star ended up inside the department store of the shopping mall.

Li Meili failed to notice that the girl with her had strayed a little far away while she was busy checking the items on the shelves. Little Star had wandered on her own, curiously checking the cute display on the other side of the aisle. She was so engrossed in her own version of window shopping that she didn't notice a man standing next to her, and bump into his leg.

"Oww…" Little Star fell on her b.u.t.t and looked up.

The man knelt down and helped her back on her feet and brushed away the dirt on her dress.

"I'm sorry, mister. I didn't see you there." Little Star then noticed how handsome this person was. He was as good looking as her daddy and her other uncles, but something about him attracted the girl.

"I should be the one who needs to apologize, Little Miss. I was the one who wasn't looking."

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