
Chapter 164 - The three Saints of humanity (2)

Chapter 164: The three Saints of humanity (2)

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1

In the black temple, the Invisible Tianma Saint King seems to noticed something was not right and began chanting something else.

『Pu luo wei mo po she ba ti, bo bi yuan bo, bo bing bei xun bo bi, bo bi mo bo xun!』

After this incantation, all the Tianma Enchantresses seemed to have received some sort of power, and they stabilized their bodies and once again floated in the air.

Countless Tianma Enchantresses filled the sky, as illusions of flowers and leaves covered them, making them look like fairies descended from heaven.

They once again surrounded the Great Monk of Sorrow, circling him, then turned into a swirling tornado that entraps the Great Monk of Sorrow.

Standing alone in space, the Great Monk of Sorrow droops his eyes, chanting the Dalani to protect himself.

Suddenly, the thousands of Tianma Enchantresses surrounding him chanted.

『Te li xi na, luo di na, luo jia ye』

Their combined incantation interrupted the Great Monk of Sorrow’s chanting.

Humanity’s camp was quite far away so they couldn’t hear it well, the effects it had were limited.

The demons who were hiding close to Demon Clouds River on the other hand, were writhing in pain, screaming from the chanting.

It was like they were being gnawed at by something, rolling on the ground trying to shake it off, but couldn’t do it no matter what.

Very quickly, those demons lost their lives.

But their bodies didn’t have a single wound.

The Tianma Enchantresses continued to chant.

“『Bo bei ye bo bei yu bo xun ye, te li xi na, luo di na, luo jia ye』

A black smoke rose from their bodies, concentrating on one spot in the air.

This black smoke seemed to be their concentrated essence, as the Tianma Enchantresses looked visibly exhausted after it left their bodies.

The black smoke swirled in the air and slowly started to form a shape, a dozen-feet-tall Tianma avatar. (1)

This demon avatar had three heads, on each of the heads was a different expression. One showed anguish, one showed hatred, while the final one showed pain.

The avatar had six arms, each of them held a strange looking weapon, as the weapons weren’t a solid shape but constantly shifting, one moment it was a sword, the next became a sledge hammer, then a halberd.

Holding the weapons, the avatar looked at the Great Monk of Sorrow, then moved towards him.

“Amitabha, demonic flames fill the sky, but what good will it do?” the Great Monk of Sorrow shook his head.

He closes his eyes again, suddenly clapped and spoke: “May my future reach the realm of Bodhi, my own light shines upon the countless despair of the world. I sacrifice my 32 great deeds and 80 trials to forge this solemn self, may all beings gains their feelings, not unlike me”

While he was chanting, the Great Monk of Sorrow’s body was already turned into a golden bright light, as an endless torrent of Buddhist chants filled the air.

Xuanyuan Tianzun sighed as he saw that, saying: “The old monk is getting serious”

Xie Dao Ling also nodded.

But the three-headed, six-armed avatar wasn’t stopped, it moved to and attacked the Great Monk of Sorrow.

Kling Clang!

The demon avatar was knocked back one step by the recoil.

While the Great Monk of Sorrow was covered in solid golden light, unscathed from top to bottom.

The demon avatar roared in anger and kept up its attacks on the Great Monk of Sorrow. Its attacks made sparks fly everywhere, but was unable to leave even a scratch on the Great Monk of Sorrow.

“Unbreakable Diamond” Xie Dao Ling praised.

The Great Monk of Sorrow kept his eyes closed and slowly circled around the three-headed, six-armed demon avatar.

Although he looked slow, the monk’s speed was extraordinarily fast, having already circled around the demon avatar once in the blink of an eye.

Wherever he walked, golden lotus flowers sprouted in the air, connecting into a circle.

After circling it once, the Great Monk of Sorrow stepped back.

Sweat beads as large as beans were rolling down from his head, his stature looked considerably exhausted, about to fall over at any time.

Then he made a seal with his hands, shouting: “Ohm! Ah! Hoong!”

The golden lotuses let out a bright golden barrier of light.

The demon avatar roared, wanting to move, but seems to hit something in the sky and forced to step back.

It immediately tried to rush forward again, once again hitting something and was forced back again.

The demon avatar turned to one side, flying towards another direction.

——-but it was once again forced back, unable to take even one step.

From all sides, no matter where or how it moved, it couldn’t escape the circle of golden lotuses drawn around itself.

“Drawn Grounded Prison” Xuanyuan Tianzun praised. (2)

Then the Great Monk of Sorrow made another hand seal, chanting: “Namo he luo da na luo ye ye namo ali ye po lu ji di shuo po luo ye suo po he”

The golden lotuses in the air bloomed, letting out a more intense golden light that reached all the way to the sky.

“Roaarrgggg!!” the demon avatar roared with agony.

Under the golden shower of light, all three of its head were like snow under the intense sun, very quickly melted into nothingness.

After that, the demon avatar’s weapons, arms and body also dissipated.

As soon as the demon avatar dissipated, the countless Tianma Enchantresses in the sky screamed in pain at the same time, black smoke surrounded their bodies.

In a matter of seconds, all the brilliant beautiful Enchantresses’ clothes and flesh melt away, turning into white skeletons with glowing lights of hatred in their eye sockets.

The skeletons were pushing, rushing each other to try and get back into the black temple.

“Let me help out the monk a little bit” Xuanyuan Tianzun noticed a problem, thus he took a yellow talisman in hand, lightly waving it.

The yellow talisman began to burn.

The flames started to take shape, as a Divine Phoenix spread its wings and flew out from the flame.


Xuanyuan Tianzun looked at the black temple and lit another yellow talisman on fire.

From the second burning talisman, a Divine Kirin made of flames jumped out and stepped on the air.


Xuanyuan Tianzun shouted, sending both the Phoenix and Kirin speeding towards the black temple.

“How could I possibly miss grabbing the snake by its head!” Bai Hua Fairy laughed and spoke. (3)

She also noticed that the Great Monk of Sorrow stood still in the air in such a crucial moment, obviously having used too much power to pursue.

The Buddhist’s Dalani is powerful, but the energy cost isn’t something a normal cultivator can just shrug off.

But this was a crucial moment that absolutely cannot be missed, otherwise the battle might take a turn for the worse.

Bai Hua Fairy quickly made a hand seal.

A giant phantom creature appeared in the sky, casting a giant shadow over the earth.

It was a 9-clawed Great Dragon, from head to toe it easily stretched over a few miles.

Metal Elemental Secret Art, [Great Dragon]!

“Go!” Bai Hua Fairy declared.

The Great Dragon moved with great vigor, swung its tail to propel itself towards the black temple.

In just a few moments, three Divine creatures had already made it to where the black temple was, about to descend and attack.

『Bo bei ye bo bei yu bo xun ye!』

The sound of Tianma chanting once again emits from inside the black temple.

As the chant finished, over a hundred thousand phantoms of weapons manifested: swords, blades, bows, crossbows, halberds, javelins, hooks, staves, maces, hammers, wheels, nets… too many to list them all. Each and every weapon was emitting a menacing blue glow.

The weapons seemed to have a will of their own, as they flew outwards and attacked the three Divine creatures.

And the Phoenix, Kirin and Great Dragon all seemed very cautious of these weapons, dodging their attacks on one side while blowing out flames to attack the black temple.

A blue-glowing hook connected with the Kirin then disappeared without a trace, taking with it half of the Kirin’s claw.


(1) Avatar: lit. Tianma Demon God, but that’s just bad naming convention, since the thing is nowhere near as strong as a god

(2) Drawn Grounded Prison: lit. drawing on the ground to make a prison.

(3) Grabbing the snake by its head: an idiom, meaning to strike the danger at its weakest point, also means to take advantage of the situation to profit off something/someone

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