
Chapter 173 - Elixir

?Chapter 173: Elixir

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1

“Hope?” Gu Qing Shan asked in confusion.

“That’s right, politics is politics, you can’t just do things as you like simply by being the President. There are too many gains and losses to consider, the good of the people is always put to one side. All the parties try to consider their own benefits first. An opposing party, no matter if it’s right or not, will always disagree first, there are so many shackles that tie me down ——but your methods, they have really showed me hope”

“You regard me too highly sir”

After a bit more chatting, the President went into the main subject: “Actually, there’s something I want to ask your opinion about”

“I’m all ears”

“I’m thinking about loosening the right of usage for the Genetic Optimization Elixir” after saying so, the President glanced over to check Gu Qing Shan’s expression.

“Martial artist potential enhancing drug? I have to say, this is a very wise choice” Gu Qing Shan rubbed his chin as he commented.

“Do you really think so?”

“Of course” Gu Qing Shan answered, “everyone should have an equal chance to obtain usage of Genetic Optimization, increasing their chance to become a Professionist”

“With the spread of Genetic Optimization Elixir, everyone will at least become a 1* martial artist, that way, when facing Man Eater Fiends, their chance of survival will increase, that’s a great thing”

The President continued: “But then there are people ——-you know who I’m talking about, they are worried that spreading Genetic Optimization will make society become loose, law and orders will be no more”

Gu Qing Shan answered: “The amount of Professionist in Fuxi Empire is 3 times ours, but the Empire is still thriving and powerful with no effects on law and order”

He continued: “If we’re talking about Genetic Optimization Elixir specifically, then we have the Martial Artist potential enhancing drug, Fuxi Empire has the Elementalist awakening drug, while the Holy Empire has the God’s Chosen awakening drug ——in order words, even if every single person in the Confederate uses the drug to modify their genetics, Confederate citizens aren’t even considered to have an advantage over any of the other two countries”

“Then why should we not do it?” he concluded.

“You mean; you’re supporting my decision?” the President asked for confirmation.

“Of course I’m supporting it, with how tense the current world situation is, this is a good thing for Confederate citizens as a whole ——–although the 9 Lords will probably not be too willing”

“Ignore them” the President gladly smiled, “there’s a United Nations conference meeting coming up, specifically to discuss this matter. At that time, many countries’ leaders will be there”

“Ah?” Gu Qing Shan was a bit intrigued, asking: “The other countries also want a hand in this?”

“They do, at that time, I want to ask you to make a speech”

“Me?” Gu Qing Shan was a bit shocked.

“That’s correct, right now, you’re no longer a secret ——-the inventor of the Blazing Angel, the one who discovered the Man Killer Fiend Virus. As a scientist, you are very well-known and your words carry a lot of weight right now” the President said.

“You really think so sir?”

“That’s right, Fuxi Empire’s emperor is a practical person, no matter what anyone else thinks, he’ll still listen seriously” the President said.

“If you’re able to gain his support, then this matter is as good as done”

Gu Qing Shan thought about it for a bit, then nodded: “Very well, Impartial Goddess please record the time and location, remind me when the time comes”

[Very well sir] Impartial Goddess answered.

The President stood up, extending a hand: “I’m very grateful for your help”

Gu Qing Shan also stood up and shook the President’s hand: “I’m honored”

The President took Gu Qing Shan all the way to the gate, talking while walking until they reached the small-sized shuttle.

After they left, a President’s secretary came into the room.

This was the President’s most loyal aide, he’s been following the President ever since before he won the election, taking care of numerous matters, a person that’s dubbed as “the President’s right hand”.

Everyone trusts him.

While staring at the door, he quickly took out a miniature glass bottle.

The cap was very quickly removed and the yellow liquid inside all got dumped into the President’s tea.

After the deed was done, no one has entered the room yet.

He sighed from relief, fixed his collar a bit and walked out of the office.

An hour later, Gu Qing Shan came to Zhang Ying Hao’s place.

This was a mansion built on top of a mountain, a single building without any other structures around it.

The mansion had everything, even a boxing ring.

Zhang Ying Hao had already received Impartial Goddess’ notification and was waiting for him at the door.

“You sure are relaxed, leaving the Man Killer Fiend brother to me while you happily ran away” Zhang Ying Hao was displeased.

“My bad, I had something else more important to do at the time” Gu Qing Shan smiled, “you two getting along fine?”

“If I had to say, Ye Fei Li isn’t that bad, but who’s this old guy that came afterwards?” Zhang Ying Hao pointed behind himself.

Gu Qing Shan looked over his shoulder into the room.

Liao Xing was sitting on the sofa, holding a pipe in one hand and a beer in another, staring intensely at the projection screen on the wall.

On it was an idol drama that’s been popular this year.

“Ah, just look at that chick, her body is so fine, I gotta find a chance and take her in” he muttered.

Gu Qing Shan patted Zhang Ying Hao on the shoulder, answering: “An old pervert, but quite reliable when it comes to scientific research, you don’t need to take notice of him too much”

“Fine then” Zhang Ying Hao spoke, “I already helped you with winning over the No.1 Man Killer Fiend in the world, so you’ve got to help me a bit”

“What is it?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“So I did something a few days ago” Zhang Ying Hao replied.


“…It’s kind of hard to say” Zhang Ying Hao was frowning hesitantly.

“If you’re not gonna say it, I’ll leave” Gu Qing Shan headed inside.

“Fine then, fine then, I’ll speak it” Zhang Ying Hao quickly pulled Gu Qing Shan back and began to speak.

“Hm —-you know about my God’s Chosen Skill, the black cat”

“I know, to look for things, very useful”

“Recently, the world situation hasn’t been well, so my old man is nervous about my personal relationships and rushed me to find someone”

“And then?”

“So out of boredom, I called the black cat out”

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised: “You used the black cat to find someone?”

“That’s right, I originally only wanted to relieve some boredom, so I spoke about finding a girlfriend, the black cat instantly ran outside, so I can’t help but follow it ——-it’ll get angry if I don’t”

“So you followed the black cat, and found the lover of your dreams?” Gu Qing Shan was even more surprised.

Gu Qing Shan arranged his words carefully and said: “Listen, God’s Chosen Skills sometimes aren’t very trustworthy, you don’t have to —-“

Then he saw the look on Zhang Ying Hao’s face and shut up.

Zhang Ying Hao was smiling ever so slightly, his eyes blurred, as if staring at some sort of a faraway place.

“I already knew about her, but it was the first time I ever saw her in person” he muttered in a low voice.

Recalling the scene at the time, he cleared his throat: “She’s not really a dream lover, just, love at first sight, yeah, love at first sight”

“Then just go and court her, what does this have to do with me?” Gu Qing Shan asked, confused.

“The problem is that it’s a bit hard” Zhang Ying Hao sighed.

“With the power of your Zhang family, what problem could possibly be hard” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“It’s because the 9 Lords and her father don’t really get along well, but your relationship with her father is, that I need your help”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Just bring me along to meet with her father first, to change his impression of me”

Gu Qing Shan smiled mischievously: “You keep being mysterious, who is it really?”

“The President’s daughter”

“…So that’s why”

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit, then said: “That’s fine, I’ll be joining a United Nations conference later on. At that time, I’ll just bring you with me and introduce you to the President”

“Nice!” Zhang Ying Hao happily exclaimed and put his hand over Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder: “What a brother you are indeed!”

Right then, the gate opened.

Turning around to look, they saw Ye Fei Li was retracting his bone wings and landed on the ground.

His body was covered in scratches and slash marks, but all the wounds had clearly been dealt with, not bleeding anymore.

Impartial Goddess’ voice came from a Holo-Brain: [The Plague Man Killer Fiend has been eliminated by Ye Fei Li]

“Thank you” Gu Qing Shan smiled as he spoke.

“Nothing to it, I can evolve quicker from killing it, not to mention Impartial Goddess is there to heal and help me”

After saying so, Ye Fei Li suddenly looked surprised, and stared at Gu Qing Shan.

“You became stronger” He said.

“You as well” Gu Qing Shan replied.

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